
Art Journal with the Moon for March 4-10, 2024
This is a summary of the moon’s energy for the upcoming week and the inner work and magic you can do in your art journal to make the most of the opportunities the cosmos is gifting us with.
The Moon This Week
We greet a new moon in Pisces this week and it is a sweet and helpful one.
You will definitely want to use it to plant seeds of intention but I suggest you also use it to do some divination work.
I actually have a self-paced online course that is perfect for this new moon. It’s called ART JOURNAL WITH THE PISCES NEW MOON TO PLAY WITH YOUR INTUITION. It will guide you through working with the energy of the Pisces new moon to set intentions and do some fun divination work.
It also has a helpful MAP recording to work with your subconscious mind to clear emotional, mental and energetic blocks that might prevent your new moon intentions from becoming a reality and another recording to clear ancestral blocks from your third eye so you have a stronger, clearer connection to your intuition (with all the fear and cultural conditioning that our ancestors have endured that caused them to be afraid of and deeply judgmental of their intuitive powers over the last few millennia, I suspect we can all use this kind of clearing work for our third eyes).
Sunday and the weeks of the waxing moon (until we reach the Libra full moon) are perfect times to work with this new moon in Pisces energy and to work through the material in this course but don’t worry, when you purchase it, you have access to it for the lifetime of the course so you can also always return to it every time the new moon comes back into the sign of Pisces – which usually happens once a year.
And just a little happy side note for you, as a BONUS, if you register before the new moon, you’ll also receive access to this week’s HELD BY THE MOON online creative gathering. During these online creative gatherings, I combine the ancient wisdom of lunar cycles with the power of art journaling and the MAP Method to practice folk magic and facilitate profound inner work and this week we will, of course, be working with the magic of the Pisces new moon. You can learn more about that here if you like.
Whether or not you register for ART JOURNAL WITH THE PISCES NEW MOON TO PLAY WITH YOUR INTUITION and receive the HELD BY THE MOON online creative gathering as a bonus, I think using this particular new moon to do some divination work and set intentions is exactly how you can best use this lunar magic we’re being gifted this week.
Let me share with you more about why using this particular moon for both of these magical practices is so effective.
Planting Seeds of Intention with the Pisces New Moon

This particular new moon isn’t in any kind of harsh or tense relationship with other planets so it’s not activating difficult or uncomfortable things to contend with. It’s giving us that pure fresh start kind of energy unmarred by anything else.
The new moon typically represents the beginning of a new chapter, a clean slate or a blank canvas.
The darkness of the new moon is not seen as emptiness but as fertile ground for possibilities and new beginnings.
It’s a time of potential, quietness, and introspection.
It’s a period that naturally encourages us to turn inward, reflect on our desires, and connect with our deeper aspirations which, when you’re a highly sensitive person, isn’t always easy to do. You often must contend with the emotional and energetic noise around you in ways that other people do not. The stillness of the new moon offers a unique opportunity to quiet the noise and tune into your inner voice and the desires of your soul. This makes it an ideal time for hearing yourself, aligning with your soul and setting intentions or laying down plans for what you wish to manifest in your life.
Pisces is the last of the zodiac signs, so the Pisces new moon is also a good time to dream about your future and consider what seeds you want to plant for the coming lunar cycle as well as for the coming 12 months. These seeds can be literal goals, projects, or new habits you wish to develop, or they can be more abstract, such as the emotional or spiritual growth you wish to achieve.
What are the secret longings of your soul?
Self-Reflection Questions for the Pisces New Moon
This new moon brings some fresh new enthusiastic energy which helps you take an important step or action towards the long-term dreams you have for yourself.

Before you sit down to work your new moon magic, consider asking yourself these things:
What is the really important dream I carry in my soul?
What longings do I have in the areas of my life that are governed by Pisces (according to my birth chart)?
What plans for adventure do I have for those areas of my life?
What plans for growth do I have for those areas of my life?
