Art Journal with the Moon 101



It’s time to create magic!


Dear creative friends,

Do you love the moon as much as I do?

That first time I put paint to paper under the magic of the new moon was a blessing beyond any I could have imagined.

Art journaling with the moon helped me find myself, soothe my body and build my thriving business.

Nine years ago, my life exploded in a mess of chaos and pain. The book I worked so hard to write with my mom wasn’t selling. The business I started fell apart – it was the second time this happened to me. My close inner circle of friends no longer felt safe or friendly. And to top it all off, I became severely and mysteriously ill.

I felt lost. I wondered if there was something wrong with me. No matter how hard I tried I kept falling down and getting back up only to fall back down over and over again. Nothing seemed to work. It was exhausting. I thought, “Maybe these things I want just aren’t for me. Maybe I should stop wanting these things.”

Despite everything, I could not to give up. I hung on and kept going but I had to start all over again so I started listening to my instincts.

I wanted to paint so I did that.

I wanted to align myself with the moon so I did that.

Every new and full moon I spent time digging deeper into my wild creative nature. I used the moon as my mirror. I let it teach me about myself. I used the full moon to release all the emotional and energetic garbage I was carrying. I’m a healer with a highly sensitive nervous system. I absorb a lot of information from other people and my environment. The regular full moon cleansings helped me feel lighter, clearer and more energized.

I used the new moon to set intentions, claim my worth and revisit my goals. I had a loud inner critic and after the setbacks I experienced I needed a lot of encouragement and a constant reminder to keep me focused. My new moon rituals gave this to me.

This is one of the first new moon paintings I created. It hangs in my office now. I imagined all the flowers were my creative gifts pouring out of me and finding homes all over the world. Seven years later I can say my art and intuitive gifts are being shared with people all over the globe. I wish I could whisper in my younger self’s ear and let her know her magic is real.

I fell deeper into the natural rhythms that support me. I started following the lunar cycles more closely and added the other moon phases. I started to feel vibrant and alive and aligned with the life force surrounding me. I started sharing this creative relationship with the moon with other people. I hosted regular classes online and in my home where we combined moon art rituals with connecting to Spirit.

I came back to myself. My intuition strengthened and I started to know what steps to follow next.

My emotions and my highly sensitive nature are being tended to in every moon phase. I have a strong, beautiful business that helps me share my gifts with the world. I spend my days doing what I love and I’m working on my first solo book. I know who I am and what I want and I know how to make sure I don’t stay stuck. There are several factors that led me here but my creative relationship with the moon is one of the important ones.

And I did it all while learning how to manage a chronic illness.

I’m now really passionate about helping other highly sensitive empaths learn how to wield their magic and align with the natural rhythms that are here to support them – and all by playing in an art journal.

That’s what this class is all about! We art journal with the moon phase by phase.

Meeting the moon in your art journal brings out your magic and I’d love to have you join me.

Count me in!

I’m ready to align with the moon in my art journal!

Register Here

Cost is $297 CAD

+ receive 3 Bonus Gifts


5:00 – 8:00 pm MT

April 24, May 1, 8, 15, 29 and June 5, 12, 19

attend live online or access recorded class

In this class you will learn:

  • how each phase of the moon can support you
  • how to align with the moon using your art journal
  • how to create your own full and new moon rituals in your art journal
  • how to use the moon cycles to help you heal
  • how to use the moon cycles to help you stand in your power
  • how to use the moon to help you reach your goals

A Sneak Peek of What We’ll Cover Together…

(Since I’m intuitive by nature, the agenda could possibly shift and change a bit as we go along but this is where I’m currently planning to lead us.)

Week 1

  • The sun and moon in magic
  • Your sun sign versus your moon sign
  • Journal page creation – an ode to the sun and moon
  • BONUS: A Moon Mapping session for your moon sign

Your sun sign determines your personality and how others might perceive you but your moon sign reveals your inner world of emotions and provides insight into characteristics you inherited from your parents and ancestors. In week one, you’ll look at both your sun and moon sign and what they can teach you about yourself.

Week 2

  • A deeper look at the moon in magic
  • Journal page creation – the moon as mirror
  • BONUS: A Moon Mapping session for aligning with the moon

The moon has a long history of sacred symbolism. The more you understand about the symbolism of the moon, the more you understand about yourself. In week two, we dive into that sacred symbolism and explore what it means to you personally.

Week 3

  • The eight moon phases and how to work with them in your art journal
  • Journal page creation – the eight moon phases
  • BONUS: A Moon Mapping session for clearing subconscious blocks with the eight moon phases

Every moon phase offers its own unique opportunity for healing or magic. In week three, I share the eight moon phases I work with in my art journal and the healing and magical properties I associate with each phase.

