A Spiritual Art Ritual for Building Your Relationship with Spirit
This is a great ritual to enjoy when the moon is in Libra. Libra is a sign that invites reflection on relationships but I like to imagine this includes my relationship with Spirit or the Divine – not just love or family and friend relationships.
I consider my relationship with my angels and Spirit Guides and with Divine Mother, God and the life force that live in all things as important as all the other relationships in my life. For this reason, I think spending time reflecting on the relationship, the thoughts and beliefs I carry into it and the experiences I desire from it is important.
There are so many messages we receive in our culture and religions that can frighten us or create barriers that prevent us from feeling comfortable communicating with spirit. If you can’t communicate in a relationship or hear what the other person is trying to communicate with you, how strong will that relationship be?
In this spiritual art ritual, you are invited to think about what your relationship with Spirit and the Divine has been like in the past, what it is like now and how you would like it to be in the future. Many of us have experienced beliefs that hinder our connection to Spirit, the Divine and the spiritual energy living in all things. If you struggle with fears and doubt, identify what those fears and doubts are then think about which beliefs would be more helpful to you.
After you have created sacred space, cleared the energy and invited Spirit to join you for the art ritual, draw a candle with imagery that captures your gratitude for how Spirit and the Divine has supported you already and imagery that represents the direction you’d like your relationship with Spirit and the Divine to grow.
In the video below, I drew a tree because I am so grateful for how dependable Spirit is and how often I can turn to the earth, the trees, the moon, my angels and all that is Divine. They never falter. They are always there when I need them.
I drew a sun and moon because in the future I want to continue feeling their presence day and night. And I included the words “Surrender” and “Trust” because I’d like to be able to do that more frequently.
If you end up completing this spiritual art ritual, I’d love to see what you created. You can even post the finished piece on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #danasartrituals or email me at [email protected] and share with me how it went for you.
with love,
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This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.
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