Jupiter and the New Moon
Emotional or spiritual growth goals are especially poignant now because the new moon in Pisces is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is traditionally associated with growth and increase. Just as the moon will grow from a sliver of light to full brightness, so too can the intentions set during this new moon grow and come to fruition.
This new moon can teach you about the power of beginning with a clear vision and the faith that what you wish for can emerge from the darkness into the light.
Neptune and the New Moon
This new moon is also close to Neptune which is a planet that likes to help you dream and imagine. It wants to help you consider how things can be better and closer to what your soul longs for. What are you longing for (especially in the areas of your life governed by Pisces in your birth chart) and how can your life better support you in manifesting or receiving more of that?
This new moon is happening in a part of your chart or, in other words, areas of your life where you’ve already been doing a lot of work – ever since Saturn entered the sign of Pisces in November 2023. Because of how Jupiter has been interacting with Saturn in Pisces over this time, you’re getting clear on what you want in the future for this part of your life and you’re starting to move towards it in a slow, steady, methodical way (that’s how Saturn likes to help you move forward).
Slow, steady baby steps forward is sometimes the best way to move in the direction of your dreams.
Playing with Your Intuition During the Pisces New Moon
The new moon is also considered a powerful time for divination and tapping into your intuition because this phase is seen as a moment when the sky is dark, and the moon is invisible, symbolizing potential and the unseen. It’s a period that invites introspection and turning inward, making it ideal for connecting with deeper, more subtle energies, including your spirit allies.
As I mentioned earlier, the new moon is characterized by quiet, stillness, and receptivity. Without the moon’s light illuminating the night, the world can seem quieter, offering a unique opportunity to listen more closely to the whispers of your inner voice and the messages from the spiritual realm.
It’s a pause, a breath in the constant rhythm of life.
Divination practices, such as tarot readings, watercolor scrying (I teach you how to do that in my Art Journal with the Pisces New Moon to Play with Your Intuition course by the way), or working with pendulums, are particularly potent during the new moon because this time supports reflection on your path, your needs, and your desires.
It’s a great time to seek guidance on how to best navigate the future, as the new moon’s energy fosters a stronger connection to your subconscious mind, your intuition, and your spirit guides who can offer insight and advice.
Doing a little divination work before or after you set intentions can help clarify your vision, uncover hidden obstacles, and reveal the potential outcomes that await you. It’s a time when the veil between worlds is considered thinner, enhancing your ability to communicate with spirit allies and receive their wisdom and support.
A new moon in Pisces is an especially powerful time to do your divination work.
Pisces, a water sign, is known for its deep connection to the spiritual and emotional realms, making it uniquely suited to activities that require a strong sense of intuition and an openness to the non-physical dimensions.
The emotional qualities of Pisces include sensitivity, empathy, and a vast capacity for compassion. These qualities allow us to tune into not just our own feelings and inner knowing, but also to sense the emotions and energies around us more acutely. This heightened emotional awareness can enhance divination practices, as it enables a clearer and more nuanced interpretation of the messages and symbols we encounter.
As I explained last week, Pisces is also associated with the dissolution of boundaries. It blurs the lines between the self and the other, the material and the spiritual, the conscious and the subconscious. This boundarylessness is what facilitates a deeper connection with the universal energies and spiritual guides that can aid us in our divination work.
Under the influence of a Pisces moon, it’s as if the veil between worlds is thinner, making it easier to receive insights, messages, and visions.
Moreover, in modern astrology Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, mysticism, and imagination and Neptune is nestled close to this new moon as both are in the sign of Pisces right now. This amplifies the natural inclination towards the mystical and the intuitive that this new moon carries. When the new moon is in Pisces, our dreams can be more vivid, our imagination more vivid, and our intuitive senses sharpened.
Art Journal with the Pisces New moon
I’ll be exploring and working with this Pisces energy in preparation for the upcoming Pisces new moon in the next Held by the Moon gathering which will be held on Sunday, March 10 from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm MT. Our theme is Clearing Blocks to Your Intuition with the Pisces New Moon
This week’s HELD BY THE MOON online creative gathering is FREE to anyone registering in my self-paced online course ART JOURNAL WITH THE PISCES NEW MOON TO PLAY WITH YOUR INTUITION.
