Art Journal with the Moon for August 14-20, 2023
This is a summary of the moon’s energy for the upcoming week and the inner work and magic you can do in your art journal to make the most of the opportunities the cosmos is gifting us with.
Every week the emotional and magical opportunities the moon is sending you are different because the energy she is drawing down from the planets and stars changes moment to moment. Planets and stars and moon phases and moon signs each carry their own unique energy. This is my weekly update of the moon’s comings and goings to support you in aligning with her energy.
Get your art journal or a scrap of paper you see lying around, your art supplies or those pencil crayons you have hidden away somewhere and have fun. Spend 10 – 20 minutes focusing on the themes the moon is supporting you to explore that day while you play with colors and shapes and watch what happens over time.
It’s amazing what a little consistent creative time can do.
Express Your True Self with the New Moon in Leo
We greet another new moon this week. This time the new moon is in the sign of Leo.
Leo energy wants to help us feel confident, empowered and like the hero in our own lives. It is ruled by the sun and supports us in shining our light. Mercury was in the sign of Leo last month and Venus has been retrograde in the sign of Leo for a while now so this particular house in your birth chart has received a lot of focus and attention this summer.
What have you noticed about being the leader in your own life?
How have you felt about shining your light and sharing your gifts with others?
Leo’s influence strengthens our self-confidence, giving us the courage to express ourselves fully. Imagine expressing yourself fully in your work and relationships. It may feel like a foreign concept.
Is the experience of stopping yourself from voicing your true feelings and needs more familiar?
Maybe it’s because you are more worried about how other people will react than you are about taking care of yourself. Maybe it’s because you struggle to know what your feelings or needs are in the moment.
If this is the case, you probably also struggle with being the leader in your own life.
Do you do what you want to do, say what you need to say and make decisions from an empowered place? Or are you often swayed by other people’s moods and opinions or external expectations?
Being a highly sensitive person carries some great superpowers like the ability to feel emotions with depth and nuance, a creative mind, a big, compassionate heart and a strong intuition. But when faced with situations that require confidence—whether it’s voicing an opinion, setting boundaries, or stepping into leadership roles – we can manifest a sudden and inexplicable lack of self-assurance and a nagging inner critic that makes us feel small, vulnerable and invalidated.
Confidence does not come easy!
Especially if you also lived through difficult childhood experiences, carry a history or trauma or if, during your formative years, your emotional needs were frequently overlooked or invalidated.
If you’ve followed me for a while, you know I tend to view my inner world as a collection of parts, much like they describe in Internal Family Systems. Each part has its unique role and perspective. These parts can be younger parts, past life parts or generational parts. They represent various emotional states, reactions, and patterns from my past. For the HSP, like me, who wasn’t emotionally supported in their youth, certain parts—often representing your younger selves—might hold onto intense feelings of inadequacy, fear, or self-doubt.
Imagine yourself as a young child, hypersensitive to the emotional currents of your environment, trying to navigate a world where your feelings are often dismissed or overlooked. Feeling out of place and overwhelmed, you may internalize beliefs about your own worthlessness or the perceived danger of expressing your true feelings and needs. As you grow into an adult, these beliefs don’t just vanish. Instead, they remain as inner parts, trapped in time, carrying the pain, fear, and insecurities of those early years.
These younger inner parts can be incredibly influential, even in your adulthood. When faced with situations that require confidence—whether it’s voicing an opinion, setting boundaries, or stepping into leadership roles—the memories and emotions held by these parts can surge to the forefront. This can manifest as a sudden and inexplicable lack of self-assurance, a nagging inner critic, or even a full-blown emotional flashback to a time when you felt small, vulnerable, and invalidated.
I believe recognizing and tending to these younger parts is essential.
It’s not merely about developing confidence in the traditional sense but about reconciling with and nurturing those inner fragments that never felt safe or seen. When you feel insecure, unworthy or worthless, you can compassionately communicate with these parts, understand their fears, and reassure them. It’s about providing the emotional attunement your inner parts were starved of in the past. When you do, voicing your true feelings and needs, setting boundaries and being the leader in your own life becomes less scary.
