
Dana’s Moon Page for the Full Moon June 2020
This month’s journal page was created to help you consider the light you want to shine in this world.
This week I watched as many of my white friends and family stepped up to learn about the inherent racism we carry. It was like watching a spark catch fire. Books were read. Ideas were exchanged. Revelations were shared. Books and ideas about white supremacy and racism have been around for a very long time but the conversation seemed to go viral in a way I personally haven’t witnessed in my social circles. When it comes to the subject of race, so much pain and suffering takes place before white people (including me) listen (and we’re not even close to hearing, owning and seeing everything we need to hear, own and see) but these changes I’m seeing wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the brave men and women who shone a light on the darkness of racism even when it was dangerous to do so. It’s easy to shine your light when the world is already lit up. It requires a whole different level of brave to shine a light when the world around you is cloaked in darkness.
This month, the full moon is also a lunar eclipse and as astrologers point out, it is influenced by Mars which brings anger to the surface. Anger can be powerful medicine. Anger says, “This is NOT okay.” Anger says, “No more!”
This month’s moon page depicts a woman lighting a candle. My intention when creating the page was to help us consider where in our personal worlds we would like to shine a light on some darkness we see. Where do we feel angry enough to say to the darkness, “No more!”
Personally, my full moon ritual will be on invoking my spirit guides and angels to help me do the inner work I need to do so I can better stand up against racism when I am directly confronted with it. I heard an inspiring conversation from a woman named Rachel Rodgers on a social media platform and in it she called white people to do better. She asked us to do more than share posts about racism. She asked us to take action and take risks. She asked us to risk our bodies, our relationships and our incomes.
It made me face the times in my life where I chose not to take a risk. At the time, the reason I couldn’t take a risk against the racism I witnessed was because my trauma response shut me down and I wasn’t skilled enough to stay mobilized through it. I ended up with so much regret. I wondered why I couldn’t speak up and say what I wanted to say. I grew up in an environment where my voice was silenced. I was not encouraged to speak up. I was encouraged to be a good girl. I was punished if I did not obey. My emotional needs were not inquired after. My point of view was rarely valued because children’s points of view in general were regularly dismissed. I was overpowered. I really don’t think it is a coincidence that, as an adult, my immune system started to attack my throat. I have A LOT of experiences of being silenced. My personal spiritual work at the moment, if I want to shed a light in my small sphere of influence, is to do the inner work I need to do to take the risk of speaking up. I have to work on my trauma so I can face conflict.
That is, of course, only one of the many places I need to grow to be the kind of light bearer I want to be in this world. There’s a lot more work than that for me to do. For instance, I also shut down when I feel guilty which isn’t helpful because I can’t face my own internalized racism when I allow my feelings of shame and guilt overcome me. I have inner work to do to become more resilient and more able to hear when I’m making mistakes without withdrawing, becoming defensive or wanting to attack.
I want to be a woman who uses her voice and a woman who can manage big, uncomfortable emotions better and that kind of change doesn’t just happen. It will take a lot of inner work…and magic.
I’ll be using my full moon magic to bring about the changes and growth within myself so I can better show up, stand up, mobilize and protect – which, to me, is part of what it means to shine my light. I’ll be using my MAP training to work with my subconscious mind to neutralize the memories where I was silenced so I stop shutting down when I’m confronted with conflict. I will be working with somatic practices to help me stay mobilized instead of getting stuck in a state of dorsal shut down. And I will be calling on my angels and spirit guides to support me in seeing what I need to see and healing what I need to heal so I can be strong and confident and have the courage to take the risks I feel called to take.
How do you want to shine your light? What darkness do you want to illuminate? I encourage you to read the instructions for this month’s full moon journal page below and use this time to focus on what kind of inner work you are being called to do to shine a bigger and brighter light on the darkness you no longer want to see in this world.
If you are not on my email list and haven’t received this month’s moon page, visit my homepage and sign up. You’ll receive a link where you can download the hand-drawn page I created for this particular moon. Print it, grab a tea and a cozy blanket, get comfortable then follow the instructions below.
If moon rituals are familiar to you, prepare your sacred space and invite Spirit to join you in whatever way works best for you.
If, however, you are new to moon rituals, I’ve included a quick guide to the steps I follow to prepare for my moon rituals in a past blog post. Take a look at it before moving forward.
Print out the June full moon journal page and gather your pencil crayons or paint.
As you color the image, you will notice it includes certain symbolism. There are strawberries, a bottle of mead, roses and some honey because different cultures refer to the full moon at this time of year with those names; Strawberry Moon, Mead Moon, Rose Moon and Honey Moon. Here’s an explanation I saw from the Farmer’s Almanac online:
The name, Strawberry Moon, originated with Algonquin tribes in eastern North America who knew it as a signal to gather the ripening fruit of wild strawberries. Alternative European names for this Moon include the Honey Moon and the Mead Moon. It has also been called the Rose Moon, given that many roses come to life during this part of the year!
The Moon and Sun cards from Amrit Brar’s “Marigold Tarot” are pictured in the bottom left side of this moon page. The moon tarot card can be a sign of darkness and uncertainty. It also rules intense feelings and unstable moods – definitely things we need to be conscious of when we’re wrapped in darkness. Darkness is not necessarily a bad thing but it can be when we’re not willing to face what we’ve hidden there. The sun card, on the other hand, brings clarity, optimism and positive energy. The sun and moon need each other. Too much optimism and we don’t face anything, much like the spiritual bypassing that happens in white circles when challenging topics like racism are brought up. I see the sun and moon working together by helping me to face my own darkness then take action on the changes I learn are needed.
There are also a couple magical tools – a pendulum and a wand. Magical tools are symbolic to me of using my magic in practical ways and in ways that bring about the kinds of changes I want to see in my everyday life.
When you are done coloring your page, write your full moon intention in the circle of the candle’s light. Describe what darkness you would like to shine some light on. It can be personal, family or political as long as it is meaningful and important to you. Full moon rituals always work best when you can deeply connect with your heart and spirit and that only happens when you dig deep enough to get at what’s important to you.
If you end up completing this moon page, I’d love to see what you created. You can even post the finished piece on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #danasartrituals or email me at [email protected] and share with me how it went for you. It’s fun for me to know there are others out there enjoying the moon with me.
with love,
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hi i'm dana...

This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.

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