
Art Journal with the Moon: Themes and Prompts for January 27-February 2, 2025
In this post, I share a summary of the moon for the week of January 27-February 2, 2025 as it moves through the zodiac and interacts with the planets. I also share how to work with the new moon in Aquarius in your art journal to plant seeds of intention.
The Moon This Week
We greet a new moon in Aquarius this week and for several reasons this particular new moon has some lovely energy for dreaming big, starting fresh and planting seeds of intention. If you’ve been following me or the moon for a while, you know this isn’t always the case. The conditions of the moon influence how we work with it in our art journals because the moon is easily affected by so many factors, including the relationships it is having with other planets.
Before I share more about this, I created a FREE PDF booklet you can download and print to help you work with the magic of this new moon in your art journal. I found each image on public domain sites so feel free to cut, paste and be inspired by artists from the past.
Planets and the New Moon
This particular new moon is having a happy relationship with Jupiter in Gemini which makes it an uplifting, hopeful and expansive energy to plant seeds of intention in. I like this moon and I’m looking forward to working with it in my art journal to peer ahead and think about the direction I want my life to move forward in now.
Jupiter helps to make this moon a powerful moment for expansion, growth, and fresh starts in the areas of your life connected to Aquarius in your birth chart. Aquarius is a sign deeply tied to thought, ideas, and innovation. It’s about stepping outside the box, envisioning new possibilities, and using the power of your mind to shape your reality.
With Pluto in Aquarius and Mercury there as well, this new moon emphasized the power of your words, thoughts, and intentions. It’s as if the universe is saying,
“What you think about and communicate has the power to create lasting change.”
This moon encourages you to think big, dream boldly, and imagine what’s possible. Even more importantly, can you imagine what’s possible when you align your true self and your unique perspective with the call of your soul?
Pluto brings depth and transformation and because Pluto is about power, this new moon also invites you to explore the hidden power of your mind and how your thoughts and words can bring about profound change.
Mercury, the planet of communication, is in Aquarius as well so it brings your thoughts and your ability to express yourself into the mix as well.
It’s a great opportunity to work with the magic of your mind and words.
The topics Aquarius influences in your birth chart are receiving a fresh burst of energy under this new moon. Whether this part of your chart relates to friendships, community, finances, or your hopes and dreams, you’re being invited to embrace new beginnings and plant seeds for future growth. The happy relationship the new moon is having with Jupiter only expands the potential here, filling this moon with optimism, abundance, and the feeling that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.
How to Work with This Energy in Your Art Journal
Here’s a ritual you can enjoy in your art journal under this Aquarius new moon.
If you know the astrological house Aquarius occupies in your birth chart according to the whole sign system (I teach you how to draw up your birth chart in the whole sign system here), consider the areas of your life that this Aquarius new moon is highlighting.
Just in case you need it, here’s a reminder of the areas of your life that each house in your birth chart is responsible for.
On a blank page in your art journal, explore the beliefs, stories or thoughts that are shaping your reality in the Aquarius-ruled area of your chart. If you don’t know the Aquarius-ruled areas of your life, no worries. Choose an area of your life you’d like to focus on during the new moon – relationships, career, family, home, creativity etc.
Do you like the beliefs, stories and thoughts that are shaping your reality here?
Do you like what you’ve been creating in this area of your life?
Do you need to rewrite some of these stories?
Are there thoughts that are keeping you stuck?
Uncover and rewrite any narratives that feel limiting. For example, you might write, “I release the belief that I can’t ______ and replace it with the truth that I am capable of ______.”
Make a list of the thoughts, beliefs and stories you tell yourself that you no longer want to shape your life.
Now imagine inviting a fresh start or a new beginning in this area of your life and with your watercolors, acrylic paints or markers or cut out images, paint or glue over your old thoughts, beliefs and stories. Paint a night sky with a big circle in the center of the page that will represent the new moon.
Reflect on what fresh start or new vision you want to focus on in the Aquarius-ruled area of your chart. In the center of the new moon you created, write or draw about the ideas, dreams, or goals that feel exciting and expansive to you.
Where do you need to grow and change in order to be the person you need to be in order to make these dreams come true?
Finally, add affirmations, quotes, or words that inspire you.
If it resonates with you, here are some elements from nature that I think work well with this new moon. You might want to include them your art to sprinkle their magic into your creation.
Aspen Trees: Known for their interconnected root systems, aspens symbolize communication, community, and the ability to support one another. Their quaking leaves tie them to the element of air and the movement of ideas.
Wild Sage: Sage is cleansing and purifying, aligning with the power of words to clear and reset intentions. It’s a perfect plant for spiritual and mental clarity.
Beetles: Certain beetles reflect determination and adaptability. They symbolize resilience and the ability to dig deep for inner strength.
Magpies: Magpies symbolize intelligence, communication, and curiosity. They’re known for their adaptability and boldness which are helpful qualities when you want to change and grow so you can become more of who you want to be.
