Art Journal with the Moon to Plan and Vision the Year Ahead

Art Journal with the Moon to Plan and Vision the Year Ahead

Set yourself up for 2025 in the most magical way possible.

Join me online for a spiritual art course where you will find your power moon days for the coming year, receive messages from your Spirit Guides and Angels about the year ahead, create magical pages in your art journal to manifest your new year intentions and work with the MAP Method to rewire your brain as you invite every part of yourself to get on board with your goals for 2025.

No previous art experience necessary.

The pages you create will be rich with meaning, insight, intuitive messages and symbolism. These aren't just journal pages. They are a way to work your magic.

Every year I spend a lot of magic time preparing for the year ahead. I've developed many practices over the years that have helped me discern how best to move forward in my business and manifest the changes I want to see in my life.

In this course, I share my favorite and most useful techniques for clearing the energy you don't want to carry with you into the new year, seek guidance from your spirit guides and angels about the year ahead and vision your goals and dreams.

  • We'll start by getting an intuitive feel for what's coming up for you in 2025.
  • I'll show you how to find your power moon days for the next year and the magic work to do on those days (getting a feel for what the moon is up to in 2025 is so helpful in navigating the emotional and energetic landscape we'll be facing in the year ahead)
  • I'll share the calendar magic I do in my planner (I go a little overboard here but it always ends up being so helpful.)
  • I'll help you find your magic word for the coming year
  • I'll take you through a step-by-step process to create a vision board in your art journal in the shape of an angel that holds your intentions for year ahead (in past years, I've created my angel vision boards for the year ahead on canvas or on wood cut in the shape of an angel but it also makes for a great page in your art journal)
  • I'll also share several audio journeys that use the MAP Method to release from 2024 what you no longer need, to clear self-sabotaging behaviors that are not in agreement with your 2025 goals and finally, to magnetize your intentions for the new year.

Despite the adversity you face, 2025 can still be a year to unleash your personal magic, manifest changes, and create a consistent flow of Divine guidance.

I created this online course to help you do all these things and more in the most fun way possible.

  • I will guide you with ritual, powerful questions and creative exercises to help you get clear on your goals for 2025.
  • We'll also tune into our intuition and receive messages about 2025 from our Spirit Guides and Angels.
  • I will also lead you in creating several magical pages in your art journal to manifest the changes you want to see in your life in 2025.

I LOVE this!

I'm ready to work my magic for 2025.

Sign me up NOW


  • 12 in-depth modules you can refer to year after year to plan and vision the year ahead
  • Tips, tricks and new ways to expand the ways you currently play in your art journal
  • Exclusive videos of my own art journal pages for the year ahead
  • Access to course pages in my online classroom for the lifetime of the course
  • BONUS insight on the moon in 2025 and your business just for entrepreneurs
  • Creative activities to reset, review, revision and plug back into your inner wisdom and Divine guidance so throughout the year you always know what the right next step is for you
  • Rich and meaningful art journal pages to help you discover what your heart longs for in 2025 so you have the clarity to focus on what you want to manifest
  • An explanation of what the moon is up to in 2025 and how you can align with her cycles to heal and create magic
  • Gentle, loving reflections that help you tune into your soul and uncover your blocks so you don't stay stuck
  • Powerful questions that help you tune out the noise and get in touch with how you really feel and what you really need to move forward
  • Step-by-step videos, audios and workbooks to make the journey easy and fun

And an unbelievable healing addition you won't find in other art courses:

  • A collection of recordings that use the MAP Method to clear subconscious blocks that are standing between you and your dreams for 2025 to make sure that there's nothing standing in your way. (If you're unfamiliar with it, you can learn more about the MAP Method here.)

The magic you create in your art journal will remind you that you are not alone and there are loving spirits who want to help make your dreams come true as much as you want them to come true.

See it. Dream it. Be it.


  • You are ready to let go of what you no longer need and call into your life more of what you really want
  • You aren't afraid of letting your inner five year old come out and play and create
  • You are patient and kind and understand Dana created this course with love but she is not always perfect
  • You'd love to hear Dana's intuitive thoughts about the coming year
  • You love the idea of working moon magic into your art practice (even if you're just beginning)
  • You want to develop a spiritual practice of preparing for the coming year or you want to reinvigorate the practices you already turn to

Some of the pages we create are both a painting and a collage process which makes this retreat perfect for both the artist and the person who is newer to painting but is comfortable pushing themselves to paint simple facial features.

I’ll take you through an oh-so-easy step-by-step processes to create art journal pages that work with the moon to help you plan and vision the year ahead.

