Art Journal with the Moon for May 1-7, 2023
This is a summary of the moon’s energy for the upcoming week and the inner work and magic you can do in your art journal to make the most of the opportunities the cosmos is gifting us with.
Every week the emotional and magical opportunities the moon is sending you are different because the energy she is drawing down from the planets and stars changes moment to moment. Planets and stars and moon phases and moon signs each carry their own unique energy .This is my weekly update (Mon-Fri) of the moon’s comings and goings to support you in aligning with her energy.
Get your art journal or a scrap of paper you see lying around, your art supplies or those pencil crayons you have hidden away somewhere and have fun. Spend 10 – 20 minutes focusing on the themes the moon is supporting you to explore that day while you play with colors and shapes and watch what happens over time.
It’s amazing what a little consistent creative time can do.
A Few Thoughts About The Moon This Week
Welcome to another eclipse my friends. The moon never stops moving and changing, does she?
After learning about this particular eclipse from the astrologers I follow, I realized my new podcast episode is perfectly timed. For episode 4 of “This Witch Reads”, I share what Demetra George’s book, “Mysteries of the Dark Moon: The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess” had to teach me about being a witch and tending to my soul. It was a heavy but liberating read and the fact I’m releasing it in this kind of lunar energy doesn’t surprise me. We’re not in a dark moon phase but this eclipse brings so much water energy that it has a lot of the same signatures as a dark moon. If you want to listen to that episode, find “This Witch Reads” on your favorite podcast app or visit this link.
All the moon’s water energy begins with the fact that the full moon lunar eclipse is in the sign of Scorpio which is a water sign and the sign of the shadow, repressed secrets and deeply buried emotions. Scorpio pulls up from your subconscious realm and your shadows what is ready to be tended to. It’s not usually comfortable or pleasant but it is usually enlightening and provides the perfect atmosphere for emotional healing.
Scorpio is ruled by Mars so the full moon is bringing a little of that planet’s energy in as well and Mars is currently in the sign of Cancer – another water sign. Cancer brings the reminder to nurture yourself as you move through what wants to be healed emotionally.
This lunar eclipse is also connected with the south lunar node which triggers emotional healing as well. Are you seeing a theme here?
It feels like an emotionally messy moon with a lot of potential for transformation – just like when the Dark Goddess comes to visit. It’s not always welcome or wanted energy but it is always cathartic and transformational.
The south node is also about endings and letting go and releasing from the past so don’t be surprised if old issues from the past need your attention. I tend to see myself as a multiplicity of parts like Dick Schwartz describes in his book “No Bad Parts” so I imagine during this Scorpio eclipse some of my younger or past life parts will walk out of the shadows and try to get my attention in some way. Perhaps my mind will keep revisiting old hurts from the past I haven’t fully moved through yet or a part that felt betrayed and is having a hard time trusting again will need tending to. Because there is so much water energy, it might feel like a flood of emotions that overwhelms my nervous system. I think my self-care practices and my Moon Mapping recordings are going to come in handy this week.
Emotionally, you might be going through a lot so be kind and gentle with yourself and your schedule. This isn’t about getting a lot done physically or being productive this week. It’s about moving through a lot emotionally which requires a whole different set of tools and expectations.
For all those who are highly sensitive like me, set some lovely boundaries. You DO NOT have to swim in everyone else’s emotional mess with them. You’re allowed to support the people you love without absorbing everything they are feeling. You don’t have to join people in their emotional mess in order to help them. I constantly remind myself of this and honestly, the more I’m at peace with pain and suffering – my own and other people’s – the less I feel the need to take on other people’s emotional burdens. We are human. Things are messy and painful and suffering is part of the mess.
The more I can sit with my own pain or sit with the pain of someone I love without feeling overwhelmed or afraid and without catastrophizing it and instead understand it is part of the journey, the more it simply passes through me without my needing to hold onto it all. My body appreciates that I now know how to do this – to let go and allow people to carry their own pain. Yes, I can support them as much as I can but it’s not my job to carry it for them. Plus, trying to carry someone else’s pain as a way to fix it never works. Usually, other people’s pain isn’t mine to fix.
Give yourself time this week to tune in, get curious and connect with inner parts that are wanting to speak to you during this full moon. By doing it before the full moon arrives, I suspect your emotions and all this water energy will be easier to manage than if you rush through the eclipse ignoring or dismissing the inner parts that are stepping out of your shadows.
For those of you who have access to the recordings that work with the MAP Method in the Moon Mapping Year, fit in listening to some of the episodes. The MAP Method works so well with the subconscious mind and all this lunar energy will enhance how powerful and effective that kind of inner work is. I would especially listen to the ones that go deep into the shadow realm like episode #21, “Releasing Trapped Emotions from Conception to Eight Weeks”. In that episode, we dive deep into the unconscious and ask your Superconscious mind to release any trapped emotions that were created from the earliest time in your life.