In this Held by the Moon online creative gathering, we will art journal with the Pisces new moon and work with the MAP Method to process, digest and release challenging thoughts, beliefs and emotions that cause you to doubt yourself and your intuition.
Highly sensitive people often possess a deep intuition, but we tend to face unique emotional and mental blocks that prevent us from fully tapping into, trusting, or acting upon our intuitive insights. One common block is the fear of being overwhelmed by intense emotions or sensations. Because highly sensitive individuals feel things deeply, you might worry that trusting your intuition could lead to experiencing uncomfortable or overwhelming emotions, leading you to shut down or ignore your inner guidance as a protective measure.
Another significant block is overthinking or second-guessing. Highly sensitive people tend to be very aware of details and nuances, which can lead to overanalyzing situations instead of trusting your initial gut reaction. This constant questioning can drown out the quiet voice of intuition, making it hard for you to discern what is truly your inner wisdom speaking.
Self-doubt is also a prevalent issue. Due to past experiences where your sensitivity might not have been valued or understood by others, you might doubt your perceptions and feelings, thinking you are too sensitive or that your emotional responses are not valid or reliable guides. This lack of confidence in your own experiences and feelings can erode trust in your intuition.
Additionally, the fear of making mistakes or facing judgment can be a substantial barrier. You might avoid trusting your intuition because you’re afraid of making a wrong choice that could lead to criticism or disapproval from others. The desire to avoid conflict or displeasure might lead you to ignore your inner guidance in favor of more socially acceptable or rational choices.
Lastly, societal conditioning plays a role. In a culture that often prioritizes logic and dismisses emotions, you might have learned to suppress your intuitive insights in favor of logical explanations or tangible evidence. This conditioning can make it challenging for your to value or even recognize your intuitive feelings as valid and important.
Overcoming these blocks involves recognizing and valuing your sensitivity as a strength, practicing self-compassion, and gradually building trust in your intuitive feelings through mindful attention and reflection. It also helps to work with the MAP Method and rewire your brain which is something we do in all Held by the Moon gatherings. It also involves creating a supportive environment that respects and nurtures your sensitive nature (like the kind you will find in this online creative gathering), allowing you to connect more deeply with your intuition without fear of overwhelm or judgment.
Don’t forget – your sensitive nervous system, though requiring more care, also grants you unique intuitive and emotional depth.
If you want to work with the Pisces new moon to clear blocks to trusting your intuition and you like the idea of doing some deep inner work during this magical time or you just love to hang out in sacred space with your art journal and the moon, I’d love for you to join me.
These classes are held in my online Zoom meeting room and they will be recorded. A recording will be emailed to you later in the week if you cannot attend live.
Don’t worry. You don’t need an art journal or art experience to enjoy these online gatherings. The exercises are simple and more about the process than the end result. Pencil crayons or markers on whatever paper you can find are perfectly fine.
Learn More or Register Here
The last quarter moon moves into the sign of Capricorn. It is also having a tense relationship with Neptune.
The moon being in a tense relationship with Neptune can also push us to question what is real and what is not, urging us to find a deeper truth beyond the illusions that may cloud our judgment or perception. It invites us to explore our inner landscapes, to confront and release any illusions or fantasies we’ve been holding onto, and to connect with a more authentic and compassionate understanding of ourselves and others.
Releasing your illusions or fantasies means letting go of false beliefs or unrealistic expectations you have about ourselves, others, or life in general. The illusions we carry are often ideas we cling to because they offer a sense of comfort or escape from reality, but ultimately, they prevent us from seeing things as they truly are and can hinder our emotional and spiritual growth.
