Art Journal with the Moon August 8-14, 2022
This is a summary of the moon’s energy for the upcoming week and the inner work and magic you can do in your art journal to make the most of the opportunities the cosmos is gifting us with.
Every week the emotional and magical opportunities the moon is sending you are different because the energy she is drawing down from the planets and stars changes moment to moment. Planets and stars and moon phases and moon signs each carry their own unique energy .This is my weekly update (Mon-Fri) of the moon’s comings and goings to support you in aligning with her energy.
Get your art journal or a scrap of paper you see lying around, your art supplies or those pencil crayons you have hidden away somewhere and have fun. Spend 10 – 20 minutes focusing on the themes the moon is supporting you to explore that day while you play with colors and shapes and watch what happens over time.
It’s amazing what a little consistent creative time can do.
A Summary
Last week the astrological energy triggered feelings of frustration, annoyance and anger. Depending on your relationship to the energy, you might have felt it or noticed that it was a bit of a challenging week.
This week we’re building up to a full moon and the energy continues to carry some of that same tense flavor but by Sunday things seem to head into a lighter direction.
When I hear that the energy the moon is drawing down to us is more tense or challenging than usual, I see it as an opportunity to be more diligent with my inner work. I think we’ve been conditioned to view these challenging times as negative or unwelcome but to me, they’re a little more like growing pains.
Okay, don’t get me wrong, I don’t always feel that way but when I can I search for the opportunity for healing and growth. I’m an optimist like that. And opportunities for growth are GREAT places to art journal with the moon or work with the MAP Method.
There are memories that cause the body, heart or mind to forget how sacred and precious they are. Sometimes these memories are challenging. Sometimes they are horrific. Often they are traumatic. Its these memories you carry that get triggered when the moon is reflecting tense energy your way.
Bodies get bogged down by memories. It is one thing to experience something atrocious and harrowing but quite another for it to continue to live in your system and affect your body, your decisions and your relationships.
It’s also quite another thing for it to live on after you have passed, which I believe it can.
Memories live on. They can be passed down from one generation to the next. They are living things that I want to help you tend to – that’s why we MAP Your Mornings.
The body, heart, mind and Spirit share one system but this one system is not always in agreement with itself. This one system can have parts that are afraid to come into agreement with the whole or with your true self. This is the work we do together. We gather the parts and the memories they carry and invite your subconscious mind to join them in love and unity. Love and unity naturally causes energy to flow. When one part falls into agreement, all remaining parts witness the loving conversation and benefit.
It is my hope that as you art journal with the moon or listen to this week’s MAP Your Mornings episodes your subconscious mind will gather all your scared and stranded parts and welcome them home.
Today the moon is in the gibbous phase. This moon phase is when the moon seems almost full. In the creation process, it’s a great time to clear any trapped emotions or energy so that all parts of you, even the hidden wounded subconscious parts, are on board with your goals.
The moon starts the day off in the sign of Sagittarius. The moon is void of course from the early morning to the early afternoon in the mountain time zone. The moon moves into the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn later in the day.
The moon is also in a tense relationship with Neptune today.
In this tense relationship with the moon, Neptune can cause you to blur the line between your experience and someone else’s – which for empaths and highly sensitive people means you might be more prone to absorb other people’s feelings today, so much so that you get confused about what is yours to carry and what was never yours to never pick up in the first place. It’s a good day to protect your energy field.
In your art journal, draw what it looks like to you to have your energy field protected.
For those of you who have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Monday morning we work with the waxing gibbous phase and in the sign of Sagittarius for the early morning in the mountain time zone then it is void of course until the early afternoon after which it moves to the sign of Capricorn. We tend to that moon phase and sign energy as well as the moon void of course energy and the tense relationship its having with Neptune.
The other energy from the cosmos we’re going to use to help our subconscious mind tend to our lost or young parts is the challenging relationship Venus is having with Pluto and Mars is having with Saturn.
