Art Journal with the Moon to Plan and Vision the Year Ahead "*" indicates required fields Your Name* First Last Your Email* 1. Thank you again for joining Art Journal with the Moon to Plan and Vision the Year Ahead. Please share what you are most looking forward to in the class.*2. What is one thing you would LOVE for me to include in this class?3. Do you have any questions for me before the class begins?4. What drew you to this course?5. Please add any other comments you wish to make before we begin our adventure together:If you feel comfortable with it, do you mind sharing your birth date information? This includes the day you were born, the time you were born, the year and the location of your birth. Only share your information if you are comfortable with me talking about your moon information in one of the videos for everyone in the class (I will refer to everyone's chart anonymously meaning I won't use your last name or reveal whose birth chart I'm talking about other than using your first name but I thought it might be nice to touch on some personal moon dates to look forward to in 2024 if I can.) CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