
Art Journal with the Moon October 3-9 2022

Art Journal with the Moon October 3-9, 2022

This is a summary of the moon’s energy for the upcoming week and the inner work and magic you can do in your art journal to make the most of the opportunities the cosmos is gifting us with.

Every week the emotional and magical opportunities the moon is sending you are different because the energy she is drawing down from the planets and stars changes moment to moment. Planets and stars and moon phases and moon signs each carry their own unique energy .This is my weekly update (Mon-Fri) of the moon’s comings and goings to support you in aligning with her energy.

Get your art journal or a scrap of paper you see lying around, your art supplies or those pencil crayons you have hidden away somewhere and have fun. Spend 10 – 20 minutes focusing on the themes the moon is supporting you to explore that day while you play with colors and shapes and watch what happens over time.

It’s amazing what a little consistent creative time can do.

A Few Thoughts About the Moon This Week

Astrologically speaking, we have a lot happening in the month of October but something I’m looking forward to is the sun moving into the sign of Scorpio. It’s not happening this week but I’m looking ahead.

Scorpio is a fixed sign which signals we’re in the middle of a season. In the northern hemisphere that season happens to be autumn. I love the stability that comes in the middle of a season. It’s a time when we’re really rooted. There’s less change. Mother Nature is no longer in-between and therefore she isn’t shifting from one mood to another. Her feet are firmly planted in a season.

There is a depth to October that is so lovely. Samhain is near which is like the witch’s New Year. It’s also a time when all around the world different cultures are focused on honoring the ancestors and connecting with the dead and exploring themes of death and dying.

Personally, even though the sun moving into Scorpio isn’t happening until closer to the end of the month, I’m already jumping into that energy. I’m hosting Thanksgiving for my family and I’ve been preparing my autumn altar and thinking about how we can honor the people in our family who have passed away. I started a ritual to honor our loved ones a couple years ago during our Thanksgiving dinner but now I have to modify it.

In the past, we went around the table and took turns serving up a spoonful of this and a splash of that from our Thanksgiving feast onto a plate or into a wine glass we reserved specifically to honor the dead in our family. As we brought our offering to the plate or glass, we stated who that offering of food or drink was for and what we wanted to honor about that person who crossed over. We kept the plate and wine glass with us throughout the meal. When we were finished eating, my Dad took the plate and drink and brought it to the forest as a gesture of gratitude to our ancestors and the earth.

The kids absolutely loved it. We all did. It is so meaningful and definitely shifts the energy when you invite your ancestors to join in on your festivities. I’ve been mentally sending out the invitation to our loved ones who have crossed over letting them know they are invited to join us again this year but my ritual for honoring them has to change because I can’t place food in the forest near my home.

I’ve decided I’m going to print pictures of our loved ones and hang them from the decorative tree I have in my studio. It’s near the table we gather around so it’s nice and close.  I’ll also collect long shreds of fabric and place them in a bowl.  When it’s time, we’ll each take turns tying a piece of the fabric on the tree while we invite a deceased loved one to join us and share what we want to honor about them.

As you can see, I’m already deep in that liminal Scorpio energy and October has just begun!

On another happy note, getting ready for Thanksgiving also helped me organize my studio since that’s where I’m hosting my family so now, happy ME!!! My table where I want to create my daily journal pages to help me reach my goal with the moon is finally ready. This is going to help me so much in being more consistent with my spiritual practice.

How are you doing as October begins? Are things falling into place for you? Are you like me and had big changes come swooshing into your life with the spring wind and now things are starting to feel more rooted and solid?

Wherever you are on your journey, I hope the magic that is October brings you dark and beautiful things.


Today the moon is in the first quarter phase. Only half the moon seems to be lit up in the night sky during this phase. This is the phase in the creation cycle where there is a tendency to give up or doubt the process. Challenges or obstacles may come between you and your goals and your job is to remain committed despite whatever gets in the way. This is the time to observe your self-talk and heal whatever shadows surface. Make sure you are taking actions and making decisions from your Spirit and your inner wisdom rather than listening to your insecurities and doubt.

Emotional and spiritual themes you can explore in your art journal for the first quarter moon include themes around commitment, doubt, insecurities, body image, self-esteem, your inner critic, your passion, purpose and bigger reasons for being.