For example, you might have an illusion about achieving a perfect life where everything goes exactly as planned—no struggles, no failures. While it’s natural to desire a smooth path, holding onto this fantasy can lead to disappointment and frustration because life is inherently unpredictable and full of challenges. By recognizing this illusion and accepting life’s ups and downs, you can develop resilience and find deeper meaning in your experiences.
Another common fantasy might be the belief that someone else, like a romantic partner or a friend, can complete you and make you happy. This expectation puts an unfair burden on the relationship and can lead to feelings of inadequacy or dependency. Releasing this illusion involves understanding that true happiness and fulfillment come from within, and relationships should complement, not complete, your life.
Letting go of such illusions requires self-reflection and honesty. It’s about confronting the stories we tell ourselves and asking whether they serve our highest good or keep us stuck in patterns of denial and wishful thinking. This process supports our emotional growth by encouraging us to face reality with courage and openness, leading to more authentic connections with ourselves and others.
Spiritually, releasing illusions helps us connect with a deeper truth and align our lives with our core values and purpose. It opens the door to genuine spiritual awakening, where we can experience a profound sense of peace, acceptance, and interconnectedness with the universe, free from the distortions of wishful thinking.
Letting go of our illusions or fantasies is an important step toward emotional and spiritual maturity. It teaches us to embrace the truth of our experiences, fostering resilience, authenticity, and a deeper connection to the essence of who we truly are.
The moon being in a tense relationship with Neptune also teaches us the value of embracing uncertainty and finding faith in the unseen, reminding us that sometimes, it’s through our vulnerabilities and confusions that we find our way to clarity and strength.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents a story you tell yourself about life, others or yourself that is keeping you stuck.
Today the last quarter moon is in the sign of Capricorn. It is also having a happy relationship with Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus.
The moon moves into the sign of Capricorn today.
If you’re feeling a tug towards introspection and setting boundaries, it’s likely the influence of the moon as it moves through the grounded sign of Capricorn. Picture the moon draped in a wise, ancient cloak, urging you to understand and respect your limitations.
When you’re a highly sensitive spirit, you feel deeply which can make the world’s energies overwhelming at times. The Capricorn moon, with its nocturnal and receptive nature, offers a timely lesson: just as the moon must stay in orbit around the earth, you too have your limits, and it’s essential to honor them.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn so today the moon is drawing down a little more of that planet’s wisdom on time, endings, and responsibility. Plus, the moon is in a happy relationship with Saturn today so all this Saturnian wisdom is being amplified. It’s a call to the practical, to the deliberate, and to the disciplined aspects of our lives. It reminds us to move forward in our lives with persistence but also with caution, ensuring that we aren’t overburdening our sensitive souls. This energy can feel restrictive, but it can also be wisely protective. By being emotionally reserved at times, Capricorn energy helps you learn how to shield and conserve your strength.
Dancing with the energy of our ancestors, and echoing archetypes like the Crone and Hecate, the Capricorn moon whispers ancient tales of understanding the balance between ambition and well-being. It’s a time to reflect on the power of knowing when to push forward and when to pause, of recognizing that sometimes the bravest thing you can do is to honor your limitations, even if it feels counterintuitive.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents a limitation you have that you sometimes struggle to honor.
Today the balsamic moon moves into the sign of Aquarius. It is also having a happy relationship with Uranus, Mercury and Neptune and an intense relationship with Pluto.
The balsamic or waning crescent phase of the moon, just before we plunge into the darkness of the New Moon, is a deeply spiritual time, ripe with opportunities for introspection and release.
This phase of the moon, characterized by the last thin sliver of moonlight before the moon disappears from our sky, is a symbol of endings, release, and spiritual preparation. It’s during this time that we are asked to let go, to surrender what no longer serves us, and to prepare ourselves for the new cycle to come. It’s a period of quiet introspection, mirroring the autumn season or the twilight hours of the day.
In the heart of the balsamic phase, the wisdom of the Dark Goddess or the Dark Mother comes alive. The Dark Goddess symbolizes the transformative power of endings, the wisdom that comes from facing our shadows, and the liberation of letting go. She calls us to courageously delve into our innermost depths, to explore the parts of ourselves we often keep hidden, and to lovingly release the aspects that no longer serve our growth.
