
Art Journal with the Moon October 24-30 2022

Art Journal with the Moon October 24-30, 2022

This is a summary of the moon’s energy for the upcoming week and the inner work and magic you can do in your art journal to make the most of the opportunities the cosmos is gifting us with.


Every week the emotional and magical opportunities the moon is sending you are different because the energy she is drawing down from the planets and stars changes moment to moment. Planets and stars and moon phases and moon signs each carry their own unique energy .This is my weekly update (Mon-Fri) of the moon’s comings and goings to support you in aligning with her energy.

Get your art journal or a scrap of paper you see lying around, your art supplies or those pencil crayons you have hidden away somewhere and have fun. Spend 10 – 20 minutes focusing on the themes the moon is supporting you to explore that day while you play with colors and shapes and watch what happens over time.

It’s amazing what a little consistent creative time can do.

A Few Thoughts About the Moon This Week

Eeeek! It’s Scorpio season! I love it.

Maybe it’s because my son was born in Scorpio season or because October has always had a special place in my heart. I can’t tell for sure, but I do know this witch is not unique in her love of this time of the year.

Scorpio season also brings Samhain. Samhain marks the Witch’s New Year and the season of transformation, death and rebirth. It’s Persephone diving into the underworld. It’s a time when the connection between this world and the next is a delicate shimmery gossamer veil. It’s a season to honor your ancestors and face all you have repressed – your traumas and fears as well as your powers and gifts.

It’s also a season to face all we’ve suppressed as a culture – and if you’re a white woman like me, that includes facing everything my culture has suppressed in order to uphold white supremacy.  It’s hard inner work. No wonder Scorpios are known to be able to tolerate more than other signs.

The inner landscape is often far more frightening than any adventure a horror movie can take you on. Some of the bravest, most daring people I know can climb mountains and jump out of planes but ask them to sit with the discomfort of shame or face their deepest fear and every cell in their body wants to lash out, run away or hide (which, of course, is as normal as snowflakes on mountain tops). Of course, we want to lash out, run away or hide! It takes time to teach the body it’s not going to die when we face our scary inner landscape. It’s been conditioned to keep us alive after all. It’s just trying to keep us safe but at one point or another, face our scary inner landscape is something we all must do.

I hope as you sit with your art journal this week and follow along with the prompts you face your inner landscape but in as cozy and gentle way as possible. 

To support you even more, a new edition of Dana’s Creative Moon Guide will hit your inbox at the new moon on Tuesday. If you aren’t part of my community or you haven’t signed up to receive those yet, you can do so here. It’s free and fun. This edition is focused on eclipse season so there will be all kinds of mystical goodness inside to support you through the Scorpio/Taurus lunar cycle. 



Today the moon is in the balsamic phase. This phase is when the moon is once again a silver sliver in the sky. She is retreating and preparing to hide away in the darkness of the New Moon. This is a time to move inward; to grow still and quiet and change the direction of your looking and to look within and trust your own wisdom and truth. Communing with Spirit and your deepest self is helpful during this phase.

I use this phase to make time to communicate with the angels and my Highest Self. I try to tune into the wisdom and support I carry within me. The veil between Spirit and my conscious mind is thinner at this time of the moon cycle so it eases communication and intuition. It’s also when I’m focusing on my intuition, paying attention to Spirit Signs, making notes of my sleeping dreams and communicating with Spirit.

It is a good time to address the shadow aspects of your personality and to get curious about what I have buried in my subconscious. Sometimes, when life is busy, we don’t have time to process the emotions and triggers that arise in our everyday life and in our relationships. This phase of the Moon is a good time to deal with whatever you didn’t have time to deal with earlier on in the moon cycle. Taking this time to make friends with your shadow before a new moon cycle begins will help you to be clearer and less influenced by my wounded parts as I make my New Moon intentions.

You can’t always see what needs to be tended to.

Ask your subconscious mind to show you what you most need to tend to today.

Is it something from your past?

Is there a belief or a memory that has been holding you back?