Take a moment to think about your new moon intentions again. Imagine what it will be like if your new moon intentions became a reality in your life?

What changes, big or small, will happen in your life when your new moon intentions become real?

What will it feel like to experience those changes?

What choices can you make this week to help your new moon intentions become a reality in your life?

In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that reflects how you will feel when your new moon intentions become a reality in your life.

For those of you who have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Monday morning we work with the first quarter moon phase to magnetize your new moon intentions.

The moon is in the sign of Capricorn. We use that energy to strengthen your ability to be persistent and committed as you work to reach the important goals in your life.

We also tend to the happy relationship the Moon is having with Mercury to magnetize that balanced, communicative, curious, expressive and successful energy.

We tend to the happy relationship with Uranus to help you trust your intuition and go with the flow. We also tend to the intense relationship the moon is having with Pluto by releasing tension and stress so you have a better chance to manage the anxious energy this astrological relationship can bring.

The other energy from the cosmos we’re going to use to help your subconscious mind tend to your lost or young parts is from Mercury being in opposition with Neptune. This astrological relationship can cause you to be emotionally triggered in your relationships today so we use the MAP Method to invite your inner parts to heal from past triggers.

Finally, Mercury is no longer in retrograde. It is now direct in Virgo. We magnetize that efficient, clear, organized, detail-oriented and communicative energy.


The moon is in the air sign of Aquarius today. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Saturn so the moon is carrying a little of that planet’s energy as well today.

Aquarius is fixed air sign so it brings that energy of fluidity and the ability to change but it is also constant, dependable and able to persevere. Aquarius energy likes to act its own way and distance itself from groups. It is air energy so it tends to be focused on the intellect and the mind. If you’re having a hard time being your own person, the moon in Aquarius can help you love and accept the quirky, different and unique things about yourself.

Imagine you loved every bit of yourself and knew that everything that made you different was deeply on purpose and ultimately helpful to everyone you connect with today.

Imagine you are perfect just as you are – exactly where you are right now in your life with the exact perfect personality, habits and ways of being.

Imagine nothing about your core self has to change for you to reach your goals. How does that feel?

In your art journal, paint how you feel when you accept yourself just as you are now.

If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Tuesday morning we work with the first quarter moon phase to magnetize your new moon intentions.

The moon is in the sign of Aquarius.  We use that moon sign energy to remember you are perfect just as you are and you don’t need to change in order to reach your goals.

The moon is in a happy relationship with Venus today. We use that energy to receptive, open, gentle, soft, beautiful, nurturing and graceful energy.

The other energy we tend to during this episode is Mercury no longer being in retrograde. We once again magnetize that efficient, clear, organized, detail-oriented and communicative energy.


The moon is in a trine, or in other words, a helpful relationship with Mars today.

To me, this means the moon is drawing down energy to help us set boundaries, stand up for ourselves and feel motivated and ready to take action.

In a good relationship with the moon like it’s having today, Mars can help you express your emotions instead of letting them build up.

What would it look like to express your emotions today in healthy and helpful ways?

In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image an emotion you’d like to express and transform today.

If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Wednesday the moon is in the first quarter phase and in the sign of Aquarius until the later afternoon after which it becomes void of course for the rest of the day. We use that moon phase energy to magnetize your new moon intentions and that moon sign energy to invite all your inner parts to feel loved and accepted just as they are now.

We use the moon void of course energy to surrender to the Divine a troubling situation you’re currently facing.

The moon is in a happy relationship with Mars today. We use that energy to express an intense or challenging emotion.

The moon is in a tense relationship with Uranus today. We help you prepare for that challenging energy by considering how you can release or let go an unhealthy expectation you’re placing on yourself or one someone else is placing on you.

The moon is in an intense relationship with Saturn today. We prepare for that challenging energy by considering how you can support your body when you experience anxiety.

Finally, the other energy we work with the MAP Method to tend to during this episode is Mercury no longer being in retrograde. It is now direct in Virgo. For the last time this week, we magnetize that efficient, clear, organized, detail-oriented and communicative energy.


Today the moon is in the gibbous phase. This moon phase is when the moon seems almost full. In the creation process, it’s a great time to clear any trapped emotions or energy so that all parts of you, even the hidden wounded subconscious parts, are on board with your goals. Some of those blocks include ancestral memories stored in your body, past life memories or energy and emotions you unconsciously absorbed from other people. You are most likely carrying subconscious beliefs or stories that are working against you so it is helpful to spend time in your art journal tending to those.

