Work With Dana da Ponte

Are you dedicated to becoming a more peaceful and loving person?
So am I.

For 15 years I’ve been using the challenges I face in my relationships, my body image, my health and my parenting as a way to awaken and become a human who remembers her divinity and is devoted to being love.  I’m not perfect at it. I have moments when I get it and others when I feel like I’m a spiritual Neanderthal but I’m so dedicated to keep trying.

for-work-with-dana-da-ponte-2And I love supporting other people who also aspire to use the challenges they face in their everyday life as a spiritual practice.

A few years ago, I co-developed a unique therapeutic approach. It uses the emotions as a gateway to the divine. It’s a very simple practice but it isn’t always easy to apply because it challenges our conditioned thinking…those pesky beliefs that are connected to our deepest wounds. And let’s face it. Most of us have been trying to avoid our tender wounds since that fateful moment in time when they were created.

But I believe all of our problems – from wanting more passion in our marriages to becoming better parents to healing the wounds of divorce or obsessively wanting to lose weight – have the same cause: our faulty belief that we are separate from God* and ultimately, this is our deepest wound.

That sounds like esoteric or even generic language, I know, but I believe Joyce and I found a way to make accessing our divinity – and feeling more peaceful – practical and easily practice-able.


It comes down to learning to decode emotional needs.

That understanding ultimately led to the creation of ADIGI Therapy which is the foundation of my Intuitive Therapy practice and the online courses I create for mothers of daughters.

*Please know that I use the word God differently than a Sunday school teacher might.

I could also use the words Oneness, Love, Spirit, The Universe, Source , Divine Mother– and sometimes do – but I like God because it’s a name. It feels more personal to me, more intimate. Like calling me Dana instead of Woman.

The God I believe in is all-loving, all-compassionate, all-benevolent. If you’d prefer a different name (depending on upbringings, for some of us, “God” can be triggering), I’m happy to avoid the G-word. Just ask.

If from time to time you also struggle with applying your spiritual wisdom, my arms are open to you.

Here’s How We Can Work Together:

My art and intuitive therapy practice includes:


Become the Mother You Always Wanted - a course with Dana da Ponte

Join a safe and supportive circle of women, committed to becoming the best mothers they can be.

My next courses to support women at different stages of motherhood:

  • Raising Babies With Love: Six Essential Lessons to Heal the Past and Raise an Emotionally Nourished Baby… Learn more ☞

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