It’s time to…
Shed Old Versions of Yourself, Choose Who You Want to Be and Release Your Magic
What if you could change how you see yourself?
What if you could release identities that no longer serve you and embody the identities that stem from your spirit?
Here's the thing, life will reflect back to you who you think you are. That's why it's hard to create the life you want when you don't see yourself as anything special.
When you change how you see yourself, you stop allowing self-doubt and fear to hold you back. Instead, you think and act and make decisions from your wise and wonderful spirit and life reflects all that wild and wonderful magic right back at you.
It is never too late to become who you’ve always wanted to be because you are the one with the power. All you have to do is boldly claim the identity that fits your wild spirit and life will shift and change to align with who you are at the core of your being.
If you're ready to let go of old identities that hold you back and play with art and magic to manifest the life you deserve...
I invite you to commit to 30 days of changing how you see yourself so you can manifest a life aligned with who you really are.
In one month, using simple morning manifestation art and evening brain rewiring sessions, we’re going to explore the identities that hold you back, release the ones you no longer need and claim the ones that make you feel powerful, capable and in control of your destiny.
Because the truth is there is an untamed, powerful essence within you and you get to decide who you are.
Not your past. Not your mistakes. Not the expectations other people place on you.
You are the Wild Witch. You the one with the power. You choose who you are and who you want to be.
When you embrace an identity that reflects your true potential and desires, you naturally begin to manifest a life that is more fulfilling and aligned with who you really are and that’s where the magic lives…in who you think you are and the choices you make because of it.
I LOVE this.
I'm ready to change how I see myself and release my magic.
$297 USD
Hi. I'm Dana.
I used to see myself as plain, boring, and unimportant. I didn’t believe I was anything special. I could easily see the shiny, spectacular, unique, and interesting qualities in everyone else but I felt like I was nothing out of the ordinary. I doubted my abilities and tended to put myself down. I was allowing the past to dictate my future. I wanted more for myself but I didn't believe I was worth it. I didn't think I was the kind of person who could have the things I wanted. I didn't allow myself to step into my power or believe in my potential so I couldn't take the actions needed to create the life I wanted.
All that changed when I changed how I see myself.
I now see myself as a powerful witch with a wild spirit that is expansive, creative, loving, kind, and beautiful. I’ve come to recognize my unique gifts and talents and I see beauty in who I am in ways I never did before. I value what I bring into the world, and I know my place and purpose because I understand who I am and who I am not.
Because of this, I’ve created a life that truly suits me and reflects who I am. I do what I love and create from my spirit and soul, trusting that it’s leading me exactly where I need to be. Life now reflects this beauty back to me. While I still struggle with self-doubt and comparison from time to time (let's be real, who doesn't?), it’s now more like background noise I can manage, rather than a loud, overwhelming presence that drowns out my spirit.
I’ve built a soulful, creative business centered around the things I love, and I get to share that with people all around the world who love those same things. I continue to expand and grow, and even though life is naturally bumpy and unpredictable, I experience so much magic and wonder that I couldn’t enjoy before. I love my life because it’s a life I created with intention by tuning into my heart and soul.
The key to my transformation was working with my subconscious mind to neutralize and heal the memories that my old identities were built on. When I healed with my subconscious mind, new identities naturally emerged. My younger wounded inner parts were no longer trying to hide my true self to protect me. They finally felt safe enough to set my true spirit free.
What I know now is my life will always be shaped by who I think I am, and in the past, those beliefs were rooted in childhood trauma and emotional neglect. I identified as small and unimportant because younger parts of me needed to feel safe, but when I started healing with my subconscious mind and changing how I saw myself, everything changed. My life transformed for the better as I began to see who I really am, and life reflected my wild spirit back to me. I ended up with a life built exactly around me, my preferences, my purpose, my talents, and what my spirit came here to do.
Once the old identities formed to protect me were gone and my spirit was free to shine it's light in this world, my life completely shifted to fit who I really am. That’s why I believe it’s possible for you to create the life you want—because it’s as simple as allowing your subconscious mind to heal the past for you and releasing the ways you see yourself that no longer work for you so you can finally embrace who you truly are. Trust me, your spirit is as glorious, wild, and wonderful as everything else in nature. When you see yourself as you truly are, life will reflect all that beautiful wonder right back at you.
Now, I'm passionate about helping YOU change how you see yourself so you can create the life you want.
I want to spend 30 days at the most magical time of year focused on helping YOU work with art, magic and your subconscious mind to release identities that no longer serve you and believe in the ones that reflect who you truly are so that you can set your wild spirit free and create the kind of life only YOUR wild, wonderful spirit can imagine for you.