Themes you can explore in your art journal for the gibbous moon include, clearing ancestral memories, your family tree, past life memories, co-dependency, the heart chakra and daily habits and routines.

In my art rituals, this is the time when I’m thinking about whether or not my everyday life supports my New Moon intentions.

What about your everyday life can be shifted or changed to better support the direction you want to move forward in?

Are there routines or habits you can begin that will support my dreams and goals?

In your art journal, create an image of how your heart feels today.

If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Thursday morning, the moon is in the waxing gibbous phase and in the sign of Pisces. We use that moon phase energy to consider what changes you can make in your everyday life to support your new moon intentions becoming a reality.

We use the moon sign energy to magnetize the sentimental, sensitive, intuitive, absorbent, compassionate and creative energy of Pisces.

The other energy from the cosmos we tend to is the energy of Mercury being in a happy relationship with Pluto. Mercury and Pluto work together to help you see what is truly at the core of things so we use that astrological relationship to magnetize the revealing, harmonious, communicative and insightful energy it brings.


The moon is in the same zodiac sign as Neptune which amplifies their energy.

The moon and Neptune both carry spiritual, dreamy and intuitive energy so it’s a good day to slip into liminal space, connect with your spirit guides and angels or focus on your creativity and divination rather than focusing on productivity and being rational or practical.

It’s great energy to do inner work, connect with your parts, work with the MAP Method like we do here, meditate, rest, daydream, recommit to your spiritual practice, vision your future, dive into some emotional healing work and get curious about and try to meet your emotional needs or focus on your therapeutic practices.

In your art journal, draw, paint or collage images that represent the dreamy, intuitive Neptune energy.

If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Friday, the moon is in the waxing gibbous phase and in the sign of Pisces. We use that moon phase energy to consider what changes you can make in your everyday life to support your new moon intentions becoming a reality.

We use the moon sign energy to magnetize the sentimental, sensitive, intuitive, absorbent, compassionate and creative energy of Pisces. The moon is in a close relationship with Neptune today as well. We use that energy to magnify soulful, imaginative, dreamy, divine, therapeutic, unconditionally loving, psychic, intuitive and caring energy.

The other energy from the cosmos we tend to is the energy of Mercury being in a happy relationship with Pluto. Mercury and Pluto work together to help you see what is truly at the core of things so we use that astrological relationship to magnetize the revealing, harmonious, communicative and insightful energy it brings.


It’s a full moon in Aries on Sunday.

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars so the full moon is bringing a little of that planet’s energy as well.

Aries energy is bold and courageous but, like tiny shoots popping out of the ground in spring, it is also tender and vulnerable. Aries energy can help you take action and under the full moon, it can illuminate areas in your life where you’re not taking action or where you’re scared to take a risk and start something new.

Aries energy is healthy competition, social justice, activism, debate, independence, acting on your own behalf, setting boundaries, expressing healthy anger, beginnings, rebirth, spring, vitality, playfulness, impatience, getting bored easily, having an easier time starting things but struggling to finish things, being in motion and getting a lot done.

To personalize this full moon, let’s get specific and see the area of YOUR life this full moon energy is focused on. Once you know the area of life the Aries full moon is illuminating, you can consider what you want to release, forgive or let go from that area of you life to help your Libra new moon intentions become a reality. 

To figure out what area of your life the full moon wants you to focus on, you simply need to know your rising sign. If you don’t know your rising sign (it’s different than your sun or moon sign), then you can read more about it here and you can calculate what it is here.

If your rising sign is in the sign of Aries, the full moon is inviting you to release and let go of something in regards to your identity, body, appearance or your spirit. At the new moon, you set intentions of balance and harmony around your marriage or close intimate relationships or partnerships so bring those two areas of your life together by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around my identity, body, appearance or spirit in order to support the intentions of balance or harmony I made at the new moon for my marriage, close intimate relationship or partnership?”

If your rising sign is in the sign of Taurus, then the full moon is inviting you to release and let go of something around your subconscious mind or deep inner shadow work. At the new moon, you set intentions of balance and harmony around your routines, work, pets or wellness so bring those two areas of your life together at the full moon and ask yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around my subconscious mind or inner shadows in order to support the intentions of balance or harmony I made at the new moon for my routines, work, pets or wellness?”

