Art Journal with the Cancer New Moon to Heal Your Broken Heart with Great Mother
A self-study course to help heal broken heart memories and create the unconditional love and support you're seeking.
Whether you realize it or not, your heart might be anchored to the past.
Do you find yourself withdrawing from relationships out of fear of being hurt again?
Are you losing faith in new beginnings?
Do you guard your heart more closely than you used to?
Are you ready to start opening up and trusting again?
Broken heart memories are not just about romantic relationships gone sour. These memories can stem from experiences where you felt deep disappointment, loss, or betrayal. Maybe it was a friendship that ended unexpectedly, a trusted mentor who let you down, a career dream that didn't work out as you thought it would or a family member who didn't support you in a crucial moment. These experiences can leave scars on your heart, making it hard for you to trust and open up. These memories cause you to guard your heart more closely than before.
What if the moon could cause the walls you built around your heart to start tumbling down?
In this self-study course, we dive into your shadows, align with the energy of the new moon, and create a powerful ritual you can perform in your art journal to connect with the Great Mother Archetype (or your Inner Mother) to help you trust in yourself and in love again.
- feeling open to new relationships
- trusting in the flow of life again
- embracing the highs and lows of relationships with a resilient heart
- and most importantly, reclaiming faith in yourself and love
Don't worry. The art exercises are simple and more about the process than the end result. You don't even need an art journal. You can start with whatever art supplies you already have handy.
Hi. I'm Dana.
I'm a highly sensitive person whose heart used to break easily, especially in friendships. I carried a lot of broken heart memories from my childhood all the way into my thirties when it became too much. Losing another friendship and having a creative dream come crashing down alongside it was devastating.
I started to isolate myself. My social anxiety grew stronger. Opening myself up to new experiences felt too vulnerable. I started thinking I would never find the kind of friendships I longed for and my body could no longer handle all the emotional pain I was carrying. Something had to change.
I started art journaling with the moon. I learned to trust in its rhythms. I realized I wanted the kind of nurturing energy I had always needed but never received. I learned to give it to myself. I found my inner mother and I connected deeply with Divine Mother or the Great Mother archetype. I started mothering myself and stopped looking for love in all the wrong places.
I found friends who loved me for who I really am. They are the kind of gentle souls who deeply understand my sensitivities and honor them in ways I didn't think was possible. I feel seen and loved. I'm accepted even when I make the mistakes I was rejected and judged for making in the past. My heart feels more open and less guarded than it has ever been and I only want to continue healing so I can keep opening my heart and allowing myself to receive all the love and connection that is waiting for me.
And I want that for you too.
The key is to neutralize intense emotional memories and tend to your unmet emotional needs.
In this course, we do that by working with the MAP Method and your subconscious mind to rewire your brain so the past pain and hurt you carry is healed or transformed. You can learn more about the MAP Method here.
We also art journal with the new moon in Cancer and the Great Mother archetype so you learn how to nurture yourself. Once you know you can trust yourself to have your own back and meet your own emotional needs, it's easier to open up and trust others because your inner foundation is strong and nurturing.
In this mini-course we will:
- align with Cancer moon energy
- set new moon intentions with Dana's Creative Moon Guide for the Cancer New Moon
- perform the steps of a moon ritual in your art journal (this includes setting sacred space and invoking your spirit guides and angels)
- enjoy creative exercises to dive into your shadows
- enjoy creative exercises to connect with the Great Mother archetype
- enjoy creative exercises to heal your broken heart
- experience a Moon Mapping session to clear subconscious blocks that prevent you from healing your broken heart
- experience another Moon Mapping session to connect with the archetype of Great Mother as you open your heart to receive more love and goodness
Count me in!
I love the idea of trusting myself and love again!