In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents a belief or memory that has been holding you back.

For those of you who have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Monday morning the moon is in the balsamic phase. The balsamic phase is a great time to move inward and address inner parts that you’ve buried in your subconscious. We use that moon phase energy to work with the MAP Method to clear a belief or memory that has been holding you back.

The moon is in the sign of Libra today. Libra energy is sociable, soft, beautiful and artistic. It likes to keep things balanced and looks for equality in relationships. We use that energy to magnetize that kind, friendly, sociable, compassionate and harmonious energy.

The moon is void of course from the late afternoon to the late evening in the mountain time zone. I think of this time as though the moon is just hanging around alone and in the in-between space – no longer where it was but not yet where it will be. The moon likes reflecting energy down to us but when it’s void of course there’s nothing substantial for it to reflect so its reflecting that emptiness back to us.

The moon is in a happy relationship with Saturn today. Saturn bring stability to your emotions today. We magnetize that productive, emotionally balanced, realistic, clear, stable, structure building, responsible, deep and thoughtful energy.
The moon is in a happy relationship with Mars today. This means the moon is drawing down energy to help us set boundaries, stand up for ourselves and feel motivated and ready to take action. We use that energy to clear memories and beliefs around expressing your emotions.

The moon is in an intense relationship with Mercury today. In your relationship with others this can look like moody conversations, disagreements, not considering the other person’s perspective and being overly opinionated or focusing on where you disagree instead of finding common ground. Internally, this can look like tension between your thoughts and feelings. We ask your subconscious mind to locate and neutralize the memories, beliefs or emotions that have already been triggered by this energy and those that might potentially get triggered today by this energy.
The moon is in a tense relationship with Pluto today. In this energy, challenging emotions can surface and affect how you speak or act. It can stir up difficult issues to process or unresolved issues that still need to be tended to. We work with the MAP Method to address any exiled parts within your psyche that may get triggered by this energy today.


It’s a new moon in Scorpio today and it’s also a partial solar eclipse.

Scorpio is ruled by Mars so the moon is carrying a little of that planet’s energy as well.

Scorpio is a fixed water sign. It brings energy of containment, introversion and defensiveness. It doesn’t like to be vulnerable or show its true feelings. It prefers to hide and protect. It can be motivated by finding safety and therefore can be cautious, distrustful, reserved, protective or emotionally controlling but it’s also mysterious, mystical, deep, strong, brave, powerful and not afraid to face inner shadows.

Don’t be surprised if you feel extra sensitive or touchy when the moon is in this sign especially since we’re also experiencing a solar eclipse.

There may be challenges but Scorpio energy will help you to dive deep into your emotional and spiritual realms which is a necessary quality for healing and transformation.

Normally I would set intentions during the new moon but during an eclipse I’m learning I prefer to wait a couple days. Instead of setting intentions, eclipse energy is great for resting and receiving. Rest allows the inner transformations that are naturally happening within me to become complete and take root in my body and spirit. 

What might resting and receiving look like to you today?

In your art journal, create an image that represents your spirit resting and receiving.

If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Tuesday morning we work with the Scorpio new moon and eclipse energy to rest and receive. I lead a guided relaxation meditation then work with the MAP Method to ask your subconscious mind to help you open your heart so it can receive more goodness than it was comfortable receiving in the past.


The moon is in a happy relationship with Neptune today.

Neptune wants to help us connect to source energy and experience what its like to reach our divine potential, feel unconditionally loved and feel our interconnectedness. It also wants to open our psychic gifts, help us receive divine inspiration and dissolve barriers so we experience wholeness and unity. It also wants to help us expand and use our imagination and see the unseen or know the unknown.

It’s a planet of intuition, psychic abilities, imagination, spirituality and dreams but it can also represent our delusions or our desires to escape, including our desire to escape our uncomfortable feelings.

Because it’s in a happy relationship with the moon, the moon gets to reflect back to us all this goodness. It’s a good day for tuning into your emotions, tapping into your creativity, trusting your intuition and using the power of your imagination to create the changes you want to see in your life.