I’m not going to lie. It takes work. Tending to my inner parts requires mindfulness and the willingness to look inward, get curious and carve time out of my life to give my younger parts the emotional attunement they never received. I often tell my husband taking care of my MCAS body and its never-ending needs and my inner parts and their sensitive needs is like taking care of a baby. It’s a lot of work! But it’s work that nobody did for me when I was young. I refuse to neglect myself in the same ways I was neglected in the past.
I was listening to a podcast on my walk, as I’m apt to do, and this man described how he never felt like an imposter before. He lived his entire life without ever feeling like an imposter! Can you imagine that? I think my jaw literally dropped open. Whether it did or not, I’m sure the trees saw my WTF look on my face. I didn’t even know never feeling like an imposter was possible. The man speaking was a wealthy, white male in America so I shouldn’t be surprised – but I was! Surprised and jealous. I want to know what it feels like to live with confidence and self-assuredness. I have moments but it is definitely not my norm. I’m riddled with emotionally neglected, traumatized parts. It’s a circus in here sometimes.
But I don’t want my scared or wounded inner parts to drive this bus.
I might not always feel confident or empowered but I’m sure as shit not going to let my scared, neglected parts make the important decisions in my life and relationships anymore. Or at least, I’m going to try my best to tend to the needs of my inner parts until they become quiet enough for me to hear my true self then I can make my decisions from a place of empowerment. This is the goal I strive for anyway.
Typically, the new moon is a great time to plant seeds of intentions. In the creation process, it’s the time to set clear and heartfelt goals for what you wish to manifest. Whether it’s a new project, personal transformation, or an intention for healing, you can use the energy of the new moon to communicate your desires to the cosmos.
During this new moon, I encourage you to drop into your heart and listen. How does your true self want to show up in the world? What seeds of intention can you plant during this new moon that reflect the expression of your true self?
Then, spend a moment asking all your inner parts if they are on board with your new moon intentions. Do they feel safe going in the direction your true self wants to go or do they need a little tending to?
Don’t forget, if you’re on my email list, access to the last Creative Moon Cycle Guide will be delivered to your inbox to help you work with this new moon. But be aware, after this month, my Creative Moon Cycle Guides will no longer be available as a gift. You will still be able to access them in my online Art Journal with the Moon courses though so keep an eye out for those. I plan on filling those with so much magical goodness that you’ll be over the moon excited to join me.
Today the moon enters the sign of Leo.
Leo, a fixed fire sign, is ruled by the sun. When the moon enters Leo, it highlights a bit more of the sun’s radiant energy. Imagine the moon, our celestial reflector of emotions, soaking in the sun’s undying luminosity and bringing forth feelings of loyalty, warmth, optimism, and solid power. This is the core of Leo energy. It beckons you to shine your light unapologetically, to bask in the warmth of your inner worth, and to confidently project your unique essence into the world.
Let’s channel this Leo moon energy into our art journals. Begin by thinking of your inner light – that undying spark within you that remains radiant regardless of life’s ups and downs. This is your core, forever glowing, forever worthy of love, respect, and all things good.
On a blank page, start by drawing or painting a representation of this light. It could be a simple flame, a radiant sun, a luminous gem, or anything that symbolizes your inner brilliance. As you create this representation, visualize your light growing brighter and more powerful, pulling in positivity, opportunities, and goodness.
As Leo’s energy encourages expressiveness and childlike playfulness, let your journaling be fun and judgment free. Use bold colors and vivid imagery. You might even want to incorporate glitter or gold foil to represent the shimmering confidence of Leo. Or maybe include affirmations that resonate with Leo’s warmth and power, such as:
“I am radiant and worthy.”
“My light attracts goodness.”
“I shine brightly, unapologetically.”
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents your inner light.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents your inner light.
Today, the moon and Venus are in close proximity astrologically speaking. As these two bodies come together, they allow us to feel their combined strength more deeply.
