
April full moon 2020

Dana’s Moon Page for the Full Moon April 2020

This month’s journal page was created to inspire you to spread a little kindness and gratitude during these challenging times.


I’m so excited to see this month’s full moon in the sky. I’m planning a whole family night out just to enjoy this big beautiful moon. I don’t know if the sky will cooperate with me. It’s been so foggy in my neck of the woods. I drove into town to get some much needed groceries with my son the other day. It was midday but the sky was bleak, the air was dense and the grey mist hid the mountains from us. We talked about how we were both hitting a low point from the days of isolation we’ve endured. We didn’t try to cheer each other up. We simply shared how we were feeling and my son decided that it wasn’t very nice of the sky to look the way it did during a pandemic. The least it could do was allow the sun to shine.

As we were out running errands, I realized that since the pandemic grocery shopping has become an emotional experience for me. I didn’t expect that. It’s been much harder than I anticipated. The masks and gloves, the line ups to enter the store, the plastic screens, the chemical smell of disinfectant, it all weighs a little heavy on my heart. I don’t want it to. In fact, there’s a part of me that thinks I should be stronger than this but I’m not and of course, I shouldn’t be. None of us should be. This is the kind of reality we only enjoy in fiction.

I thought about this when I created this month’s full moon journal page. I wanted to focus on what we could release into the world to counter the heaviness. One of the lightest feelings I know is gratitude so I thought it would be nice to inspire us to send a few positive postcards out into the world.

If you are not on my email list and haven’t received this month’s moon page, visit my homepage and sign up. You’ll receive a link where you can download the hand-drawn page I created for this particular moon. Print it, grab a tea and a cozy blanket, get comfortable then follow the instructions below.


If moon rituals are familiar to you, prepare your sacred space and invite Spirit to join you in whatever way works best for you.

If, however, you are new to moon rituals, I’ve included a quick guide to the steps I follow to prepare for my moon rituals in a past blog post. Take a look at it before moving forward.

Print out the April full moon journal page and gather your pens, scissors, glue, paints or pencil crayons and collage items like magazines and scrapbook pages.

I also collected an image in a magazine to inspire my color palette for my postcards. I often look for color palette inspiration. It makes the creative experience less stressful for me. Colors overwhelm me. I love them all and want to use them all at the same time. When I choose an image to inspire my color choices, gathering my mixed media material is a lot more peaceful experience for me.

Once you’ve gathered all your supplies, think about who you want to express gratitude for. Is it the nurse you know is putting her life in danger to care for others during this pandemic? Is it a doctor friend who is feeling overwhelmed by the choices she might face? Is it a sister who has been so helpful to you during this time? Is it a neighbor who could use a little pick me up?

Color the back of the postcard if you like then decorate the front of the postcard with your own art. Let yourself have fun and don’t feel the need to be perfect. When you are done, mail or drop off your postcard to brighten someone’s day.

I’ve included a video below of me creating my postcards. Enjoy!

If you end up completing this moon page, I’d love to see what you created. You can even post the finished piece on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #danasartrituals or email me at [email protected] and share with me how it went for you. It’s fun for me to know there are others out there enjoying the moon with me.

with love,

Dana da Ponte



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This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.


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