Each day from the new moon on October 2 all the way to Halloween, you'll receive two important activations.
Morning Manifestation Art
The day begins with you spending 10-20 minutes creating your own handprint art as you listen to a recording I created to help you release old identities that no longer serve you and embrace the ones that do. I call this manifestation art because that's what it does - it manifests what you want into your life. All you do is trace your hand and play with your favorite art supplies while you listen to a recording. How simple and fun is that?
Don't worry, the morning manifestation art we create is simple and quick. Plus, it's not about creating perfect art. It's about wielding your magic. We're going to connect with all the loving forces that want to help make your creative dream a reality like your spirit allies and ancestors and trust me, they don't give a shit what your manifestation art looks like. They're just happy you're finally taking yourself seriously.
Your inner witch is going to LOOOOOOOVE this part of the program!
Evening Brain Rewiring Recordings
Each day, you'll also receive a 10-20 minute audio recording that works with the MAP Method to guide your brain in finding and clearing emotionally heavy memories. This process teaches your brain to heal itself and gently neutralizes the negative emotions associated with the heavy memories you carry in your body.
Changing the way you see yourself goes far beyond just stating affirmations or choosing a new identity. It’s about understanding the deep-seated beliefs that drive your actions and shape your reality. These beliefs are often formed in response to past experiences, especially from childhood, and they can be hard to recognize on your own. That’s why a these evening brain rewiring recordings are so valuable—they help you uncover those hidden identities that are influencing your behavior and the results you see in your life.
Real transformation happens when you go deeper, addressing the root of those beliefs. This is where the MAP Method comes in. It’s a powerful approach that works with your subconscious mind to change the memories and patterns that formed your identity. Instead of just changing what you say to yourself, you’re actually transforming your identity at a fundamental level. This leads to lasting change because you’re no longer operating from outdated, limiting beliefs. Instead, you’re embracing an identity on a subconscious level that truly reflects who you are and what you’re capable of, allowing you to create the life you truly desire.
By listening to these recordings, you lift the emotional heaviness that blocks your spirit from shining it's light in this world and stops you from creating the life you want. As these burdens are released, you'll find yourself feeling lighter and more optimistic, with a newfound understanding of who you really are and what you're truly capable of.
And thank fucking goddess for that because who wants to live with a spirit that feels so heavy and tired it can't live the life it longs to live. I'm so done with that and I bet you are too.
For added ease, I will also make these recordings available to you through a PRIVATE PODCAST. I like doing my brain rewiring work while I walk or while I'm resting in my bed. I don't want to take my computer with me so if you're like me, having these recordings available on your phone is a great bonus.
Plus, you’ll have lifetime access to these recordings, so you can return to them even after you're done the program.
This dual approach of manifesting in the morning and rewiring your brain in the evening ensures that you not only dream big but also harmonize your inner state, making it safer and more comfortable for all parts of you to move forward towards your dreams. You will reduce resistance and enhance your ability to manifest.
Weekly Q and A Calls
Every Friday at 10am Mountain Time, starting on October 4th and going until November 1st, we’ll have a one-hour creative support call via Zoom where you can ask me anything - literally anything. Not only will this be a powerful place for you to move forward, but it’s also valuable to witness others being supported. We learn best from each other. YES - these calls will be recorded.
Private Facebook Group
As part of this program, you’ll also gain access to an exclusive private Facebook group. This community allows you to connect and collaborate with fellow creatives who are on a similar journey. You’ll share experiences, exchange ideas, and find inspiration from people like you who understand and relate to your desire to change how you see yourself and create a life you love. Plus, manifesting with others increasing the energy and vibration so we all benefiting from each other's magic making. And witnessing the successes and breakthroughs of others in the group can be profoundly inspiring, pushing you to strive further and dream bigger.
You can also directly ask me questions and receive guidance. I'm committed to checking in on the group at least once every weekday.
Plus we can share our manifestation art with each other. I LOVE this part. This allows you to be inspired by everyone’s creative expressions, gain new perspectives, and perhaps even incorporate elements you hadn't considered into your own art. It’s also a wonderful way to cheer each other on as we visually manifest our dreams.
Here's the feedback I received from the last 30-Day Activation I offered.
I think the program is excellent as is. You put a lot of effort into the morning and evening recordings. The morning encouragement + evening MAP session combos are perfect. The price point of the class is VERY affordable for all of the great content we are getting + the little bonuses with the workbooks, etc. I think it is a wonderful class!