I’ve created this process in a way that is good for those of you who are in touch with your inner artist as well as for those of you who are just getting to know her.

Join Dana da Ponte ( in Redwood Meadows, a storybook town located 5 minutes from Bragg Creek, Alberta for a full-day spiritual art retreat where you will get clear about your dreams and your soul’s calling while creating a beautiful vision board that looks like an angel. No previous art experience necessary.

This is an example of one of the pages I teach you to create. It was made at a retreat I hosted in my studio so instead of creating this angel in her art journal, this piece was created on wood. The woman who who made it created it to keep her dream to travel more close to her heart. Isn't it pretty?

At first, she was hesitant to devote her year ahead magic to her dreams of travelling because there seemed to be significant obstacles in the way of that dream coming true. But each of us at the retreat agreed that was exactly the reason why her year ahead magic needed to be about traveling. Her precious dreams to see the world were important and deserved her focus and attention. Even if life prevented her dreams from happening in the timing she wanted, creating such a beautiful angel to hold them for her will remind her that her dreams to travel are important to her and don't deserve to be ignored or set aside forever.

During this online course, you will create an artistic representation like this that captures the dreams and magic you hold inside your heart for the coming year.

What happens in 2025 is then hopefully even better than you imagined it to be.


All the material for this course will be available in my online classroom. Instructions to login and a materials list will be sent by email closer to the date so watch your inbox.

Join Dana da Ponte ( in Redwood Meadows, a storybook town located 5 minutes from Bragg Creek, Alberta for a full-day spiritual art retreat where you will get clear about your dreams and your soul’s calling while creating a beautiful vision board that looks like an angel. No previous art experience necessary.

What? You haven't registered yet! Go ahead and do it now. This is going to be fun.

Register Here

Hi. I'm Dana.

I absolutely love planning and visioning for the year ahead. I've had a spiritual practice with my art journal and the moon for the year ahead for many years now. The first year I did it, I manifested the home in the forest I now live in by spring! I was hooked after that.

I've taught art classes around planning for the year ahead in my studio for many years. I did one specifically for entrepreneurs and another one for everyone else. In this course, I combine all the fun and magic from BOTH those courses into one magnificent journey for YOU!

Several years ago, I became a certified MAP practitioner. The MAP Method is my favorite way of rewiring my brain, regulating my nervous system, reducing anxiety and magnetizing my goals and dreams. I've been working with clients all around the world helping them rewire their brain with this gentle method. In this course, I added some recordings using the MAP Method to help you with your 2025 goals. I think you'll LOVE this unique addition to our magic and art making.

I hope whether you are new to art journaling with the moon or not, this course helps you get clear on your goals for 2025 and helps you believe in possibilities!

Questions and Answers

How does the course work?

When you register, you will receive access to my online classroom. You'll have enough modules to get you started but I'll continue to add content about the astrological influences in the year ahead until the end of December. The content is a mix of pre-recorded videos, downloadable workbooks, written content, demonstration videos and audio recordings so you can access the material whenever is convenient for you. You also have access to the material for the lifetime of the course so you can revisit it year after year and start a spiritual practice to help you plan and vision the year ahead. Every year, I'll update the course material to reflect the important moon information for the coming year - both for personal insights and the bonus entrepreneur insights as well.

What do I need?

First of all, this is an online course so you'll need an email address and a computer or tablet to access the material. You'll most likely want to print some of the pretty workbooks I share as well so if you have a printer, great! It's not mandatory though. Just reading the workbooks and following along in your art journal instead of on the printed page works well too.

You'll also need an art journal, of course. You don't have to get fancy here. Simple notebooks with blank pages work great but by all means, if this happens to be an important year for you, fancy it up my friend and source out your favorite handmade journal. There are so many amazing options out there.

Art journaling can be as simple as you want it to be - blank pages, pencil crayons, scissors, glue and words and pictures cut out of magazines and old books. The materials you use can also be as intricate and creative as you want them to be - paints, markers, oil pastels, crayons, watercolor pencils and ink. There is no limit. I will include an art supply list in one of the modules with some of my favorite supplies to work with but they are only suggestions. In this kind of art, the process is far more important than the end result. It's about working your magic and you can do that just as easily with wax crayons as you can with the most expensive supplies money can buy.

The course fees are in USD - Do you accept payment in Canadian dollars or other currencies?

Yes! Your currency is automatically converted when you check out using a credit card or PayPal. If you'd like to see what the exchange rate might be, you can click here.