
Art Journal with the Moon December 11-17 2023

Art Journal with the Moon for December 11-17 2023


This is a summary of the moon’s energy for the upcoming week and the inner work and magic you can do in your art journal to make the most of the opportunities the cosmos is gifting us with.

Every week the emotional and magical opportunities the moon is sending you are different because the energy she is drawing down from the planets and stars changes moment to moment. Planets and stars and moon phases and moon signs each carry their own unique energy. This is my weekly update of the moon’s comings and goings to support you in aligning with her energy.

Get your art journal or a scrap of paper you see lying around, your art supplies or those pencil crayons you have hidden away somewhere and have fun. Spend 10 – 20 minutes focusing on the themes the moon is supporting you to explore that day while you play with colors and shapes and watch what happens over time.

It’s amazing what a little consistent creative time can do.

Wintering with the New Moon

There’s a term I hear a lot lately and I really like it – wintering. I love the idea of using a season as a verb and especially the season of winter. It makes me want to be a frog or a tree.

Trees drop their leaves in the fall, which saves them a lot of energy because they don’t need to take care of them anymore.

What would you drop in your life so you wouldn’t have to take care of it anymore?

Trees also slow down their growth and use the energy they stored up during the warmer months. They save their strength for when it gets warm again.

Frogs go into hibernation, or in other words a deep, long, luxurious responsibility-free sleep. How many times have I thought of my To Do List before bed this week?

Instead, frogs find a cozy spot, maybe under some leaves or in the mud, and their bodies slow way down for the winter.

Trees and frogs know how take a break, rest up, and get ready for when it’s time to grow or be active again in the spring.

Trees and frogs know how to winter.

Imagine if you used winter to relax, reflect, rest, and get ready for new things. Just like the trees and frogs, I suspect it would help you cope better during more active times.

I think the new moon this week wants to teach us how to winter.

The new moon is often seen as a time of beginnings, but it’s also very much about quiet and stillness. The night is darkest when the moon is new, which makes it a perfect time for pausing and thinking about what you want to do next. It’s not about rushing to start new projects right away. Instead, it’s about quietly setting your intentions, figuring out your goals, and preparing yourself mentally and emotionally.

So, “wintering” and the new moon both share this theme of stepping back from the hustle and bustle. They’re times for rest, reflection, and getting ready for a new start. They remind us that it’s okay, and actually really important, to have periods where we’re not always trying to do or make something. This downtime is crucial for our well-being and creativity.

This is especially relevant if you’re navigating a time of deep emotional healing, transformation or creative rebirth. This can be a time of dealing with personal hardships, coping with loss, grief, or burnout, or simply a phase of life where you feel the need to slow down and reflect inwardly.

If you want to fall into the moon’s rhythm, the next couple weeks seem like a good time to winter.

Although the new moon in Sagittarius is typically active and passionate, this one is slower and calmer for a few reasons.


Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter so whatever Jupiter is doing is influencing the moon and this week Jupiter is slowing down because soon it will change direction (or at least appear that way to us). Once it changes direction it will be active again but before that active period, there’s this moment of stillness, just like in winter when everything slows down, rests, and gets ready for the busy times ahead. So, in a way, during this new moon Jupiter is another reminder that taking a break, pausing and resting is important before starting something new or getting busy again.


Sagittarius is a sign known for its love of adventure, learning, and optimism. As I mentioned, a new moon here usually brings a feeling of wanting to start new things, explore, and be hopeful about the future. However, when this new moon is in a tense relationship with Neptune in Pisces, it adds a twist. Neptune is all about dreams, imagination, and sometimes confusion. Pisces is a sign that’s sensitive, intuitive, and sometimes a bit unclear or dreamy.

You might feel excited and ready to start new adventures (thanks to Sagittarius), but there’s also this foggy, dreamy vibe from Neptune making things a bit unclear. Your big dreams and hopes might not be as clear-cut as you want them to be. This can lead to feeling disappointed if life doesn’t match your dreams.