During the balsamic phase, we can cultivate practices that echo the wisdom of the Dark Goddess. Consider performing a ‘letting go’ ritual, perhaps writing down what you wish to release and safely burning the paper as a symbolic gesture. I sometimes save the ashes from these rituals to use in my art journal. Or, use this time to meditate, focusing on your breath as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life — inhaling new life and exhaling what has served its purpose.
At this time, it can be particularly insightful to reflect on the following questions:
What is no longer serving me that I am ready to let go of?
What wisdom has the Dark Goddess offered me during this lunar phase?
How can I honor the process of release and prepare myself for the new beginnings to come?
To deepen your connection to the Dark Goddess during the balsamic phase, you might choose to create an altar with symbols of the Goddess in your art journal, include imagery of a black or dark purple candle, or meditate on the Dark Goddess archetype, seeking her guidance as you journey into your own inner darkness.
As we approach the darkness of the New Moon, we are reminded that even in the darkest night, the promise of renewal is just on the horizon.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents what you want to release or let go during the balsamic moon.
The balsamic moon is in the sign of Aquarius. It is also having a tense relationship with Jupiter and an intense relationship with Mars.
The tension created by the moon and Jupiter can create inspiration, motivation and joy. It’s good energy to be in to stretch yourself, take a risk or leap of faith, trust your intuition and push yourself forward in the direction you most want to go.
Even though when the moon is having a tense relationship with a planet it is usually seen as challenging energy that creates friction, the dynamic between the moon and Jupiter can transform that tension into a positive force. Here’s why: The moon represents our inner world, our emotions, and what makes us feel secure, while Jupiter is all about growth, expansion, and good fortune. So, when these two are in a tense relationship, it can stir up restlessness or dissatisfaction with the status quo, pushing us to want more for ourselves.
This tension can spark inspiration and motivation because it highlights areas of our lives where we’re ready to grow but haven’t yet taken the leap. It makes us aware of where we might be holding ourselves back due to fear or complacency. The energy of Jupiter is inherently optimistic. It encourages us to believe in ourselves, to trust that taking a risk or making a change can lead to something better.
This is a fantastic time to stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone. Maybe there’s something you’ve always wanted to do or a goal you’ve been hesitant to pursue. The moon having a tense relationship with Jupiter nudges you to take that leap of faith, trust your intuition, and push forward in the direction of your dreams. It’s about embracing the possibility of joy and expansion that comes from daring to do something different or challenging.
Even when the tension between the moon and Jupiter initially creates discomfort or unease, it ultimately serves as a powerful catalyst for personal growth. It invites you to aim higher, to expand your horizons, and to find joy in the journey of becoming more than you thought possible. This aspect is a reminder that sometimes, the push we need to move forward comes from embracing the challenges and using them as stepping stones towards our most desired outcomes.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents a change you can make that will lead you to something better.
The balsamic moon moves into the sign of Pisces today. It is also having an intense relationship with Mars and Venus and a tense relationship with Uranus.
The moon represents our emotions, inner world, and what we need to feel secure. Mars is about action, drive, and sometimes conflict, while Venus governs love, beauty, and our values. Pisces is a water sign associated with empathy, intuition, and a connection to the spiritual realm. Together, this combination can stir up a powerful emotional cocktail that influences how we feel, act, and connect with others.
Emotionally, the moon and Mars and Venus being together in the sign of Pisces can heighten our sensitivity and empathy, making us feel more connected to the feelings and needs of those around us. We might find ourselves more compassionate and willing to help others, but also more susceptible to being overwhelmed by our own and others’ emotions. This period may bring an increased desire for harmony and peace in our relationships, along with a willingness to make sacrifices for the ones we love.