Register Here
Cost is $97
A look at the modules included in this mini-course:
Module 1 - Align with the Cancer New Moon
Module 2 - Explore Your New Moon Intentions
Module 3 - Dive into Your Shadows
Module 4- Connect with the Great Mother
Module 5 - Heal Your Broken Heart
Module 6 - Revisit Your New Moon Intentions
Module 7 - Perform Your Cancer New Moon Art Ritual
All my mini-courses include access to the course ART JOURNAL WITH THE MOON BASICS
Module 1 - Art Journal with the Moon Supplies and Suggestions
Module 2 - Moon Art Ritual Basics
Module 3 - Preparing to work with the MAP Method
Is there a live component to this mini-course?
No. This course is available in my online classroom and you will have access to it for the lifetime of the course.
What do I need?
The basics for this project would be an art journal or some mixed media or watercolor paper and some pencil crayons or paints. For all the other art journal pages we create, you can use whatever you feel inspired to (we support spontaneous creativity here). I lead the art journal prompt but I leave the materials you use up to you. If you like mixing it up, make sure you have your art supplies handy, such as your acrylic paints, brushes, glue, scissors and scrapbook paper or magazine, book or printed images that you might want to include in your new moon intention page.
What if I don't have an art journal?
You do not need an art journal nor do you need to be someone who paints regularly or considers yourself an artist to join us. You can use whatever art supplies you have handy.
I also blend a lot of collage into what I create. There are no rules. The process is more important than the finished product. There is no art experience necessary to enjoy this mini course.
What is a Moon Mapping session?
During this mini course, I will lead us through two Moon Mapping sessions; one to Heal Your Broken Heart and one to Connect with the Great Mother Archetype. In these audio recordings, I work with the MAP Method to teach your subconscious mind how to clear and neutralize emotional triggers and negative beliefs for you.
The MAP Method is gentle and relaxing (just like art). It doesn’t require you to remember or relive traumatic memories. You simply close your eyes and observe your experience!
It’s a safe and gentle way to get immediate results without having to do all the work on your own.
You can learn more about the MAP Method here.
I’m grateful for this work and this process. My whole nervous system is relaxed.
Wow, wow, wow!!! That was amazing! I am so grateful for feeling less stressed and more positive about my future!
I’m grateful for this session. Thank you so much. I feel better.
Thank you so much for lowering the blocks/fears to a zero.
Thank you for that shift. It felt amazing!
I am grateful for learning more about my relationship with money and about myself and about what I want. I am grateful for this gift of this class.
Just had so many breakthroughs. Thank you SOOO much for this.
I have chronic neck issues due to a car accident & as I was going through the exercises I felt all that pain release. My neck is always really stiff the first few hours of the day. The stiffness disappeared about halfway through. I wanted to express my sincere gratitude.
This is for you if:
- you value creativity and intuition especially in spirituality and don't feel the need to impose your rules on other people
- you value your emotions
- you are an adventurous person who isn't afraid of letting their inner five year old come out and play
- you want to learn more about the moon phases and how to create with them
This is not for you if:
- you are uncomfortable with witchy things
- you are impatient with people who don't get all the details just right (I'm a creative intuitive with a lot of gifts but getting all the details just right isn't one of them so patience and kindness is necessary.)
- you believe there is a right way to practice spirituality or moon magic and a wrong way
- you are uncomfortable connecting with your Spirit Guides or Angels
- I'm a professional intuitive with over 24 years experience and clients from all over the world
- I help highly sensitive empaths because I'm one too
- I'm a certified MAP practitioner
- I'm trauma informed
- I was trained as a high school English and Art teacher but when I was pregnant with my son I started hearing angels and life took an unexpected turn to lead me here
- I led in person and online women's circles for over 5 years
- I have a passion for inner child healing and reparenting ourselves
- I live in a beautiful mountain town with my husband and dog
- A well-kept secret (until now) - I drive to the local yoga studio NOT to do yoga but to buy chocolate chip tahini cookies because they're the only treat that my mast cells don't react to (I have MCAS)
no art experience necessary
I'm in!
I'm ready to align with the lunar cycles that are here to support me!
Register Here
Cost $97