Just like in winter, when things slow down and we take time to rest, this new moon squaring Neptune invites us to be okay with not having all the answers right now. It’s a time to manage our dreams and be gentle with ourselves if things are a bit blurry or messy. Instead of rushing forward, it’s a good period to dream, reflect, and be patient, understanding that sometimes the journey ahead is a bit unclear.

Mercury Retrograde

The other factor pointing to this moon inviting us to winter is the fact Mercury goes retrograde the next day. When Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn, just a day after the new moon, it really adds to this whole idea of slowing down and “wintering”.

Mercury retrograde is famous for being a time when communication, travel, and technology can get a bit mixed up. But it’s not all bad. In Capricorn, which is a sign that’s all about structure, responsibility, and hard work, Mercury retrograde makes us slow down and focus on what’s already on our plate. It’s like we’re being asked to hit the pause button and catch up on things.

During this time, you might find yourself reviewing and redoing stuff. It’s all about going back over things, maybe stuff you thought you were done with. This can be anything from old projects to unresolved issues. It’s a chance to ask yourself, “What have I left unfinished that I need to take care of before I start something new?” It’s not usually a time to rush forward with new plans or ideas.

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn gives us the space to give ourselves some grace, to not be always powering forward. Instead, we can look into things with more detail, tidy up any loose ends, and organize stuff that’s been left in a bit of a mess. It’s a reminder that building something big often takes longer than we think and that we sometimes need to strengthen certain areas before moving on to others. It’s also a good time to be careful with our resources, not overextending ourselves or spending what we can’t afford to lose.

In essence, this period is like a built-in re-do phase. Mercury is pointing out what needs to be re-thought, re-done, or better understood. It ties in well with the theme of “wintering” because just like nature slows down and conserves energy in winter, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn is a time for us to slow down, review, and make sure we’re ready for what’s next.

A Two Week Wintering Phase

I like how my astrology teacher, Kelly Surtees, reminded me that the energy of the new moon extends all the way to the full moon so this entire waxing moon is a little more about rest, reflection and review then it is about building and creating.

That doesn’t mean you don’t want to think about your BIG dreams for 2024. The Sagittarius new moon is still a great time to practice stretching your imagination.

Sagittarius is known for adventure, exploring new things, and not being afraid to aim high. So, when there’s a new moon in this sign, it’s a perfect moment to let your imagination run wild and think about your boldest dreams for the coming year – just don’t move into action quite yet.

Think of stretching your imagination like a muscle that gets stronger with practice. The energy of Sagittarius, being so expansive and adventurous, really helps with this. It encourages you to think beyond your usual limits, to dream about things you might not usually consider. It’s about asking yourself, “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid to fail?” or “What would my life look like if anything were possible?”

Doing this in your art journal during the new moon in Sagittarius can be a great practice. When you put your dreams and big ideas down on paper, it helps make them more real and detailed. You can draw, write, or use any other creative way to express these big dreams.

This process of envisioning your dreams in your art journal isn’t just fun; it’s a way of training your imagination to think bigger and bolder. Over time, this practice can help you become more open to new possibilities in your life and feel more confident in chasing those big dreams. So, the new moon in Sagittarius is not just a time to dream big, but also to play with those dreams in your art journal, making them as vivid and detailed as you can.

That’s what I would encourage you to do this week. Dream big and play in your art journal while you winter like the frogs and the trees.

Book your Year Ahead Reading


Today the balsamic moon moves into the sign of Sagittarius. It is also having a happy relationship with Pluto and a tense relationship with Saturn.

Sagittarius is a fire sign. It is expressive and positive and humorous, optimistic, adventurous, experimental, adaptive, passionate and fun but it can be focused on too many things. Sagittarius energy likes to help us grow and enjoy ourselves through experiencing all life has to offer. It focuses on personal growth, freedom, expansion, lived experience, learning through trying and doing and embodiment. It’s a curious energy that asks questions and looks for answers.

Let’s use this Sagittarius energy to think about the possibilities you imagine for this week.

If this week could go better than you expected, what would that look and feel like? When the week is over, what do you want to celebrate and be grateful for?

In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents the possibilities you imagine for this week.


Happy new moon my creative friends.