Spiritually, the moon conjunct Mars and Venus in Pisces encourages us to explore the deeper, more mystical aspects of life. It’s a time when our intuition and psychic sensitivity can be enhanced, offering us insights into ourselves and the world around us that we might not usually access. This aspect can also inspire a longing for a connection with something greater than ourselves, whether that’s through meditation, art, or exploring our spirituality.
The presence of Mars adds a dynamic energy to our pursuits, urging us to act on our compassionate impulses and to fight for what we believe in, especially in matters of the heart and our artistic expressions. Venus softens Mars’s aggression, blending it with a desire for beauty and unity, encouraging us to pursue our passions in ways that bring joy and fulfillment.
It’s a good day to embrace your feelings, deepen your connections with others, and explore your spiritual path with courage and an open heart. The moon alongside Mars and Venus in the sign of Pisces is encouraging you to act on your intuition, pursue your creative dreams, and seek harmony in your relationships, all while staying true to your deepest values and desires.
In your art journal, create an image that celebrates your highly sensitive nature and the emotional and intuitive gifts it offers you.
The balsamic moon is in the sign of Pisces. It is also having a happy relationship with Jupiter and Uranus and an intense relationship with Saturn.
Pisces, a water sign, is known for its profound sensitivity, intuition, and connection to the unseen realms of emotion and spirituality. This energy is inherently calm and receptive, making it a time when we’re more open to the subtleties of our environment and the emotions and energies of those around us.
For highly sensitive people, this can feel like a double-edged sword. On one hand, it enhances your ability to empathize and connect deeply with others, tapping into a well of creativity and spiritual insight. On the other, it can lead to feeling overwhelmed by absorbing too much from your surroundings, whether it’s the mood of a crowd, the vibe of a place, or even the emotional states of the people you love.
The emotions and energy you unconsciously absorb affect your body and when you don’t process or release any of it, it can also be stored in your body.
Today is a good day to find creative ways in your art journal to filter and release the energies and emotions that don’t serve you or your body. This way you will preserve your emotional well-being while still embracing your natural empathy and intuition.
Here is an art journaling suggestion designed to help you cleanse unwanted energies and emotions.
Use water and watercolors to release and wash away.
Start by laying down colors that represent the emotions and energies you’ve absorbed. You probably won’t be conscious of everything you’ve absorbed so allow your intuition and creativity to guide you. Don’t focus on creating anything specific; let the colors flow and blend as they will.
Then, with a clean brush and clear water, go over the page, imagining the unwanted energies washing away, leaving you clean and refreshed.
By art journaling with the Pisces moon today, you can harness the deep, empathetic qualities of this moon day in a way that nurtures and protects your sensitive nature.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents washing away unwanted energy or emotions you’ve absorbed from other people or your environment.
Happy Pisces new moon.
The new moon is in the sign of Pisces but later in the day the moon moves into the sign of Aries. It is also having a happy relationship with Uranus and Pluto and an intense relationship with Neptune and Mercury.
This week’s new moon in Pisces is great for setting intentions and engaging in divination work. It offers a blend of fresh energy and intuitive openness. The new moon and the couple weeks of the waxing phases (leading up to the Libra full moon) is good for working with the Pisces new moon’s energy.
The Pisces new moon, free from harsh planetary aspects, provides you with a pure, unblemished start, It also emphasizes introspection and the nurturing of your goals and dreams. It signals a time for dreaming about the future and planting seeds for both immediate and long-term goals, underpinned by Jupiter’s influence, which fosters growth and expansion. Neptune is lending a little of its magic here as well which enhances dreaminess and imagination. All this is inviting you to reevaluate your soul-deep desires and contemplate how your life can evolve to meet them.
This new moon in Pisces, is a also great time for divination and intuition work, thanks to its characteristic stillness and the thin veil between worlds. Pisces’ water sign traits—empathy, sensitivity, and a knack for dissolving boundaries—amplify the effectiveness of divination tools and practices. The presence of Neptune also amplifies the mystical and intuitive nature of this new moon, making our psychic dreams more vivid and our intuitive senses more acute.
