You’re Invited To Intuitive Answers for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs

Monday, September 13, 2021

7:00 – 8:30 pm MT

Full and new moon journal pages and healing for the subconscious mind-

Hi. I’m Dana da Ponte. I use art, Spirit, and the MAP Method to help deep feelers and creative entrepreneurs clear their subconscious blocks and work with the magic of the moon to make the changes in their life and business that they want to make.

Do you have questions about your healing, coaching or creative business that you’d love to get another entrepreneur’s intuitive perspective on?

Type your question or concern in the form below and bring it with you to this session. I’ll choose several questions to answer and provide you with my intuitive insights. I’ll do my best to get you to a place of clarity so you can take the next indicated step in your business with confidence.

My intention is to provide you with insights that will bring you the best results for your business in the shortest amount of time possible and with the most amount of peace and grace possible.

Don’t worry, if your question isn’t one of the questions chosen and you don’t get to seat in the ‘hot seat’ with me, I will lead us all through an intuitive exercise so we all get a chance to receive insight where our business needs it most. Plus, I suspect the insight that comes for someone else will be highly relevant to you too.

P.S. I will also be sharing details on my upcoming support circle, the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs Club which begins on Tuesday, September 14th. Why aren’t you registered yet? You can read about that here.
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If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at [email protected].

Thank you and I look forward to venturing into the spirit realms with you,

Dana da Ponte



You are free to join Intuitive Answers for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs, however registration is required. Register by entering your name and email and answering the question in the form below.

I strive to create emotionally safe spaces and although everyone is welcome, I have a zero tolerance policy around unsafe and unkind behavior.

**IMPORTANT: This is a live experience. You can sign in and enjoy the intuitive journey from the comforts of your own home. The gatherings are held in my private online Zoom meeting room. These gatherings are NOT shared with you later. You must attend live to participate.