The new moon is in the sign of Sagittarius. It is also having an intense relationship with Mars.

The New Moon in Sagittarius brings with it themes of adventure, exploration, and broadening horizons, both emotionally and spiritually. Sagittarius is known for its love of freedom, its quest for knowledge, and its boundless optimism. This makes it an ideal time to stretch your imagination and dream big. During this phase, you’re encouraged to think beyond your current limitations and consider what could be possible. It’s about letting go of the familiar and safe to venture into new, unexplored territories of your mind and soul.

Embracing the energy of Sagittarius means daring to envision a future that’s bigger and more exciting than your present. It’s about allowing yourself to dream without constraints and to believe in the potential of those dreams. This is a time for setting intentions that are not just about incremental changes but about significant leaps.

The New Moon in Sagittarius is a reminder that sometimes, to achieve something truly remarkable, you have to take risks and believe in the improbable. It’s a call to be bold in your goals and to trust in the journey of reaching for something extraordinary. Whether it’s a personal aspiration, a creative endeavor, or a spiritual quest, the Sagittarian energy supports expansive thinking and fuels your desire to aim higher and go further.

To personalize this moon even further, let’s get specific and see the area of YOUR life that this moon energy is focused on.

To figure out what area of your life this moon wants you to focus on, you simply need to know your rising sign.

If you don’t know your rising sign (it’s different than your sun or moon sign), then you can read more about it here and you can calculate what it is here. I also show you how to calculate your birth chart using the whole sign house system here. When you create your birth chart in this way, you will see your rising sign is the zodiac sign that occupies the first house in your birth chart.

If your rising sign is Aries, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your faith, spiritual practices, travel or future success. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to follow your most meaningful and soulful dreams around your spirituality or travel or your goals for the future.

If your rising sign is Taurus, then the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG in the area of death, taxes, your psyche or any debt you have accumulated. What dreams do you have that will help you clear any energetic, emotional or physical debt you may be carrying (your own or your ancestors’)? What BIG dreams can you imagine for your emotional or mental well-being? What bright new dreams can you imagine around these topics? Write your new moon intention below.

For Gemini people like me, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your close, intimate relationships or partnerships. Think about your marriage or partnership or best friend and consider what the most meaningful and soulful dreams you can imagine for the closest relationships in your life.

If your rising sign is Cancer, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your routines, work, pets or wellness. If you were living your dream life, what would these areas of your life look and feel like? Consider what intentions you can make during this new moon in order to welcome your biggest and brightest dreams for these areas of your life.

For Leo people, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your children, hobbies, pleasure or your creativity. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to welcome your wildest and most meaningful dreams to your parenting life, a creative hobby that’s dear to your heart or those activities in your life that bring you joy.

For Virgo people, the new moon is inviting you to tap into your wild imagination and visualize your biggest and brightest dreams when it comes to your parents, your ancestors, your childhood or your home and living situation. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you can make during this new moon in order to welcome your biggest and brightest dreams for these areas of your life.

If your rising sign is Libra, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to learning, communication, your siblings, the goddess or earth-based rituals. Which one of these topics feels most important for you to focus on during this new moon? Choose one of them and consider what intentions you want to make in order to welcome your biggest and brightest dream for that area of your life.

For Scorpio people, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to money, assets, income and your livelihood. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to welcome your biggest and brightest dreams for your finances, possessions or livelihood.

For Sagittarius people, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your identity, body, appearance or your spirit. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to welcome your biggest and brightest dreams for your health, personal expression, identity or your relationship with your body.

If your rising sign is Capricorn, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your subconscious mind and those things you hide from others and most importantly those things you hide from yourself. During this new moon set intentions around the kind of shadow work or brain rewiring you’d like to do and the biggest and brightest results you’d like to experience from that deep inner work.

For Aquarius people, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to friendships, community and your hopes and wishes. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to welcome your biggest and brightest dreams for your friendships, community or your hopes and wishes.

Finally, for Pisces people, the new moon the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your career, reputation or ideas of success. During this new moon, visualize your biggest and brightest dreams for your career, the kind of success you want to achieve or the kind of reputation you want to build.