Finally, we magnetize the happy energy the Sun is creating with its relationship with Chiron and the dreamy energy Venus is creating with Neptune. We’re going to end our journey by using the energy of the star Sirius to fuel your new moon intention with power and magic for one last time since today that energy is at its peak.
Today the moon is still the gibbous phase and in the earth sign of Capricorn today. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn so the moon is carrying a little of that planet’s energy as well today.
Think about your inner parts – whether they are parts that are younger or past life parts or ancestral parts and be curious for a moment. Which of your inner parts might be triggered by Capricorn energy?
Do you have parts that struggle with discipline?
Do you have inner parts that felt emotionally restrained in the past when they actually wanted to speak up and express themselves?
Do you have parts that feel deflated when they have to be practical or pragmatic?
In your art journal, play with the idea of a mosaic – parts that come together to make something whole and beautiful.
If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Tuesday morning we work with the MAP Method and ask your subconscious mind if there’s anything to clear in your subconscious realm around waxing gibbous phase and the sign of Capricorn. We also tend to the tense relationship the moon is having with Jupiter and the happy relationship it is having with Mercury and Uranus.
The other energy from the cosmos we use to help your subconscious mind tend to your lost or young parts is the challenging relationship Venus is having with Pluto. We end our journey by magnetizing the helpful energy the Sun is bringing with its happy relationship to Chiron.
Today the moon is almost full. The moon starts off the day in the earthy sign of Capricorn then the moon is void of course for a brief period of time then it moves into the sign of Aquarius where it will be for the full moon tomorrow.
The moon is in an opposing relationship with Venus today.
Do you have inner parts that struggle with loneliness?
Do you have parts that have sacrificed your boundaries or your emotional needs in order to be accepted or loved by someone else?
Ask all your inner parts that feel like they had to sacrifice what is good for them in order to be loved or accepted to step forward as you play in your art journal. While you play with colors and shapes, imagine your superconscious mind is releasing what no longer serves you.
In your art journal, explore what loving and accepting yourself means to you.
If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Wednesday morning the moon is still in the waxing gibbous phase and in the sign of Capricorn for the early morning in the mountain time zone then it is void of course for a very short amount of time after which it moves to the sign of Aquarius.
We tend to that moon phase and sign energy as well as the moon void of course energy and the opposing relationship it is having with Venus, the intense relationship its having with Pluto and the happy relationship its having with Mars.
The other energy from the cosmos we use to help your subconscious mind tend to your lost or young parts is the challenging relationship the sun is having with Uranus.
It’s a full super moon in Aquarius!
One thing that’s helpful to remember about the full moon is that it is reflecting light from the sun. The sun is currently in the sign of Leo – which, if you remember, is where the new moon was when you made your new moon intentions.
Think of the moon as a big bowl that receives light and energy from the sun and reflects it down to us. According to the astrologers I follow, the energy it is scooping up from the sun then reflecting back to us is energy that asks you to stop a behavior that isn’t working and change it. It’s also energy that might bring unexpected things or, in other words, surprises. If it’s a welcome surprise, celebrate it. If it’s not a welcome surprise, be open and curious and use it as an opportunity to get to know yourself better.
At the time of the new moon, I asked you to consider the area of your life the sign of Leo was affecting. Look back at that blog post or that email (if you’re on my mailing list) if you can’t remember. Astrologically speaking, the new and full moon in a lunar cycle are dancing between two zodiac signs. That’s because when it’s a new moon, the moon is between the sun and the earth so the moon and the sun are in the same constellation of stars as the sun or, in other words, the same zodiac sign as the sun. During a full moon, the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun so it’s in the constellation of stars (zodiac sign) that is across from where the sun is.
If you would like to see what I’m talking about in action, you might enjoy this moon phase refresher on YouTube.
As I stated, the new moon was in Leo so you set your new moon intentions in Leo energy but the full moon is in Aquarius so we can add that energy to the mix now as well. For now, think about your new moon intentions and imagine the Leo new moon intentions you made are shining light onto this Aquarius full moon and making it big and bright.