You might also want to set some good energetic boundaries with episode 27, “Psychic Protection with the Archangels”, where we work with the directions, elements and the archangels to clear and protect your aura and energy field.
Also, because the full moon is having a relationship with Pluto and pulling up issues of power, I would also suggest listening to episode #10 “Reclaiming Your Power” because in that episode we clear unhelpful cultural beliefs about women and power and clear your own personal relationship with power from birth to adulthood so you can step into your power, reclaim a sense of self and root power back into your body so its there to stay.
Today the moon is in the gibbous phase.
This moon phase is when the moon seems almost full. In the creation process, it’s a great time to clear any trapped emotions or energy so that all parts of you, even the hidden wounded subconscious parts, are on board with your goals or your new moon intentions. Some of those blocks include ancestral memories stored in your body, past life memories or energy and emotions you unconsciously absorbed from other people. You are most likely carrying subconscious beliefs or stories that no longer serve you so it is helpful to spend time in your art journal tending to those.
In my art rituals, this is the time when I’m thinking about whether or not my everyday life supports my New Moon intentions.
What about your everyday life can be shifted or changed to better support the direction you want to move forward in?
Are there routines or habits you can begin that will support my dreams and goals?
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents a daily habit that supports your dreams or goals.
The moon moves into the sign of Libra later in the day. Libra is ruled by Venus so the moon is carrying a little of that planet’s energy in the evening as well.
Libra is an air sign. It is fluid and dynamic. It brings energy that is soft, beautiful and artistic. It likes to help you be sociable and enjoy friendships, gatherings and groups. It also likes to keep things balanced and looks for equality in relationships. It brings an energy of acceptance and understanding but it can also be too outwardly focused or, in other words, have you focusing on other people’s needs at the expense of honoring your own feelings and needs.
Let’s magnetize the helpful energy Libra brings.
Think about one of the beautiful relationships you have in your life – you know, one of those relationships where you feel accepted for who you are. One of the relationships in your life that is easier and smoother than other relationships in your life.
What do you like about that smoother and easier relationship?
What does equality look like in that relationship?
What does having harmony in that relationship feel like to you?
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that celebrates a relationship you treasure.
The moon is in a square, or in other words, a tense relationship with the planet Mars today.
Mars is associated with the element of fire. It is the planet of action and courage. Sometimes it can be difficult to manage and we react with impulse or speak before we think or allow our anger to express itself in more aggressive ways than we want it to. Mars does not submit to others and likes to lead with purpose and take action.
The tension created by the square between the moon and Mars can cause you to feel impatient, short-tempered and blunt or harsh. It can also cause you to project your pain onto other people, take things personally or live from what Eckart Tolle refers to as your pain body. If someone triggers you emotionally today, it might be helpful to get curious, look within and explore if something deeper is at play. Instead of reacting or saying something you don’t really mean or directing your emotions to someone that isn’t actually at the root of the problem, it’s a great day to instead address the inner wound and meet the emotional need that is surfacing through the other person’s behavior.
In your art journal, create an image that represents harnessing fire energy in a helpful way.
The moon moves into the sign of Scorpio today.
Scorpio is ruled by Mars so the moon is carrying a little of that planet’s energy as well.
Scorpio is a fixed water sign. It brings energy of containment, introversion and defensiveness. Scorpio energy isn’t the best for showing our true feelings or being vulnerable since it prefers to hide and protect but it is helpful for finding safety, being cautious, reserved and helping you to heal and transform your secret or repressed emotions. In fact, emotions are of great importance to Scorpio energy so don’t be surprised if you feel extra sensitive or more easily triggered when the moon is in this sign.
Scorpio energy also helps you to dive deep into your emotional and spiritual realms which is a necessary quality for healing and transformation.
In your art journal, create an image that represents diving into your emotional realms.
Happy full moon lunar eclipse is Scorpio!
If your rising sign is Aries, the full moon is inviting you to illuminate the emotional wounds you carry from debt, shared money or taxes. At the new moon, you set intentions around your body, identity and sense of vitality so bring these two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What emotional wounds or past trauma wants to be tended to in my psyche or in my past from my experiences with shared money, debt or taxes and how will tending to these emotional wounds support the intentions I made at the new moon for bold new beginnings in my body, identity or sense of vitality?”
If your rising sign is Taurus, the full moon is inviting you to illuminate the emotional wounds you carry from intimate relationships or partnerships. At the new moon, you set intentions around your subconscious mind and those things you keep hidden from yourself so bring these two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What emotional wounds or past trauma wants to be tended to from my marriage, intimate relationships or partnerships? How will tending to these emotional wounds support the intentions I made at the new moon for the positive results I want to experience from doing my deep shadow or brain rewiring work?”