In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents your new moon intentions.


The moon moves into the phase of Capricorn. It is also having a happy relationship with Saturn, a tense relationship with Neptune and an intense relationship with Mercury. 

Capricorn energy is receptive and nocturnal in nature. It is also pragmatic, deliberate, persistent, disciplined, and conservative. Capricorn energy likes to focus on practical and useful actions but it can be emotionally restrained or reserved.

When the moon is in Capricorn, it’s a good time to look at your boundaries and limitations and understand how they affect your goals. 

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn so the moon is carrying a little of that planet’s energy as well Saturn brings wisdom about time, endings, limits, responsibility and maturity. Saturn is associated with discipline, responsibility, and lessons learned through time. It urges us to make mature and conscientious choices in our pursuit of dreams. The planet’s energy encourages us to set clear boundaries, prioritize our values, and commit to the long-term journey towards our goals.

Setting boundaries and limitations is a crucial part of reaching your creative goals, especially when working with the disciplined energy of Capricorn and Saturn. Achieving creative goals can be challenging; it often requires not just talent and inspiration, but also dedication, structure, and the ability to say no to distractions.

Firstly, setting boundaries with others is essential. This might mean allocating specific times for your creative work and communicating to friends and family that you are unavailable during these periods. It’s about prioritizing your art and ensuring you have the uninterrupted time and space to focus on it.

Setting boundaries with yourself is equally important. This involves managing your own expectations and being realistic about what you can achieve within a certain timeframe. It might mean limiting the scope of your project to make it more manageable or breaking it down into smaller, achievable tasks. It also includes being disciplined with your time – resisting the urge to procrastinate or get sidetracked by less important activities.

Additionally, setting boundaries can mean acknowledging and working within your limitations – be they financial, physical or emotional. This might involve budgeting your resources wisely or acknowledging that some phases of your project will take longer than others.

Setting these kinds of boundaries helps create a structured environment where creativity can flourish. It’s about finding the balance between the freedom of artistic expression and the discipline required to turn creative dreams into reality. By prioritizing your art and being disciplined about how you allocate your time and resources, you pave the way for creative success. Remember, sometimes saying no to others, and even to other distractions within yourself, is saying yes to your art and your dreams.

In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents a boundary you can set this week in order to say YES! to your creative dreams.


The moon is in the sign of Capricorn today. It is also having a happy relationship with Venus and Uranus.

When the moon is in a happy relationship with Venus, it invites emotional grace, beauty, and a deep sense of harmony in your relationships (including your relationship with yourself). The moon reflects feelings of love, artistic inspiration, and a strong connection to the pleasures and joys of life.

Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and relationships. In ancient mythology, Venus is the goddess of love and beauty, who was born from the sea and symbolizes the power of attraction and harmony. Venus is often depicted as a figure of irresistible charm and aesthetic grace, embodying the qualities of love, artistry, and the ability to bring people together in harmony.

When the moon, which governs our emotions and inner world, is in a happy relationship with Venus, these Venusian qualities become intertwined with our emotional landscape. You might feel more inclined toward expressing love and affection, seeking beauty in your surroundings, and indulging in activities that bring pleasure and joy. It’s a time when relationships can feel more harmonious, and you might find it easier to connect with others on an emotional level.

This harmonious aspect also enhances creativity and artistic expression. Whether it’s through music, art, or any other form of creative work, the moon today encourages you to explore and express your artistic side. It’s a perfect time to appreciate the beauty around you and within you.

Spiritually, this alignment is a reminder of the importance of love, beauty, and harmony in our lives. It’s a call to balance the messiness and pain we experience in this world with the beauty we can create and experience in it as well. This period invites you to cultivate and appreciate the soft, gentle, kind and loving aspects of life, encouraging a deeper connection with your sense of beauty and love.

In your art journal, create a page that celebrates seeing love and beauty in an area of your life where you are currently experiencing a challenge or difficulty.


The moon moves into the sign of Aquarius. It is also having a happy relationship with Neptune, a tense relationship with Jupiter and an intense relationship with Pluto.