Chickadees: Small but vocal, chickadees remind us of the power of communication and staying connected. They symbolize cheerfulness and curiosity.
Coyote: Coyotes are known for their intelligence, adaptability, and resourcefulness. They are symbolic of the clever mind and the ability to navigate challenges with creative solutions.
Raven: Ravens symbolize wisdom, transformation, and the ability to communicate across realms, echoing the power of words and thought to reach past death and the unknown.
Bighorn Sheep: Found in the Rockies, these animals represent strength, determination, and the ability to climb to great heights, both physically and metaphorically.
As you create this page in your art journal, remember this is how you are planting your seeds intentions for this new moon so mindfully choose your colors, symbols and imagery as you consider what you want to grow, create, or transform. Use colors, shapes, and symbols that mean something to you. It doesn’t really matter what it means to anyone else. This is YOUR magic. It needs to evoke something within YOU.
If your new moon intentions include your business…
If your New Moon intentions are focused on your business—whether it’s expanding your audience, launching a new project, or aligning more deeply with your purpose—this is the perfect time to book a Business Alignment Session with me. The energy of the New Moon in Aquarius is all about innovation, big ideas, and fresh starts, making it ideal for setting powerful intentions around your business growth.
My Business Alignment Sessions are designed to help you clear blocks, find clarity, and align your business with your highest vision. And right now, they’re 50% off until February 14th, so it’s the perfect opportunity to invest in yourself and your dreams.
Let’s work together to make 2025 a year of expansion and success for your business!
In a 60 minute private session with me, Dana da Ponte, you can come with your own questions or we can examine your astrology to explore:
1. Who your spirit came here to serve (your audience)
2. How you’re naturally wired to communicate and promote your work (the marketing styles that might suit you and your audience best)
3. The unique relationship you have with money and how it impacts your business growth
You’re also free to ask me whatever questions you have around your business and I’ll use astrology and my many years as a professional intuitive to answer those questions.
These are high-value, jam-packed sessions. I’ve been a professional intuitive for over 25 years so you’re sure to get a lot of insight in our time together.
Now let’s look at a more detailed summary of the moon’s energy this week, giving you an overview of what to expect as the moon moves through different signs and phases. If you want to watch my videos and reels where I talk about how to work with the moon in your art journal every day and share with you the journal pages I create in my own art journal, be sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or TikTok. You can also sign up here, to get reminders in your inbox of the moon’s energy for the upcoming week and how you can work with it in your art journal to practice folk magic, do your deep inner work or, if you’re a highly sensitive entrepreneur like me, grow and expand your business.
The week kicks off with the balsamic moon in Capricorn on Monday. Capricorn is an earth sign, which emphasizes stability, responsibility, and practicality and highlights such qualities as groundedness, persistence, and a strong connection to the physical and natural world.
The Crone archetype, which I like to think of as embodied by the wise old woman, and Hecate, the goddess of magic, crossroads, and deep intuition, both reflect Capricorn’s spiritual depth. These figures represent wisdom that comes with experience, the ability to navigate transitions and endings, and the power to transform and rebirth. The moon in Capricorn activates these archetypes, urging us to embrace the wisdom of letting go, the importance of life’s cycles, and the value of introspection and inner guidance.
The balsamic moon in Capricorn teaches us about the cycle of life—acknowledging that endings are a natural and necessary part of growth and transformation. It encourages you to respect the process of aging, to honor the wisdom that comes with experience, and to understand the power of your own inner guidance as you navigate the complexities of life.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents how you feel about an ending or a completion that has happened in your life recently.
On Tuesday, the moon moves into the sign of Aquarius where it will be tomorrow for the new moon.
The moon in Aquarius invite you into a beautiful space of self-acceptance and self-celebration. Imagine if you truly embraced every single part of yourself—the quirks, the unique ways of thinking, the habits that make you you—and saw them all as purposeful and valuable. Aquarius energy reminds you that everything that sets you apart is not only intentional but also a gift to the world. Imagine if you believed, with all your heart, that there’s nothing about you that needs to change for you to reach your goals. You’re exactly where you need to be, with the exact traits, talents, and spirit that perfectly fit your journey and the people you’re meant to touch.
Spiritually, Aquarius asks you to trust in your own design and to see your individuality as a contribution to the collective. It’s a sign that celebrates the idea that each person’s unique expression brings something necessary and beautiful to the whole. In your art journal, let this be your focus. Create a page where you capture what it feels like to truly love and accept yourself, just as you are. You might use colors, symbols, or words that feel like home to you, that capture your unique spark, and celebrate your essence without holding back. Reflect on how every piece of you is not only enough but perfectly aligned with the impact you’re here to make. Let this Aquarius moon be a gentle reminder that you don’t have to change a thing to be worthy or to reach your dreams. Embrace the magic of being unapologetically, beautifully, and authentically you.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that captures what it feels like to truly love and accept yourself.
