Confidentiality Agreement

The conversations that we have within our Intuitive Support Program and Sessions are confidential and will be protected as such. Certain topics may be anonymously shared for instruction and/or teaching purposes. Specific information will be shared outside of our sessions only with your written consent or in the event that a Court Judge demands it, however, the following are instances where I would be obliged by law to break our confidentiality agreement without your permission.

  • If it is assessed during your participation in Intuitive Support that abuse or neglect of children or elders is occurring.
  • If in my presence you threaten to kill or harm another individual, and I am convinced that you will act on this threat, or that you may lose control of your actions.
  • If at any time during the course of our sessions, I determine that you are a danger to yourself, I will inform you of that opinion and make every effort to keep you from endangering your life. In some cases, this may include notifying the police or family members.

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I have read the statements above and I understand and agree with the points contained therein:**
Your Name*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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