
A Spiritual Art Ritual for Quieting the Inner Critic

This is a great art ritual to enjoy when the new moon is in the sign of Gemini.  A Gemini new moon day is a great time to think about the moments in your life you listened to your inner critic instead of your inner wisdom. Your inner critic isn’t your enemy. She usually shows…


A Spiritual Art Ritual for Saying Yes to Your Dreams

This is a great art ritual to enjoy when the moon is in the sign of Sagittarius.  A Sagittarius moon day is a great time to think about your dreams and the direction you’d like your life to go in the future. It’s also a great day to take carefully considered risks. Risks require you…


A Spiritual Art Ritual for Releasing an Emotional Trigger

This is a great ritual to enjoy during a full moon or when the moon is in Scorpio. Better yet, try it when both are happening and the full moon is in Scorpio. When the moon is in Scorpio, you can feel more easily triggered by situations or relationships. Instead of reacting in an unhelpful…


A Spiritual Art Ritual for Building Your Relationship with Spirit

This is a great ritual to enjoy when the moon is in Libra. Libra is a sign that invites reflection on relationships but I like to imagine this includes my relationship with Spirit or the Divine – not just love or family and friend relationships. Reflect I consider my relationship with my angels and Spirit…

Beginner's Guide to Animal Magic

A Beginner’s Guide to Working with Animal Magic

How do you work with animal magic? This is a question I recently asked myself. The first step, for me, was connecting with animal spirits.  This is the story of the spirit of an animal appearing before me and how I figured out the message she wanted to share with me. If you’re like me…


hi i'm dana...


This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.


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