Venus, often seen as the planet of love, grace, beauty, fertility and growth, nudges us towards the things that beautify our lives. When you think of Venus, images of love, chocolate, gold coins, blossoming flowers, tender embraces, harmonious melodies, and passionate connections might come to mind. She’s the epitome of sensuality, intimacy, and happiness. This planet embodies the soft sigh of contentment, the laughter shared with friends, and the simple joys that make life worth celebrating.
Venus isn’t just about pleasure; she’s also about artistic expression. Venus revels in helping us channel our emotions and perceptions into beautiful forms, reminding us of the artistry that resides in all of us.
Imagine this vibrant Venusian energy being amplified by the moon. The moon, our emotional compass, intensifies these feelings, making them even more palpable. It’s as if the moon is holding a magnifying glass to Venus, urging us to look closer, feel deeper, and embrace the beauty and love around us.
With all this intensified good-feeling energy, today is the perfect day to infuse your art journal with themes of love, pleasure, and beauty.
Start by choosing colors that represent affection and joy to you. That might be soft pinks, passionate reds, and shimmering golds or it might be teal greens, aqua blues and silver glimmers. It might be dark greens, rich reds and royal purples. This is your creative expression. Play with the colors that feel affectionate and joyful to you.
You might also want to paint or draw symbols of love and harmony – perhaps intertwined hands, blooming flowers, or figures in an embrace. You may also want to include affirmations or quotes that echo Venus’s message, such as:
“I thrive in love and beauty.”
“I make time for the things that bring me joy.”
“Life offers endless opportunities for love and connection.”
Let your journal page be a reflection of Venus’s desires for you and a reminder of the love, beauty, and pleasure that exists within and around you. Life is unpredictable and challenging and there are a lot of things to grieve in these uncertain times. Reminders of beauty and pleasure are important.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents beauty and love.
Happy new moon.
Today the Sun and Moon converge in the sign of Leo. Leo is the embodiment of heart energy; it stands for confidence, vitality, and an unmatched zest for life. It encourages us to lead, to shine, and, most importantly, to let our heart’s desires drive our choices. When you shine your light, not only do you honor your unique essence, but you also inspire others to do the same.
The new moon is typically a great time to set seeds of intentions but this particular new moon highlights that rebirth energy even more. The new moon is Leo is square Uranus who is in a happy relationship with Mars which brings lively, productive energy that prompts us to evaluate our patterns, habits, and rhythms. It beckons a question: how can we ensure our actions reflect our true priorities?
The new moon’s gifts are more profound than just efficient time management, of course. It’s about discerning clear decision-making, understanding our boundaries, and breaking away from the old patterns that no longer serve us. This period offers a unique opportunity for a significant reset. It offers us the opportunity to chart a new course, to diverge from the familiar and embrace an entirely new direction. Dare to be different, dare to be you, and maybe even take that risk that once felt daunting. As my mentor Kelly Surtees advises, the new moon in Leo offers a two-week window of transformative energy that beckons you to make choices that, while they might seem out of character from your past decisions, are deeply aligned with who you’ve become today.
Being in Leo, this New Moon also invites us to birth our experiences from our hearts, not our heads, emphasizing the transformative power of love in creation. As I was reminded by Pam Gregory in her You Tube video about the new moon, love, joy, peace, and gratitude are not just emotions; they are states that build emotional and physiological resilience, helping us better navigate life’s challenges.
Your heart is more than just an organ; it’s a powerful transmitter to the world. Envision a flame burning bright at the center of your heart, guiding your choices and actions. When you create and live from this space, you not only elevate your life but also illuminate the world around you. Remember, there’s only one you in this vast universe. Your unique essence, your divine contribution, was intended by the cosmos itself.
So, as this New Moon in Leo unfolds its magic, let the theme for this week be clear: create from your heart. Embrace your sovereignty, shine your heart’s brilliance, and pour your love into the world.
To personalize this new moon even further, let’s get specific and see the area of YOUR life that this new moon energy is focused on.
To figure out what area of your life the new moon wants you to focus on, you simply need to know your rising sign.
