
Art Journal with the Moon September 26-October 2, 2022
This is a summary of the moon’s energy for the upcoming week and the inner work and magic you can do in your art journal to make the most of the opportunities the cosmos is gifting us with.
Every week the emotional and magical opportunities the moon is sending you are different because the energy she is drawing down from the planets and stars changes moment to moment. Planets and stars and moon phases and moon signs each carry their own unique energy .This is my weekly update (Mon-Fri) of the moon’s comings and goings to support you in aligning with her energy.
Get your art journal or a scrap of paper you see lying around, your art supplies or those pencil crayons you have hidden away somewhere and have fun. Spend 10 – 20 minutes focusing on the themes the moon is supporting you to explore that day while you play with colors and shapes and watch what happens over time.
It’s amazing what a little consistent creative time can do.
A Few Thoughts About the Moon This Week
We have some beautiful moon energy this week and we have some challenging moon energy this week. I know. I know. It’s not unusual, is it? The ups and downs and all arounds of life are never ending. Thank goddess for fresh mountain air and cold river water and pretty fall leaves and stags with great big antlers that cross my path during my morning walk on the equinox and friends that check in and stay connected and great big pinecones and hot soup.
This week I’ll be getting ready to host Thanksgiving supper and I’ve been hooked on all the fall ideas on Pinterest. What a lovely orange and red and plaid rabbit hole that is! My to do list has grown monstrous and I’m pretty sure I’m planning to make and cook far more than I’ll actually be able to make and cook in a week – especially since most of the week we’re still in the new moon phase.
I hope you received my Creative Moon Guide in your inbox on the new moon on Sunday and I hope you have a chance to really sit with it this week. The section I created to help you clarify your goal actually helped me a lot. My goal feels strong and certain now and really reflects what’s in my heart. After I went through the exercises in the moon guide, I created a vision board for my office and this week I’ll be working on my new moon painting. I love fall for the pull that draws me inward. It’s such a magical season where inspiration easily works its way from my heart through my fingers and onto the page.
I have a lot of clarity about what’s important to me, what I value most, how I want to spend my time and energy and the kinds of people I want to spend my time and energy with. This new moon has been a journey to the depths of ME and it feels nice to get to know myself a little better.
I did notice though how when I get clear my inner critic tends to get a little louder. She tries to tell me my ideas are silly and no one is going to like them and what I want is frivolous and no one likes me. When I drop in I see she’s scared. She doesn’t want people to make fun of me. She wants to belong. She’s aware of all the times I was hurt. She asks, “What if you never reach your goal?” There are so many more talented people than I am. Surely it’s not actually possible.
I reassure her. I comfort myself. I talk to myself as I would a friend. I acknowledge that I haven’t been kind to all my parts when they got hurt in the past. I didn’t love and comfort myself when I was rejected in the past. I blamed myself. I wasn’t a kind and emotionally safe person to all my innocent and vulnerable parts. I didn’t know how to be back then, but I remind the inner critic in me who is trying to protect me that I’m different now. I know how to stand up for myself. I know how to be with all my parts. I know how to stop abandoning myself. I explain that I’m going to keep walking in this direction towards my goals, but I won’t abandon myself again. I’m first and foremost committed to tending to my emotional needs. The rest can come and go in whatever way it will, but I will NOT abandon my dreams. Even if they never come true, it will be an adventure just trying to reach them.
I hope you’re allowing yourself to dream in this new moon energy and I hope you get your art journal out and join me in trying to reach your goal with the moon in your art journal. Here are this week’s prompts.
The moon is still in the new moon phase today. The new moon is the darkest of the moon phases. I like to think of this phase as an empty garden plot filled with rich black dirt just waiting for me to plant a seed in. It is a time to go inward, be still and dream up what you next want to create in your life. You can help yourself get unstuck by using this time to get clear on what it is you really want, look forward, plan and think about what success means to you – especially in the area of your life that the new moon was focusing its energy in.
During the new moon, I like to create art journal pages around manifesting, getting clear on what it is I really want, looking forward, planning and thinking about what I want the next moon cycle to look like.