For Gemini people like me, the full moon is inviting you to release and let go of something around your friendships, community and your hopes and wishes. At the new moon, you set intentions of balance and harmony around your children, hobbies, pleasure or creativity so bring those two areas of your life together with the full moon and ask yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around friendships, community or my hopes and wishes in order to support the intentions of balance or harmony I set at the new moon around children, hobbies, pleasure or my creativity?”

If your rising sign is in the sign of Cancer, the full moon is inviting you to release and let go of something in your career, reputation or ideas of success. At the new moon, you set intentions around your family, ancestors, home or living situation so bring those two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, ‘What do I need to clear or release around my career, reputation or ideas of success in order to support the intentions I made at the new moon for my family, ancestors or home?”

For Leo people, the full moon is inviting you to release and let go of something in faith, spiritual practices, long-distance travel or future success. At the new moon, you set intentions of balance and harmony around learning, communication, siblings, the goddess or earth-based rituals so bring those two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around my faith, spiritual practices, long-distance travel or future success to support the intentions I made at the new moon for my learning, communication, or earth-based rituals?”

For Virgo people, the full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something in your psyche or in the area of your life of debt and taxes. At the new moon, you set intentions of balance and harmony around money, income or your livelihood so bring these two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around my psyche, debt or taxes to support the intentions of balance and harmony I made at the new moon for my money, income or livelihood?”

If your rising sign is in the sign of Libra, the full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something to do with your close, intimate relationships or partnerships. At the new moon, you set intentions of balance and harmony around your identity, body, appearance or your spirit so bring these two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around my marriage, intimate relationships or partnerships to support the intentions of balance and harmony I made at the new moon for my body, spirit, appearance or identity?”

For Scorpio people, full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something around your routines, work, pets or wellness. At the new moon, you set intentions of balance and harmony around your subconscious mind or shadow work so bring those two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around my routines, work, pets or wellness to support the intentions of balance and harmony I made at the new moon for my subconscious mind or deep inner shadow work?”

For Sagittarius people, the full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something to do with your children, hobbies, pleasures or creativity. At the new moon your set intentions of balance and harmony around friendships, community or your hopes and wishes so bring those two areas of your life together during the full moon by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear and release around my children, hobbies, pleasures or creativity in order to support the intentions of balance and harmony I made at the new moon for my friendships, community or hopes and wishes?”

If your rising sign is in the sign of Capricorn, the full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something to do with family, your ancestors or your home and living situation. At the new moon you set your intentions of balance and harmony around career, reputation or ideas of success so bring those two areas of your life together by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear and release around my family, ancestors, home or living situation in order to support the intentions of balance and harmony I made at the new moon for my career, reputation or ideas of success?”

For Aquarius people, the full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something to do with learning, communication, siblings, the goddess or earth-based rituals. At the new moon you set intentions of balance and harmony around your faith, spiritual practices, long-distance travel or your future success so bring those two areas of your life together by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around learning, communication, my siblings, my relationship with the goddess or earth-based rituals in order to support the intentions of balance and harmony I made at the new moon for my faith, spiritual practices, long-distance travel or future success?”

Finally, for Pisces people, the full moon is inviting you to release or let go of something in regards to money, income or your livelihood. At the new moon, you set intentions of balance and harmony around your psyche, debt or taxes so bring those two areas of your life together by asking yourself, “What do I need to clear or release around money, income or my livelihood in order to support my intentions of balance and harmony around my psyche, debt or taxes?”

In your art journal, create a page that represents how releasing, forgiving or letting go of something in that area of your life will help your new moon intentions become a reality.

Join Me

If you are ready to enhance your alignment with the moon and rewire your brain at the same time, check out the Moon Mapping Year. When you subscribe, you now receive the MAP Your Mornings private podcast as  a BONUS. MAP Your Mornings is where I align with the moon’s energy for the day and use the MAP Method to teach your subconscious mind how to rewire your brain. Every morning (Mon-Fri), we work with the MAP Method AND the emotional and spiritual themes the moon and the planets and stars are supporting us with to rewire your brain and help you manifest the changes you most want to see in your life.

with love,

Dana da Ponte



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This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.


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