Engaging with this new moon in your art journal and practicing a little divination not only clarifies intentions and potential paths forward for you but also connects you deeply with your intuition and spiritual allies.
To help you make the most of this time, don’t forget to check out my self-paced online course ART JOURNAL WITH THE PISCES NEW MOON TO PLAY WITH YOUR INTUITION
To personalize this moon even further, let’s get specific and see the area of YOUR life that this moon energy is focused on.
To figure out what area of your life this moon wants you to focus on, you simply need to know your rising sign.
If you don’t know your rising sign (it’s different than your sun or moon sign), then you can read more about it here and you can calculate what it is here. I also show you how to calculate your birth chart using the whole sign house system here. When you create your birth chart in this way, you will see your rising sign is the zodiac sign that occupies the first house in your birth chart.
If your rising sign is Aries, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions for living from your true spirit when it comes to your subconscious mind and those things you hide from others and most importantly those things you hide from yourself. During this new moon set intentions around the kind of shadow work or brain rewiring you’d like to do and the results you’d like to experience from that deep inner work so that your true spirit can shine through in all areas of your life.
If your rising sign is Taurus, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions for living from your true spirit when it comes to friendships, community and your hopes and wishes. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to allow more of your spirit to shine through in your friendships and community or your hopes and wishes.
For Gemini people like me, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions for living from your true spirit when it comes to in your career, reputation or ideas of success. During this new moon, visualize your intentions for moving forward in your career, the kind of success you want to achieve or the kind of reputation you want to build and how your true spirit can shine more brightly in these areas of your life.
If your rising sign is Cancer, then the new moon is inviting you to set intentions for living from your true spirit when it comes to your faith, spiritual practices, international travel or future success. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to allow your spirit to shine more brightly in your spirituality or travel dreams or your goals for the future.
For Leo people, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions for living from your true spirit when it comes to in the area of death, taxes, your psyche or any debt you have accumulated. How will living more from your true spirit help you clear any energetic, emotional or physical debt you may be carrying (your own or your ancestors’)? How can you move forward in your emotional or mental well-being? What bright new dreams can you imagine around these topics? Write your new moon intention below.
For Virgo people, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions about living from your true spirit when it comes to your close, intimate relationships or partnerships. Think about your marriage or partnership or best friend relationships and consider how living more from your true spirit will help the closest relationships in your life.
If your rising sign is Libra, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions about living from your true spirit when it comes to your routines, work, pets or wellness. If you were living more fully and truly from your true spirit in these areas of your life, what would that look and feel like? Consider what intentions you can make during this new moon in order to allow more of your true spirit to shine through in your routines, your daily work tasks, your relationships with your pets or your health.
For Scorpio people, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions about living from your true spirit when it comes to your children, hobbies, pleasure or your creativity. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to invite your true spirit to shine more brightly in your parenting life, a creative hobby that’s dear to your heart or those activities in your life that bring you joy.
For Sagittarius people, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions about living from your true spirit when it comes to your parents, your ancestors, your childhood or your home and living situation. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you can make during this new moon in order to help your spirit shine more brightly in these areas of your life.
If your rising sign is Capricorn, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions about living from your true spirit when it comes to learning or teaching, communication, your siblings, the goddess or moon or earth-based rituals. Which one of these topics feels most important for you to focus on during this new moon? Choose one of them and consider what intentions you want to make in order to invite your spirit to shine more brightly in this areas of your life.
For Aquarius people, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions about living from your true spirit when it comes to money, assets, income and your livelihood. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to invite your spirit to shine more brightly in your finances, possessions or livelihood.
Finally, for Pisces people, the new moon is inviting you to set intentions about living from your true spirit when it comes to your identity, body, appearance or your spirit. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to invite your spirit to shine more brightly in your health, personal expression, identity or your relationship with your body.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents your new moon intentions.
Have fun with your art journal and the moon this week.
with love,
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hi i'm dana...

This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.

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