The new moon is a perfect time to stretch your imagination so you can better conceptualize what is possible in your life. We have a tendency to not see our value or our worth and feel as if we don’t deserve all the love and abundance available to us and consequently we dream and/or think small. I like to spend some time during the new moon opening my heart and helping it learn how to feel worthy of receiving more goodness and possibilities.
This particular new moon happened on Sunday but we’re still in that new moon energy so let’s use it to magnetize your new moon intentions once again.
Recall your new moon intentions.
If all the changes you want to happen actually come to be, how would that make you feel? What would that look like in your everyday life?
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that celebrates your new moon intentions.
For those of you who have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Monday morning we work with the new moon phase to magnetize your new moon intentions.
We also work with the energy of the moon in the sign of Libra to bring more peace and harmony to a relationship in your life.
The moon is having a happy relationship with Saturn today so we magnetize that productive, emotionally balanced, realistic, clear, stable, structure building, responsible, deep and thoughtful energy.
The moon is also having a happy relationship with Mars so we magnetize that strong, motivated, action-taking, expressive and boundary-setting energy as well.
The other energy from the cosmos we use to help your subconscious mind tend to your lost or young parts is Mercury having a happy relationship with Pluto. We use that energy to help you see and communicate what is at the core of a troubling situation you’re currently dealing with.
The sun is opposing Jupiter today. We use that energy to help you open and receive the gifts the Universe wants to bestow on you today.
Mars is in a happy relationship with Saturn. We use that energy to help you slow down and balance being productive with tending to your emotional needs.
Finally, Venus is in a happy relationship with Pluto. We use that energy to connect with something you deeply long for.
The moon moves into the sign of Scorpio today. Scorpio is ruled by Mars so the moon is carrying a little of that planet’s energy as well.
Scorpio moon days are great days to connect to your emotions. You may feel more sensitive or more prone to feel deeper or more intense feelings in this energy. It’s great energy to dive help you to dive deep into your emotional and spiritual realms which is a necessary quality for healing and transformation and a great way to spend time in your art journal.
In your art journal, paint what you’re feeling today.
If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Tuesday morning we work with the new moon phase to magnetize your new moon intentions.
We also work with the energy of the moon in the sign of Libra to bring more peace and harmony to a relationship in your life.
The moon is void of course for a big part of the day so we use that energy with the MAP Method to surrender to the Divine a troubling situation you’re currently facing.
The moon then moves into the sign of Scorpio. We use that moon sign energy to consider your relationship with your emotions.
The moon is in a tense relationship with Pluto. We use that energy to face a hard truth and set you free.
The other energy from the cosmos we use to help your subconscious mind tend to your lost or young parts is Mercury having a happy relationship with Pluto. We use that energy to help you see and communicate what is at the core of a troubling situation you’re currently dealing with.
The sun is opposing Jupiter today. We use that energy to help you open and receive the gifts the Universe wants to bestow on you today.
Finally, Mars is in a happy relationship with Saturn. We use that energy to help you slow down and balance being productive with tending to your emotional needs.
Mars is in a happy relationship with Saturn all week.
Mars brings action and motivation and passion and Saturn focuses that energy into work and responsibilities. It’s a planetary relationship that reminds us to go for what we want and don’t be afraid to put the work in to follow our dreams.
Let’s focus that energy by visualizing what it looks and feels like to fearlessly take action on your dreams.
What would you do if you fearlessly took a BIG step toward reaching your most important goal?
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents the fearless step you can take to help you reach your goal.
If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Wednesday morning we work with the new moon phase to magnetize your new moon intentions. We use the moon in Scorpio energy to consider your relationship with your emotions.
The other energy from the cosmos we use to help your subconscious mind tend to your lost or young parts is Mercury having a happy relationship with Pluto. We use that energy to help you see and communicate what is at the core of a troubling situation you’re currently dealing with.
Finally, Mars is in a happy relationship with Saturn. We use that energy to help you slow down and balance being productive with tending to your emotional needs.
Today the moon is in the waxing crescent phase.
This moon phase is when a silver sliver of the moon begins to appear in the night sky. The moon is moving from being dark, still and invisible to growing and coming into full power.