It’s an energy that helps us connect to one another on a deep soulful level and our ability to comfort, soothe and care for the people we love is enhanced.

In your art journal, just play with colors that feel joyful and whimsical to you.

If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Wednesday the moon is still in its darkest phase. The new moon is a perfect time to stretch your imagination so you can better conceptualize what’s possible in your life. We use this energy to magnetize your new moon intentions.

The moon moves into the sign of Scorpio today. We use that deep and emotionally healing energy to tend to wrap your young and weak parts in safety and invite them to feel seen, heard and supported so they can allow the main personality to move in the direction your spirit wants to go.

The moon is void of course from the late afternoon to the late evening in the mountain time zone. I think of this time as though the moon is just hanging around alone and in the in-between space – no longer where it was but not yet where it will be. The moon likes reflecting energy down to us but when it’s void of course there’s nothing substantial for it to reflect so its reflecting that emptiness back to us.

When the moon is void of course it is a good time to rest and relax and look inward. It is a good time to connect with your subconscious mind and your intuition so we work with that energy to surrender to the Divine a troubling situation you are currently dealing with.

The moon is in an intense relationship with Uranus today. Some areas of your life that may be triggered by this energy is your relationship with women and those who significantly identify as such, your childhood relationship with your mother or the main caregiver in your childhood or your relationship with your body. We use this energy to treat challenging memories that interfere with your relationship you’ve had with women in the past.
The moon is in a tense relationship with Saturn today. In this tense kind of relationship with the moon, the area of your life where Saturn and the moon are in can evoke within you uncomfortable feelings around the topics of routine, discipline and structure. We use this energy to reflect on where in your life more structure, routine or discipline would benefit you.

The moon is in a happy relationship with Neptune. It’s a good day for tuning into your emotions, tapping into your creativity, trusting your intuition and using the power of your imagination to create the changes you want to see in your life. We work with the MAP Method to magnetize that soulful, imaginative, dreamy, divine, unconditionally loving, psychic, intuitive and caring energy.

Finally, the other energy from the cosmos we tend to today is Mercury being in a happy relationship with Mars.
Mercury is in a happy relationship with Mars today. Mars and Mercury being in this kind of happy relationship can help you have the courage to say what you really want to say and speak your truth even when you think it might make someone else uncomfortable. We use that energy to root in your subconscious kind, encouraging ways of communicating with yourself.


The moon starts the day off in the sign of Sagittarius today. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter so it’s carrying a little of that planet’s good energy as well.

Sagittarius is a fire sign. It is expressive and positive and humorous, optimistic, adventurous, experimental, adaptive, passionate and fun but it can be focused on too many things. Sagittarius energy likes to help us grow and enjoy ourselves through experiencing all life has to offer. It focuses on personal growth, freedom, expansion, lived experience, learning through trying and doing and embodiment. It’s a curious energy that asks questions and looks for answers.

Let’s use this Sagittarius energy to think about the possibilities of today.

If today could go better than you expected, what would that look and feel like? 

In your art journal, create an image that represents what you imagine is possible in one area of your life you’d like to create change in.

If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Thursday morning, the moon is still in its darkest phase. The new moon is a perfect time to stretch your imagination so you can better conceptualize what’s possible in your life. We use this energy to magnetize your new moon intentions.

The moon is in the sign of Sagittarius today. Sagittarius energy is passionate, fun, curious and wants to helps us experience all life has to offer. We use that energy to consider how the day ahead could go better than expected then magnetize that positive, humorous, optimistic, curious, adventurous and expansive energy.

The moon is in a happy relationship with Jupiter. Jupiter wants to bring harmony, well-being, kindness, justice, abundance, growth, expansion, good luck and balance to your life. The moon is supporting Jupiter’s desire to do this in your life today. Together, the moon and Jupiter are shining more peace into our lives today. They’re helping us feel open-hearted and generous. We use the MAP Method to magnetize that harmonious, abundant, expansive, kind, open, calming and positive energy.