The moon is in the air sign of Aquarius today. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Saturn so the moon is carrying a little of that planet’s energy as well today.

Aquarius is fixed air sign so it brings that energy of fluidity and the ability to change but it couples it with being constant, dependable and able to persevere. Aquarius energy likes to act its own way and distance itself from groups. It is air energy so it concentrates its focus on the intellect and the mind but it can be stubborn but if you’re having a hard time being your own person, the moon in Aquarius can help you love and accept the quirky, different and unique things about yourself.

Imagine you loved every bit of yourself and knew that everything that made you different was deeply on purpose and ultimately helpful to everyone you are connect with today.

Imagine you are perfect just as you are – exactly where you are right now in your life with the exact perfect personality, habits and ways of being. Imagine nothing about you has to change for you to reach your goals.

In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents you achieving your most cherished goal just as you are now.


The moon is in the waxing crescent phase and in the sign of Aquarius. It is also having a tense relationship with Venus and Uranus and a happy relationship with Jupiter and Mars.

The waxing crescent moon is the phase right after the new moon. It’s a time when the moon starts to show a sliver of light in the sky. Emotionally and spiritually, this phase is all about beginnings and building momentum. It’s like the moon is slowly waking up and getting ready to shine bright again.

You can compare this moon phase to the beginning of a creation cycle. Just like when you start a new project, in the beginning, you’re gathering your ideas, making plans, and taking the first small steps. The waxing crescent moon is about taking those initial actions to make your new moon intentions start to come alive.

In your art journal, working with the waxing crescent moon is a great way to support these new beginnings. Think back to the goals or wishes you set during the new moon. What were those dreams or plans you wanted to work on? In your art journal, start exploring these intentions with small steps. Maybe sketch out your ideas, write down some thoughts, or create a visual plan. This isn’t about big actions yet; it’s about starting to bring your intentions to life in small, manageable ways.

You might want to draw or use symbols that represent growth, beginnings, and potential. This could be things like seeds sprouting, the sunrise, or an open road. These symbols can help focus your mind on growth and progress. You might even want to write down affirmations or positive thoughts related to your intentions such as, “I am worthy of success and happiness.”, “My goals are within reach, and I am working towards them every day.”, “I am resilient, strong, and can handle life’s challenges.”, “Positive changes are happening in my life right now.”, “My hard work and dedication will pay off.” This helps to keep your mind focused and positive about your goals.

Finally, try to visualize how your intentions will grow and develop, just like the moon grows brighter each night. Imagine the steps you’ll take and how each small action will help you reach your goals.

By doing these things in your art journal during the waxing crescent moon, you’re doing both emotional and magical work. It’s a way of putting your energy and focus into your intentions, helping you to start manifesting them into reality. Think of your art journal as a tool that helps turn your dreams into plans and then into actions.

In your art journal, review your new moon intentions.


The waxing crescent moon is moving to the sign of Pisces. It is also in a happy relationship with Jupiter and an intense relationship with Saturn. 

Pisces is a water sign, known for being very emotional, imaginative, and spiritual. So, when the waxing crescent moon is in Pisces, it’s a great time for dreaming and tapping into your feelings. It’s like the universe is giving you a green light to explore your creative and emotional side.

Working with this moon in your art journal can be a powerful way to support your creative dreams. Pisces is all about emotions. Use your art journal to express how you’re feeling. You don’t need to write or draw something specific; just let your emotions guide your creativity.

Pisces is also about dreaming. Use your journal to jot down your wildest dreams and ambitions, no matter how unrealistic they might seem. This is the time to let your imagination run wild.

Since Pisces is a water sign, you might want to use water-themed elements in your art journal. This could be images of the ocean, rivers, or even just playing with watercolors.

Imagine where your creativity could take you. Draw, paint, or write about the path you see your creativity leading you on. It doesn’t have to be clear or detailed; just focus on the journey. It’s a time for getting in touch with your inner self and exploring your creative dreams in a deep and meaningful way.

In your art journal, create an image that represents your creative dreams.

Have fun with your art journal and the moon this week.

with love,

Dana da Ponte



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This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.


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