If you don’t know your rising sign (it’s different than your sun or moon sign), then you can read more about it here and you can calculate what it is here. I also show you how to calculate your birth chart using the whole sign house system here. When you create your birth chart in this way, you will see your rising sign is the zodiac sign that occupies the first house in your birth chart.
If your rising sign is in the sign of Aries, the new moon is inviting you to express your unique self when it comes to your children, hobbies, sex life, relationship with pleasure, creative projects you’re working on or your creativity. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make in order to live from your heart in your parenting life, a creative project that’s important to you or those activities in your life that bring you joy.
If your rising sign is in the sign of Taurus, then the new moon is inviting you to express your unique self when it comes to your parents, your ancestors, your childhood or your home and living situation. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make in order to live from your heart in your relationship with your parents, your ancestors or how your home can become more of what you want it to be.
For Gemini people like me, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions to express your unique self when it comes to learning, teaching, communication, siblings, peers, or the goddess and earth-based rituals. Which one of these topics feel most important for you to focus on during this new moon? Choose one of them and consider what intentions you want to make in order to live more from your heart in that area of your life.
If your rising sign is in the sign of Cancer, the new moon is inviting you to express your unique self when it comes to money, income, assets and your livelihood. Think about this area of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to live more from your heart when it comes to how you earn your money or the things you own.
For Leo people, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions to express your unique self when it comes to your identity, body, appearance or your spirit. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to live more from your heart when it comes to your sense of vitality, personal expression, identity or your relationship with your body.
For Virgo people, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions to express your unique self when it comes to your subconscious mind and those things you hide from others but most importantly those things you hide from yourself. During this new moon set intentions around the kind of shadow work or brain rewiring you’d like to do and the results you’d like to experience from that deep inner work in order to live more from your heart.
If your rising sign is in the sign of Libra, the new moon is inviting you to express your unique self when it comes to friendships, community and your hopes and wishes. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to live more from your heart in your friendships or when you’re interacting with community or when you explore your truest hopes and wishes.
For Scorpio people, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions to express your unique self when it comes to your career, reputation or ideas of success. During this new set intentions around the kind of career or success you want to experience or the kind of reputation you want to nurture and how you can live more from your heart in those areas of your life.
For Sagittarius people, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions to express your unique self when it comes to your faith, spiritual practices, travel or future success. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to live more from your heart when it comes to your spirituality or your travel dreams or your goals for the future.
If your rising sign is in the sign of Capricorn, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions to express your unique self when it comes to your feelings and thoughts around death, your psyche or any debt you have accumulated. What intentions can you set to support your emotional or mental well-being? What kind of intentions can you set to tend to or care for any energetic, emotional or physical debt you may be carrying (your own or your ancestors’)? Which one of these topics feel most important for you to focus on during this new moon? Choose one of them and consider what intentions you want to make in order to live more from your heart in that area of your life.
For Aquarius people, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions to express your true self when it comes to your close, intimate relationships or partnerships. Think about your marriage or partnership or a best friend relationship and consider what changes you’d like to experience in those relationships in order to live more from your heart.
Finally, for Pisces people, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions to express your true self when it comes to your routines, work, pets or wellness. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to live more from your heart when it comes to healthy routines, your working life, your relationship with your pets or your overall well-being.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents your new moon intentions.
The moon is in the sign of Virgo today.
Enriched by its ruling planet, Mercury, Virgo prompts us to articulate our feelings and experiences with clarity.
Virgo’s energy is both nocturnal and deeply rooted in the earth, giving it a grounded, calm presence. Its mutable nature helps you adapt to circumstances with grace and pragmatism. One of Virgo’s most profound gifts is its drive for efficiency and organization. It pushes you to seek out the most effective methods, weaving a tapestry of practicality, attention to detail, and an unyielding love for quality. Yet, with its magnifying precision, it’s easy to become enmeshed in minute details, sometimes at the risk of losing sight of the broader picture.