If your rising sign is Gemini, the full moon is inviting you to illuminate the emotional wounds you carry from your health, your relationship with your pets or your daily routines and work tasks. At the new moon, you set intentions around your friendships, groups, communities or your hopes and wishes so bring it all together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What emotional wounds or past trauma wants to be tended to from my health, my relationship with my pets or my daily routines and work tasks? How will tending to these emotional wounds support the intentions I made at the new moon for bold new beginnings in my friendships, groups, communities or hopes and wishes?”
If your rising sign is Cancer, the full moon is inviting you to illuminate the emotional wounds you carry from your relationship with your children, your hobbies, pleasures or creativity. At the new moon you set intentions around your career, your reputation or your ideas of success so bring those two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What emotional wounds or past trauma want to be tended to from my relationship with my children, my hobbies, pleasures or creativity? How will tending to these emotional wounds support the intentions I set at the new moon for my career, reputation or my ideas of success?”
If your rising sign is Leo, the full moon is inviting you to illuminate the emotional wounds you carry from your relationship with your parents, your ancestors or your home and living situation. At the new moon you set intentions of bold new beginnings in the areas of your life that have to do with your faith, spiritual practices, international travel or your future success so bring those two areas of your life together by asking yourself, “What emotional wounds or past traumas want to be tended to from my relationship with my parents, family, ancestors, home or living situation and how will tending to these emotional wounds support the intentions I made at the new moon for my faith, spiritual practices, international travel or my future success?”
If your rising sign is Virgo, the full moon is inviting you to illuminate the emotional wounds you carry from school, your relationship with your siblings, teaching, communication, the goddess or nature-based rituals. At the new moon you set intentions of bold new beginnings around debt, taxes, your psyche or your relationship with death so bring those two areas of your life together by asking yourself, “What emotional wounds or past traumas want to be tended to from my experiences in school, learning, communication, my siblings, my relationship with the goddess or nature-based rituals? How will tending to these emotional wounds support the intentions I made at the new moon around my debt, taxes, psyche or my relationship with death?
If your rising sign is Libra, the full moon is inviting you to illuminate the emotional wounds you carry from money, income or livelihood. At the new moon, you set intentions around your close, intimate relationships or partnerships so bring those two areas of your life together by asking yourself, “What emotional wounds or past traumas want to be tended to from relationship with money, income or my livelihood how? How will tending to these emotional wounds support the intentions I set at the new moon around my close, intimate relationships or partnerships?”
If your rising sign is Scorpio, the full moon is inviting you to illuminate the emotional wounds you carry from the areas of your life that have to do with your identity, body, appearance or your spirit. At the new moon, you set intentions around your health, daily routines, relationship with your pets or work tasks so bring those two areas of your life together by asking yourself, “What emotional wounds or past traumas want to be tended to around my identity, body, appearance or spirit? How will tending to these emotional wounds support the intentions I made at the new moon for my health, daily routines, relationship with my pets or work tasks?”
If your rising sign is Sagittarius, the full moon is inviting you to illuminate the emotional wounds you carry from the areas of your subconscious mind and those things you hide from yourself. At the new moon, you set intentions around your children, hobbies, pleasure or creativity so bring those two areas of your life together at the full moon and ask yourself, “What emotional wounds or past traumas want to be tended to from my subconscious mind or inner shadows? How will tending to those emotional wounds support the intentions I made at the new moon for bold new beginnings in my routines, work, pets or wellness?”
If your rising sign is Capricorn, the full moon is inviting you to illuminate the emotional wounds you carry from friendships, groups, community and your hopes and wishes. At the new moon, you set intentions around your parents, ancestors, your childhood or your home and living situation so bring those two areas of your life together with the full moon and ask yourself, “What emotional wounds or past trauma want to be tended to from my friendships, community or my hopes and wishes? How will tending the emotional wounds in these areas of my life support the intentions I set at the new moon for bold new beginnings around my relationship with my parents, my ancestors, my childhood or my home and living situation?”
If your rising sign is Aquarius, the full moon is inviting you to illuminate the emotional wounds you carry from your career, reputation or ideas of success. At the new moon, you set intentions around teaching, learning, communication, the goddess or nature based rituals so bring those two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, ‘What emotional wounds or past trauma want to be tended to from my career, reputation or ideas of success? and how will tending the emotional wounds in these areas of my life support the intentions I made at the new moon for bold new beginnings in my teaching, learning, communicate, the goddess or nature-based rituals?”
If your rising sign is Pisces, the full moon is inviting you to illuminate the emotional wounds you carry from your faith, spiritual practices, long-distance travel or future success. At the new moon, you set intentions around money, your assets or your livelihood so bring those two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What emotional wounds or past trauma want to be tended to from my faith, spiritual practices, long-distance travel or future success? How will tending to the emotional wounds in these areas of my life support the intentions I made at the new moon for bold new beginnings around my money, assets or livelihood?”
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that reflects your full moon intentions.
Have fun with your art journal and the moon this week.
with love,
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hi i'm dana...
This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.
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