On Wednesday, we greet the new moon in Aquarius. Scroll up to read all my thoughts and tips to work with this new moon in your art journal.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents your new moon intentions.
With the moon moving into the sign of Pisces, Thursday brings an imaginative and compassionate energy.
When the moon is in Pisces, it’s a beautiful reminder of the gifts that come from being a highly sensitive, intuitive person. Pisces represents the boundless, flowing nature of emotions and intuition—it’s like a deep, mystical sea that holds wisdom beyond words. This is the energy that encourages you to fully embrace your sensitivity, creativity, and empathy, honoring these qualities as true strengths. Sensitivity is often misunderstood, but it’s also what allows you to pick up on subtle energies, feel deeply, and connect with people and nature in a profound way.
With the moon in Pisces, you’re being invited to see your sensitivity as a bridge to your intuition and creative self. Think of the ways your sensitivity allows you to understand others without words, to feel emotions in their full richness, and to find inspiration in the little things. These qualities connect you to something greater—whether it’s a sense of universal love, an appreciation of beauty, or an understanding of emotions others might overlook. This moon encourages you to recognize the magic in these gifts.
In your art journal, use this time to celebrate these strengths. Create a page that captures what you love most about your sensitivity, intuition, and creativity. You might start by reflecting on times when these qualities have led you to insights, deeper connections, or creative breakthroughs. Use soft, flowing colors or images that represent fluidity, depth, and intuition. You could add words or symbols that remind you of your intuitive wisdom, or even draw or paint images of things that inspire your creativity. Let this be a page of appreciation for who you truly are—a reminder that your sensitivity isn’t just a trait; it’s a powerful gift that connects you to the world in ways others might not see.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents what you love about your highly sensitive nature.
On Friday, the moon is still in the sign of Pisces.
Pisces is a water sign, known for being emotional, imaginative, and spiritual. So, when the moon is in Pisces, it’s a great time for dreaming and tapping into your feelings. It’s like the universe is giving you a green light to explore your creative and emotional side.
Use your art journal to express how you’re feeling. You don’t need to write or draw something specific; just let your emotions guide your creativity.
Pisces is also about dreaming. Use your journal to jot down your wildest dreams and ambitions, no matter how unrealistic they might seem. This is the time to let your imagination run wild.
Since Pisces is a water sign, you might want to use water-themed elements in your art journal. This could be images of the ocean, rivers, or even just playing with watercolors.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents your emotions or your big wild dreams.
On Saturday, the waxing crescent moon moves into the sign of Aries.
Emerging from the darkness of the new moon, the waxing crescent moon symbolizes the first visible evidence of your intentions and desires beginning to take form. It’s a time of promise and potential that whispers of growth and possibilities yet to unfold.
This phase of the moon is about taking the seeds you planted during the new moon—those quiet intentions set in sacred space—and tenderly helping them into the light. It’s a reminder that even your biggest, wildest, grandest dreams start small, and that every first step must be taken in faith because you can’t yet see exactly where you are going or where your dreams will lead you.
The waxing crescent moon is a good time to revisit the intentions you set during the new moon. Ask yourself:
What steps can I take, however small, to bring my dreams closer to reality?
This moon phase encourages you to take action, even if it’s just a small gesture or a subtle shift in your daily routine, to affirm your commitment and do your part in creating the outcomes you want to see.
This is also a time to be kind to yourself. It’s not easy to dream of change in yourself or your life and until your dreams become a reality in your everyday life, you will be vulnerable to doubt and criticism – even when it comes from your own mind. There are bound to be challenges along the way. The waxing crescent moon’s energy encourages you to move forward with gentleness and determination even when it seems like nothing much is happening. Just because you can’t see your dreams growing, doesn’t mean they aren’t coming true.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents an action you can take to help your dreams come true.
On Sunday, the moon is in the sign of Aries.
Aries is a cardinal fire sign, which means it’s about leadership, new beginnings, and making things happen. When the moon is in Aries, you’re being encouraged to take the lead in your own life, to make bold decisions, and to move forward with confidence. But before rushing into action, it’s important to pause and get crystal clear on what you really want to focus your energy on. Aries energy is powerful, but to harness it well, you need a clear direction.
Take some time now to reflect on what you feel ready to initiate or take action on in your life. Ask yourself:
What is something I’ve been holding back on that I’m now ready to move forward with?
What bold steps do I feel called to take?
What area of my life needs more leadership and decisive action?
What steps can I take to become the leader of my own life?
What fears or doubts do I need to release so I can move forward with confidence?
To work with this energy in your art journal, begin by creating a page that reflects what you want to act on. You might want to use bold colors like red or orange to symbolize the fiery, assertive nature of Aries. Draw or paint symbols of strength, action, and leadership.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents a bold step you’re ready to take in your life.
with love,
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hi i'm dana...

This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.

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