The MAP process is so fascinating to me. I really do feel a difference in how I feel in my body since starting this program. And I definitely notice a difference in the thoughts I'm thinking as I go about my day. It is exciting to think that my brain is literally rewiring itself and I am enjoying the benefits of releasing old stuff that I've been hanging onto for years, but just didn't know how to let go of it. This is so easy!
Courtney M.
I am so incredibly grateful to have access to the recordings. I am finding my balance between solar and lunar energies, as I tend to spend most of my time with the moon. This program is also helping me recommit to a daily journal practice and is perfectly timed as I prepare for the next chapter of my life. My favourite part of the program is ALL OF IT. I remain astonished by the Map Method. If only you knew all that has changed for me since I began working with your content a year ago, it's incredible! The benefits I’ve noticed so far are increased energy. physical strength and stamina.
Jasmine D.
I just had to thank you for the program. Things are exploding because of it. I’m exploding with light. I’ve been unpacking my history and all the negative shit and now the sunshine is wrapping all those old thoughts in light. My creativity is exploding. I’m having so many ideas for work and lectures and things are exploding out of me. I’m doing a lot of inner work but this 30-Day Activation is really impacting me. I’m so grateful for this. The work you’re doing is so important and it’s impacting me so much. I’m so glad God brought you into my life. I’m also so glad you gave me permission to do the program in any way I could. No one has ever given me permission to do it MY way before or to do it in the way that works for me and my life so I never completed things and felt like a failure. You’re the first person to give me permission to do it how I could do it and now I’m doing it. I see this huge new trajectory for me know. Even just thinking about the 30-Day Activation brings ideas to me. You’re a trailblazer. Thank you so much.”
Heather M.
I enjoy the entire program. I enjoy adding a short creative exercise to my morning practice. I also enjoy the contrast and both/and between the sun and the moon. I am a Moon Mapping Year subscriber and still enjoy those recordings but I am looking forward to going through the 30-Day Activation multiple times in the future.
Susan A.
I am enjoying that the morning sets the tone for the day and the evening addresses blockages. I am enjoying the daily engagement. This is not easy for me, but I've been keeping up with it so far and want it to help me reset my daily routines. The encouragement is wonderful for me right now. While I'm enjoying all the elements, I'm obviously a huge fan of the MAP method, so I'm happy to be getting this support at this time. Loving what you've put together Dana and so grateful it came along just at the time I needed it. Thank you!
Stacey L.
I love that it’s kept me from giving up on my goal! I like that it keeps reminding I’m capable of achieving what I set out to. It surprises me sometimes how hearing your morning messages sets me up for another day of doing one more step towards my project! I have had several epiphanies since I began your program and it seems like I’m being led to new information everyday to bring me more clarity! Thank you for sharing this program with me!
Gisele J. (my mom <3 )
What I like about the whole program is the "bookends" to the day. I like the morning affirmations because they start my day with positivity and thinking of images the affirmations bring to mind. What surprised me about the program was how enjoyable the group session was - and how much I learned from the others. Also, the ideas that have come to me during the morning sessions have surprised me. I look forward to putting something on paper everyday now and I’m starting to let go of the idea of perfectionism and concentrate on the idea/feelings behind it.
Kim H.
Loved the content! Each day seemed to speak to me:) How did you know what I needed? I loved that I felt I was working on my personal growth during the summer! It's my favorite time to do something for myself - the energy is so different during this season. Every day felt like a gift to myself:) It's also a time of year for reflection and hopes for the future - which this program completely supported!
Back in June I was literally thinking - I need to do something for me this summer and I found this program offer in my inbox!!!
The benefits I’m noticing so far is that I'm letting go of lots of the crap, the heaviness, self doubt (still working on this one!) I'm affected a lot by the energies of those around me and I'm starting to be more resilient to it (micro dosing but I'll take it!).
I'm speaking up so much more with people and definitely starting to care less about their opinions or thoughts on my decisions and actions. I've needed this my entire life!
At work - I'm becoming clearer on what I expect of my patients and the greater vision for them moving forward. I find patients are listening more intently and having more Aha moments:) In the end that self realization is their gift from our time together:)
I've started having some new ideas for my practice which is very exciting! I overthink everything and then launch nothing. I feel freer which is great. I am feeling more confident and when I speak I do so expecting others to listen and they are:) Mostly haha
I've felt seen for who I am a few weeks ago which is a first in a very long time. It was just me - not what I was giving or doing.
This was such a gift Dana! I plan on restarting it next week. I am beyond grateful that the recordings remain open and give me the opportunity to engage again and again! I'm also paying attention to what activated me so I can work on those parts:)
Your talents and insights are just what this world needs! Thank you for you Dana!
Lisa K.
Yes! I'm in.