Week 4

  • Your personal birth moon phase
  • Your personal birth moon archetype
  • How to use your personal birth moon information throughout the year
  • Journal page creation – your birth moon magic
  • BONUS: A Moon Mapping art session for psychic protection


When you were born, the moon was in one of its phases. Each phase carries its own influence. It will pull you toward certain ways of thinking or being and when we look at your personal moon phase, we’ll know which predispositions are working with you and which ones are working against your goals.

I also associate each moon phase with an archetype. Each archetype provides insight into how you navigate relationships with yourself and others. They point to what gives your life a sense of meaning and the inherent values that cause you to react in certain ways to problems.

Week 5

  • Dana’s step-by-step process for art journaling with the new moon
  • Journal page creation – setting a new moon intention
  • BONUS: A Moon Mapping session for the new moon

The new moon is the darkest of the moon phases. I like to think of this phase as an empty garden plot filled with rich black dirt just waiting for me to plant a seed in. It is a time to go inward, be still and dream up what you next want to create in your life.

Week 6

  • Dana’s step-by-step process for art journaling with the full moon
  • Journal page creation – releasing and clearing with the full moon
  • BONUS: A Moon Mapping session for clearing with the full moon

This phase is when the moon is full and bright and round. This is a time of letting go and releasing. You might want to let go and release your goals to a higher power or you might want to work on releasing things in your life that are no longer helpful. The full moon can be like a nice big energetic cleansing where you forgive yourself and others, let go of grievances or surrender and trust.

Week 7

  • The moon and intuition
  • Journal page creation – opening my third eye
  • BONUS: A Moon Mapping session for trusting your intuition

Coming into alignment with the moon naturally improves your connection to your emotions and intuition. In week seven, we intentionally deepen this by actively working with your intuition.

Week 8

  • Creating your own moon art ritual
  • Journal page creation – a moon art ritual for gratitude
  • BONUS: A Moon Mapping session for growing the feeling of gratitude

I wrap all my magical journeys with gratitude and this class is no exception. In week eight, you will learn how to create your own art rituals in the future then we will complete a moon art ritual for gratitude together.

no art experience necessary

I’m in!

I’m ready to align with the lunar cycles that are here to support me!

Register Here

Cost is $247 CAD

+ receive 3 Bonus Gifts


5:00 – 8:00 pm MT

April 24, May 1, 8, 15, 29 and June 5, 12, 19

attend live online or access recorded class

What if I miss the live class?

The classes will be recorded and available until the end of June.

What if I’ve never painted before?

You do not have to paint to complete your moon art ritual. You can use pencil crayons or whatever you have handy. I even blend a lot of collage into what I create. There are no rules. During a moon art ritual, the process is more important than the finished product. There is no art experience necessary to enjoy this class.

Do I need my own art journal and supplies?

Yes, you need your own art journal and supplies because the class is online and you will be enjoying it from the comfort of your own home. If you are just beginning your art journey, I suggest starting with a mixed media journal, some watercolors, pencil crayons and markers. Keep it simple.

What are the Bonus Moon Mapping sessions?

I work with the moon in my art journal but I also do healing work with the subconscious mind and I like to weave that into our time together. Moon Mapping sessions are where I work with the MAP Method to teach your subconscious mind how to clear and neutralize emotional triggers and negative beliefs for you. These sessions are optional and will be happening at the end of class but I strongly encourage you to join us. We’ll be working on anchoring the learning from the class. You can learn more about the Moon Mapping sessions by visiting The Moon Mapping Year on my site.

This is for you if:

  • you value creativity and intuition especially in spirituality and don’t feel the need to impose your rules on other people
  • you value your emotions
  • you are an adventurous person who isn’t afraid of letting their inner five year old come out and play
  • you want to learn more about the moon phases and how to create with them

This is not for you if:

  • you are uncomfortable with witchy things
  • you are impatient with people who don’t get all the details just right (I’m a creative intuitive with a lot of gifts but getting all the details just right isn’t one of them so patience and kindness is necessary.)
  • you believe there is a right way to practice spirituality or moon magic and a wrong way
  • you are uncomfortable connecting with your Spirit Guides or Angels


  • I’m a professional intuitive with over 20 years experience and clients from all over the world
  • I help highly sensitive empaths go from feeling overwhelmed and stuck to feeling clear and ready to take action on their dreams
  • I’m a certified MAP practitioner
  • I’m trauma informed
  • I led in person and online Moon Sisters Art and Ceremony Circles for over 5 years
  • I also specialize in helping women and those who significantly identify as such in healing from difficult childhood mother-daughter relationships
  • I live in a beautiful mountain town with my husband and dog.
  • A well-kept secret (until now) – Every week I drive to the local yoga studio NOT to do yoga but to buy TWO chocolate chip tahini cookies because they’re the only treat that works with my Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

no art experience necessary

I’m in!

I love the idea of art journaling with the moon.

Register Here

Cost is $297 CAD

+ receive 3 BONUS Gifts

Classes take place on Sundays

5:00 – 8:00 pm MT

April 24, May 1, 8, 15, 29 and June 5, 12, 19

attend live online or access recorded class