The other energy from the cosmos we tend to today is Mercury being in a tense relationship with Pluto today. In this tense relationship, Pluto can bring its transformative energy and cause overthinking, doubt or fear but if you’re willing to look within and tend to any parts that feel triggered by this energy, it can support you in making great progress with your inner work and heal and transform deep wounds. We work with the MAP Method and this energy to clear memories and beliefs around an issue or experience that brought you grief, rage or loss in the past.

Mercury is also in a happy relationship with Mars. Mars and Mercury being in this kind of happy relationship can help you have the courage to say what you really want to say and speak your truth even when you think it might make someone else uncomfortable. We use that energy to root in your subconscious kind, encouraging ways of communicating with yourself.

Jupiter is now retrograde in the sign of Pisces. This is more restful energy. It’s also more inwards moving energy which fits the Scorpio season we are in really well. We use the MAP Method to magnetize this intuitive, imaginative, dreamy, healing and inward-moving energy.


Today the moon is in the waxing crescent phase.

This moon phase is when a silver sliver of the moon begins to appear in the night sky. The moon is moving from being dark, still and invisible to growing and coming into full power.

I like to think of this phase as the time when the dream seeds I planted during the New Moon are just starting to form shoots or tiny roots. I might not be able to see my prayers being answered or my dreams manifesting but I can have faith that despite the limited capabilities of what my physical senses can pick up, Spirit is conspiring in my favor and there are invisible forces at work in my life helping me to grow, heal, evolve and create.

In my art rituals, this is the time when I’m meditating on the intentions I set during the New Moon. I’m revisiting my intentions and trying to call them up in my imagination again and trying to tap into the emotions those intentions evoke within me. I’m feeding my dreams with the power of my imagination and my emotions.

How far can you stretch your imagination today?

How much goodness can you imagine growing in your life today?

How many invisible forces can you imagine are helping you today?

How many invisible actions can you imagine your angels and spirit guides are taking to help you reach your goals and manifest your new moon intentions?

In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image representing the invisible actions you imagine your angels or spirit guides are taking to help you reach your goals.

If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Friday morning, the moon is in the waxing crescent phase. I like to think of this phase as the time when the dream seeds I planted during the New Moon are just starting to form shoots or tiny roots.  We use this energy to imagine all the invisible actions your angels and spirit guides are taking to help you reach your goals and manifest your new moon intentions.

The moon is in the sign of Sagittarius today. Sagittarius energy is passionate, fun, curious and wants to helps us experience all life has to offer. We use that energy to consider how the day ahead could go better than expected then magnetize that positive, humorous, optimistic, curious, adventurous and expansive energy.

The moon is in a tense relationship with Neptune today. In this tense relationship with the moon, Neptune can cause you to feel unsettled and uncertain. We use this energy to clear your energy field.

The moon is in an intense relationship with Mars today which helps you to take action and march forward confident and proud toward your dreams. We use this energy to consider where in your life you are ready to take action then we work with the MAP Method to treat any subconscious blocks you may have that will prevent you from taking those steps you want to take.

Jupiter is now retrograde in the sign of Pisces. This is more restful energy. It’s also more inwards moving energy which fits the Scorpio season we are in really well. We use the MAP Method to magnetize this intuitive, imaginative, dreamy, healing and inward-moving energy.

Join Me

If you are ready to enhance your alignment with the moon and rewire your brain at the same time, check out the Moon Mapping Year. When you subscribe, you now receive the MAP Your Mornings private podcast as  a BONUS. MAP Your Mornings is where I align with the moon’s energy for the day and use the MAP Method to teach your subconscious mind how to rewire your brain. Every morning (Mon-Fri), we work with the MAP Method AND the emotional and spiritual themes the moon and the planets and stars are supporting us with to rewire your brain and help you manifest the changes you most want to see in your life.

with love,

Dana da Ponte


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This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.


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