I like to think of this phase as the time when the dream seeds I planted during the New Moon are just starting to form shoots or tiny roots. I might not be able to see my prayers being answered or my dreams manifesting but I can have faith that despite the limited capabilities of what my physical senses can pick up, Spirit is conspiring in my favor and there are invisible forces at work in my life helping me to grow, heal, evolve and create.
In my art rituals, this is the time when I’m meditating on the intentions I set during the New Moon. I’m revisiting my intentions and trying to call them up in my imagination again and trying to tap into the emotions those intentions evoke within me. I’m feeding my dreams with the power of my imagination and my emotions.
How far can you stretch your imagination today?
How much goodness can you imagine growing in your life today?
How many invisible forces can you imagine are helping you today?
How many invisible actions can you imagine your angels and spirit guides are taking to help you reach your goals and manifest your new moon intentions?
In your art journal, create an image that represents the invisible forces you imagine are helping you.
If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Thursday morning, we work with the waxing crescent phase to imagine your new moon intentions being cared for by the invisible realms.
We work with the moon in Scorpio energy to consider your relationship with your emotions.
The moon is void of course for a big part of the day so we use that energy with the MAP Method to surrender to the Divine a troubling situation you’re currently facing.
The moon moves into the sign of Sagittarius so we use that energy to consider if you have younger, past life or ancestral parts that are afraid of adventure.
The moon is in a tense relationship with Saturn today. We use that energy to consider where your life could use more structure, routine or discipline.
The moon is in an opposing relationship with Uranus. We connect with that energy to tend to younger parts that may not feel comfortable with change in your life.
The moon is in a happy relationship with Neptune today. We use the MAP Method to magnetize that soulful, imaginative, dreamy, divine, unconditionally loving, psychic, intuitive and caring energy.
The other energy from the cosmos we use to help your subconscious mind tend to your lost or young parts is happy relationship Mars is having with Saturn. We use that energy to help you slow down and balance being productive with tending to your emotional needs.
Finally, Venus moves into the sign of Libra today. We use that energy to magnetize how balance and harmony in your love life, your family life and your relationship with money looks and feels like to you.
The moon is in a happy relationship with Jupiter today.
Jupiter wants to bring harmony, well-being, kindness, justice, abundance, growth, expansion, good luck and balance to your life. The moon is supporting Jupiter’s desire to do this in your life today.
Together, the moon and Jupiter are shining more peace into our lives today. They’re helping us feel open-hearted and generous. They’re supporting us in focusing on what connects us to each other and what brings us together. It’s energy that helps us feel calm and safe and willing to see and receive the goodness other people want to share with us. It’s energy that reminds us what’s good in our life.
One of the best ways to work with this energy is to drop into your heart and choose something in your life to feel grateful for.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage images that represent what you’re grateful for.
If you have joined the Moon Mapping Year and receive the MAP Your Mornings podcast, on Friday morning, we work with the waxing crescent phase to imagine your new moon intentions being cared for by the invisible realms.
We use the Sagittarius energy to consider if you have younger, past life or ancestral parts that are afraid of adventure.
The moon is in a happy relationship with Jupiter today. We use that energy to grow the feeling of gratitude.
The other energy from the cosmos we use to help your subconscious mind tend to your lost or young parts is happy relationship Mars is having with Saturn. We use that energy to help you slow down and balance being productive with tending to your emotional needs.
We also work with the opposing relationship Mercury is having with Neptune. We use that energy with the MAP Method to clear memories from a time you were emotionally triggered in a relationship.
Finally, Venus moved into the sign of Libra yesterday. We use that energy one more time to magnetize how balance and harmony in your love life, your family life and your relationship with money looks and feels like to you.
Join Me
If you are ready to enhance your alignment with the moon and rewire your brain at the same time, check out the Moon Mapping Year. When you subscribe, you now receive the MAP Your Mornings private podcast as a BONUS. MAP Your Mornings is where I align with the moon’s energy for the day and use the MAP Method to teach your subconscious mind how to rewire your brain. Every morning (Mon-Fri), we work with the MAP Method AND the emotional and spiritual themes the moon and the planets and stars are supporting us with to rewire your brain and help you manifest the changes you most want to see in your life.
with love,
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hi i'm dana...

This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.

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