
first quarter moon tarot card holder

First Quarter Moon Card Holder

This week, my moon magic art ritual is inspired from an online course I’m taking from Susannah Conway.  The course is called Daily Guidance and at one point Susannah invites us to do a reading with our oracle or tarot cards by choosing three cards based on how the imagery appeals to us in the moment. I loved the way the exercise inspired me to sit with my deck and go through it slowly card by card. I usually sit with my deck face down and I shuffle and draw the cards in a variety of random ways that make me feel like spirit is choosing the cards for me. This exercise was different. I was in charge!

It felt a little naughty at first, as if I was going against the Tarot gods or something. But I loved Susannah’s suggestion because I lingered with my deck far longer than I ever do and I just sat and enjoyed the art and imagery of each card. The exercise was also empowering. It felt as though I were choosing my fate and claiming my destiny. I decided to incorporate that empowerment into a ritual for the First Quarter Moon.

The First Quarter Moon is, to me, symbolic of being at a crossroads or choosing between two different realities. In the First Quarter phase, the moon is half light and half dark. It’s a time of shadow and truth, ego and spirit, littleness and divinity or in a word, duality. In that space of duality, I like to exercise my power of choice.

My mind, my emotions, my words and my actions are under my domain. I wanted to create something for my altar that allowed me to showcase whatever card I picked to represent the energy or intention I was choosing for myself. Not a card to represent a message spirit had for me but a card to say, “I CHOOSE THIS. I want to act like this or be like this or believe in this or dream about this today.”

I knew I wanted something to hold my card of choice but I couldn’t think of what to create until I saw a kid’s project for a clay hand dish. I knew that was it. A clay shape of my hand was the perfect idea because, to me, the shape seemed to hold the same conviction as the idea of putting my foot down. I imagined myself slapping my hand down on the table and making a declaration.

The first thing I did was make some clay out of baking soda and glue. You can see the recipe I used here. The batch I created didn’t work very well. I suspect it may be because I didn’t have any regular glue so I had to use Mod Podge. That may have affected the recipe. Either way, although my clay was dry and hard to mold I decided it was good enough for this particular creation. Next, I found some wire and my pretty purple wire cutters.

first quarter moon tarot card holder

With the wire, I created a shape similar to what you would see in wire photo holders. In fact, if you would like ideas of different ways to shape your wire, do a search for wire photo holders and you’ll see an amazing variety of ways to bend wire to hold your tarot or oracle cards. I chose to create a simple and easy design from scratch. It’s not fancy but it works.

With every twist of the wire, I repeated my intentions to stand in my power. I thought about what that looks like in my life. I thought about all the places I haven’t been doing that and all the areas in my life that may challenge me in the near future. Repeating the intention to stand in my power infused the process of creating this simple design with energy and purpose.

first quarter moon tarot card holder

I then tried to add paint color to my clay but that didn’t go as planned. As I mentioned, the clay was hard to work with. Although the paint didn’t evenly mix throughout the clay, I ended up liking the marble look of the pink paint so I once again decided to stick with using the clay despite my initial disappointment.

I chose a strong pink color intentionally of course. I’m tired of apologizing for my emotional and transparent nature. As I kneaded the color into the clay as best as I could, I thought about how I wanted to integrate love for my personality flaws and especially love for the aspects of myself that have been the hardest for me to accept and appreciate.

first quarter moon tarot card holder

My next step included adding the herbs and spices that symbolized the intentions I wanted to infuse in my altar oracle card holder. I added roses to invite the fairies, basil to invoke my personal power and lavender to remind spirit that I like my growth to happen with ease and grace. I rolled the basil and flowers into the clay with my craft rolling pin while thinking about my intentions and sending gratitude to the fairies for all the magic and connection they’ve gifted me with lately.

first quarter moon tarot card holder

I then rolled out the clay and traced and cut the shape of my hand.

first quarter moon tarot card holder

It was time to insert my quirky little wire card holder into the palm of the clay hand. I also decided to add a few extra herbs and spices. I placed a black pepper corn in each finger tip for power, a circle of cloves around the wire holder to represent angelic assistance and one Star Anise to invite psychic insight when I choose my daily tarot card.

first quarter moon tarot card holder

The end result wasn’t as refined as I thought it would be but I ended up loving it. It reminds me of a bowl of rose potpourri. And truthfully, with rituals and ceremony, the end result isn’t as important to me as the magical process.

first quarter moon tarot card holder

If you’d like to re-create this ritual, I’ve included the step-by-step instructions in this easy to print recipe format. Enjoy!

First Quarter Moon Card Holder
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Suggested Month: Any month
Prep time: 
Performance time: 
Total time: 
A ritual to stand in your power and claim your right to choose and/or a clay holder for your tarot and oracle cards.
  • 16 or 18 gauge wire
  • wire cutters
  • air dry clay
  • acrylic craft paint
  • clay knife
  • marker
  • rose for fairies (optional)
  • lavender for ease & grace (optional)
  • basil for personal power (optional)
  • peppercorns for strength (optional)
  • cloves for angel assistance (optional)
  • star anise for psychic awareness (optional)
  1. Cut the wire in a length that is long enough to form the shape you desire to hold your oracle cards. Don't forget to form a wire base so you can easily insert the holder into the clay.
  2. Choose enough clay to create a wide enough square of clay to fit your hand.
  3. Add a drop of paint to the clay if you wish to tint the clay and knead the color into the clay. If your clay is soft and pliable, the entire ball of clay should be tinted.
  4. Knead the rose petals, lavendar and basil into the clay.
  5. Roll out the clay to a one inch thickness.
  6. Trace your hand with the marker and cut the clay to the shape of your hand.
  7. Insert the wire card holder into the palm of the clay hand.
  8. Press the cloves, peppercorns and star anise into the clay hand while thinking about your relationship to your personal power.
  9. End the ritual in gratitude and let the clay sit to dry.
Thank you for honoring my work and creativity. The photos of this craft and/or ritual and content above are copyright protected. Please do not use the photos without prior written permission or without a link back to this blog post. If you wish to share this art based ritual, please provide a link back to this post on my blog. And if you like this art based ritual but want to make changes to it, please do so in your own words and link this post for credit. Thank you!

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hi i'm dana...


This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.


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