To work with the moon in the same way I do, you need to know your rising sign.
If you don’t know your rising sign (its different than your sun or moon sign), then you can read more about it here and you can calculate what it is here.
According to your rising sign, the full moon is activating a different area of your life then the new moon was but it’s very helpful to imagine those two areas of your life supporting each other to help you manifest your new moon intentions so ask yourself how the area of your life that the full moon is activating now is supporting the new moon intentions you made a couple weeks ago.
For me, the new moon was inviting me to set intentions around the area of my life involving communication, the goddess, siblings and earth-based rituals and the full moon is bringing illumination to the area of my life that has to do with spirituality, faith, higher education, international travel, publishing or future success.
To me, this means that during this full moon I have the opportunity to release and let go of fears or limiting beliefs or tend to inner parts that are somehow related to spirituality, faither, higher education, international travel, publishing or future success to support the new moon intentions I set around communicate, the goddess, my siblings or earth-based rituals.
To help you understand how to best use your full moon energy, fill in the blanks in the following sentence:
I have the opportunity to release and let go of fears and limiting beliefs that are related to ______________________________ (the area of life the full moon is highlighting for you based on your rising sign) in order to support the new moon intentions I set around ______________________________________________ (the area of life your new moon intentions were highlighting based on your rising sign which I explain in this blog post).
If your rising sign is in the sign of Aries, then the full moon is inviting you to release and let go of something around your friendships, community and your hopes and wishes. At the new moon, you set intentions around your children, hobbies, pleasure or creativity so bring those two areas of your life together with the full moon and ask yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around friendships, community or my hopes and wishes in order to support the intentions I set at the new moon around children, hobbies, pleasure or my creativity?”
If your rising sign is in the sign of Taurus, the full moon is inviting you to release and let go of something in your career, reputation or ideas of success. At the new moon, you set intentions around your family, ancestors, home or living situation so bring those two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, ‘What do I need to clear or release around my career, reputation or ideas of success in order to support the intentions I made at the new moon for my family, ancestors or home?”
For Gemini rising sign people like me, the full moon is inviting you to release and let go of something in faith, spiritual practices, long-distance travel or future success. At the new moon, you set intentions around learning, communication, siblings, the goddess or earth-based rituals so bring those two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around my faith, spiritual practices, long-distance travel or future success to support the intentions I made at the new moon for my learning, communication, or earth-based rituals?”
If your rising sign is in the sign of Cancer, the full moon is inviting you to release and let go of something in your psyche or in the area of your life of debt and taxes. At the new moon, you set intentions around money, income or your livelihood so bring these two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around my psyche, debt or taxes to support the intentions I made at the new moon for my money, income or livelihood?”
For Leo rising sign people, the full moon is inviting you to release and let go of something around your routines, work, pets or wellness. At the new moon, you set intentions around your subconscious mind or shadow work so bring those two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around my routines, work, pets or wellness to support the intentions I made at the new moon for my subconscious mind or deep inner shadow work?”
For Virgo people, the full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something to do with your close, intimate relationships or partnerships. At the new moon, you set intentions around your identity, body, appearance or your spirit so bring these two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around my marriage, intimate relationships or partnerships to support the intentions I made at the new moon for my body, spirit, appearance or identity?”
If you rising sign is in the sign of Libra, the full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something to do with your children, hobbies, pleasures or creativity. At the new moon your set intentions around friendships, community or your hopes and wishes so bring those two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear and release around my children, hobbies, pleasures or creativity in order to support the intentions I made at the new moon for my friendships, community or hopes and wishes?”
For Scorpio people, the full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something to do with family, your ancestors or your home and living situation. At the new moon you set your intentions around career, reputation or ideas of success so bring those two areas of your life together by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear and release around my family, ancestors, home or living situation in order to support the intentions I made at the new moon for my career, reputation or ideas of success?”
