Congratulations! You have registered for the next Intuitive Answers for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs
Intuitive Answers Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs
You are invited to join me in my online meeting space:
- When: Monday, September 13, 2021 7:00 – 8:30 pm Mountain Time (US and Canada)
- Please click the link below to join the webinar:
- Or iPhone one-tap (Canada Toll): +16475580588,,6261332514#
- Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 647 558 0588 (Canada Toll) - International numbers available:
- Webinar ID: 626 133 2514
About Dana’s free Intuitive Answers for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs
In this free session, I choose several questions to answer and provide you with my intuitive insights about your business. I’ll do my best to get you to a place of clarity so you can take the next indicated step in your business with confidence. I will also share details about my upcoming Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs Club that begins on September 14th, 2021. You are free to join Intuitive Answers for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs, however registration is required and sessions are NOT recorded so live attendance is necessary.