The moon in Virgo is a time to pause and reflect: Are you content with what you’ve been manifesting in your life? It’s essential to understand that while not every event or experience in our lives stems directly from our actions, many do. For those experiences you have molded and shaped, which ones bring joy? Which ones perhaps weigh heavy on your spirit? This Virgo moon nudges you to discern, evaluate, and, if needed, recalibrate.
As a highly sensitive person, you are uniquely attuned to your environment and internal landscape. Art journaling during this moon in Virgo will help you translate your thoughts and feelings onto paper, blending colors, shapes, and words, allows you to visually navigate the complex web of your emotions. Through your art journal, you can work with the Virgo moon’s energy, taking stock of what is working in your life and what might need a gentle shift.
If there are aspects of your life you’re not entirely content with, what adjustments can you make? How can you align more authentically with your heart’s desires and the intentions you planted during the new moon?
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents an adjustment you’d like to make in your life in order to help your new moon intentions grow.
Today the moon forms a harmonious trine with Uranus.
The moon being in a happy relationship with Uranus can mean happy surprises, unexpected events and celebrating your uniqueness.
Uranus, often termed the ‘awakener’, seeks to jolt us from our comfort zones, urging us to see the world with fresh eyes. It thrives on unpredictability, desiring to infuse our lives with moments that propel us towards emotional and spiritual growth. Imagine this energetic force combining with the nurturing and intuitive energy of the moon. The result? Hopefully a few pleasant surprises showing up in your life, the kind that lights you up and warms your heart. Maybe it’s a chance encounter or the thrill of stumbling upon a new hobby or maybe it’s reigniting an old passion, or simply the sheer joy of unexpected good news are all potential gifts of living in flow.
It’s also a day to trust your intuition wholeheartedly. If you feel a pull towards something, an urge to take a leap, or simply a fluttering of excitement at a new possibility, follow that feeling.
The moon and Uranus not only invite change but also champion the idea of celebrating what makes you unique. Uranus reminds you of the beauty of standing out, of embracing every part of yourself that feels ‘other’ or ‘different’.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that celebrates the uniqueness of your spirit.
Today, the moon is in the sign of Libra. This brings to light dynamics in our relationships, our experience with balance, and inner harmony. And for the highly sensitive, it offers a gentle reminder to find balance between nurturing our own souls and cherishing our connections with others.
With Libra being ruled by the planet Venus, the moon reflects a little of this planet’s energy as well. Imagine the moon, tinged with Venus’s soft and beautiful aura, inviting us into a space of art and grace.
When the moon is in Libra, it can be a time to have fun with friends, gather and enjoy group activities. Libra encourages us to find acceptance and understanding in our interactions. However, it’s worth noting the delicate dance that Libra plays – while it nudges us towards sociability and connection, it can also lead us to focus too much on others. And there is the challenge: the quest for balance. Especially for the empathic or the highly sensitive, it’s essential to remember to honor your own feelings and needs even as you immerse yourself in the world of others.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image representing how you balance self-care while you navigate the complexities of relationships.
Today the moon is in the waxing crescent phase.
This moon phase is when a silver sliver of the moon begins to appear in the night sky. The moon is moving from being dark, still and invisible to growing and coming into full power.
I like to think of this phase as the time when the dream seeds I planted during the New Moon are just starting to form shoots or tiny roots. I might not be able to see my prayers being answered or my dreams manifesting but I can have faith that despite the limited capabilities of what my physical senses can pick up, Spirit is conspiring in my favor and there are invisible forces at work in my life helping me to grow, heal, evolve and create.
In my art rituals, this is the time when I’m meditating on the intentions I set during the New Moon. I’m revisiting my intentions and trying to call them up in my imagination again and trying to tap into the emotions those intentions evoke within me. I’m feeding my dreams with the power of my imagination and my emotions.
How far can you stretch your imagination today?
How much goodness can you imagine growing in your life today?
How many invisible forces can you imagine are helping you today?
How many invisible actions can you imagine your angels and spirit guides are taking to help you reach your goals and manifest your new moon intentions?
In your art journal, create an image that represents more goodness flowing into your life.
Have fun with your art journal and the moon this week.
with love,
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hi i'm dana...
This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.
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