For Sagittarius people, the full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something to do with learning, communication, siblings, the goddess or earth-based rituals. At the new moon you set intentions around your faith, spiritual practices, long-distance travel or your future success so bring those two areas of your life together by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around learning, communication, my siblings, my relationship with the goddess or earth-based rituals in order to support the intentions I made at the new moon for my faith, spiritual practices, long-distance travel or future success?”
If your rising sign is in the sign of Capricorn, the full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something in regards to money, income or your livelihood. At the new moon, you set intentions around your psyche, debt or taxes so bring those two areas of your life together by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around money, income or my livelihood in order to support my intentions around my psyche, debt or taxes?”
For Aquarius rising sign people, the full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something in regards to your identity, body, appearance or your spirit. At the new moon, you set intentions around your marriage or close intimate relationships or partnerships so bring those two areas of your life together by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around my identity, body, appearance or spirit in order to support the intentions I made at the new moon for my marriage, close intimate relationship or partnership?”
Finally, for those of you with Pisces as your rising sign, the full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something around your subconscious mind or deep inner shadow work. At the new moon, you set intentions around your routines, work, pets or wellness so bring those two areas of your life together at the full moon and ask yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around my subconscious mind or inner shadows in order to support the intentions I made at the new moon for my routines, work, pets or wellness?”
All of this release and standing in your power is happening in the energy of Aquarius which is helpful for emotional cleansing and transforming your inner landscape. Aquarius energy says you have the power to change how you feel. We all carry memories with emotional imprints and not all of these memories serve us. Some of them hold us back because they’re trying to protect us.
During this full moon do some self-reflection and get curious. Which parts of you are afraid of your new moon intentions coming true? Do you have inner parts that need to be reassured or tended to before they feel safe enough to get on board with you and your new moon intentions?
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn so the full moon is bringing a little of that planet’s energy as well plus both the full moon and Saturn are hanging out in Aquarius right now so that just amplifies the energy of Saturn even more.
Saturn teaches us about responsibility and its lessons aren’t always easy but if you take responsibility for yourself and do your inner work and face your shadows, Saturn helps you achieve things you only dreamed of. Saturn does bring tense feeling energy however so don’t be surprised if this full moon feels a little heavier or tense than you’d like it to.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage what you would like to release in this full moon energy or how you would like to stand in your power in this full moon energy.
If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Thursday morning we work with the MAP Method and ask your subconscious mind to invite all your inner parts to do the emotional and spiritual work they need to clear anything you need tended to around your full moon intentions.
The moon is still in the full moon phase but the moon is in the sign of Aquarius for the wee early morning hours after which it goes void of course until early afternoon. Later in the day it moves into the sign of Pisces.
The moon is at its peak energy and full potential which can mirror that same thing for you and your spirit. You can use this heightened energy to come into your full power as well.
Explore your inner parts that are uncomfortable with standing in your power.
Do you remember a time in your life when you weren’t allowed to stand in your power?
Do you remember a time when you felt uncomfortable with really good things happening to you?
In your art journal draw, paint or collage what it feels like to stand in your power.
If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Friday morning we work with the MAP Method to clear anything you need cleared around the full moon, the sign of Aquarius, the moon void of course and the sign of Pisces.
We tend to all that energy as well as the tense energy the moon is reflecting from its difficult relationship with Mars. We’re also going to magnetize the harmonious energy Venus is bringing as it moves into the sign of Leo.
Join Me
If you are ready to enhance your alignment with the moon and rewire your brain at the same time, check out the Moon Mapping Year. When you subscribe, you now receive the MAP Your Mornings private podcast as a BONUS. MAP Your Mornings is where I align with the moon’s energy for the day and use the MAP Method to teach your subconscious mind how to rewire your brain. Every morning (Mon-Fri), we work with the MAP Method AND the emotional and spiritual themes the moon and the planets and stars are supporting us with to rewire your brain and help you manifest the changes you most want to see in your life.
with love,
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hi i'm dana...
This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.
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