
Art Journal with the Moon: Themes and Prompts for February 3-9, 2025
In this post, I share a summary of the moon for the week of February 3-9, 2025 as it moves through the zodiac and interacts with the planets. I also share how to work with the first quarter moon in your art journal to overcome subconscious blocks and inner resistance so you can take clear, aligned action to follow your creative dreams or grow your business.
The Moon This Week
This week, we’re working with a growing moon as we move towards the Leo full moon which takes place on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
There’s something truly magical about watching the moon move from new to full. During the waxing phases, the moon slowly grows brighter in the night sky, mirroring our own potential for growth and forward momentum. In the days following the New Moon, energy begins to build, and we often feel a nudge to bring our ideas to life. I’ve found that the first quarter moon—that point when half the moon is visible—can be especially powerful because it signals the choices we need to make to shift from dreaming to doing. It’s like the moon is giving you a gentle push to step out from behind the scenes and start putting your plans into action.
In this post, I’m going to explore why taking aligned action might feel challenging for those of us who are highly sensitive and have a history of trauma or emotional neglect, and how working with the first quarter moon’s energy can help us face and work through that resistance. By the end, I hope you’ll have a better understanding of how to harness the first quarter moon’s supportive energy to help you follow your creative dreams or grow your business.
How Growing and Expanding Leads to Inner Resistance
Last week, we worked with a New Moon in Aquarius that was especially helpful for dreaming big, starting fresh, and planting new seeds of intention. This particular New Moon had a happy relationship with Jupiter in Gemini, making the energy even more uplifting, hopeful, and expansive. Jupiter is known for blessing us with growth and fresh starts, so it added an extra spark to whatever you intended to manifest—especially in those areas of your life connected to Aquarius in your birth chart. As you set your goals or envisioned new possibilities, you were tapping into an energy that supported bold, expansive thinking and a willingness to break free from old limitations.
Now the moon is growing and the waxing phases will test your commitment –
Do you really want what you said you wanted?
Are all parts of you on board with what your spirit is calling you towards?
If you experience resistance as you move towards your dreams, how are you going to handle that?
Do you know what your inner resistance looks like?
Do you know why your inner parts are resisting your dreams?
When an obstacle moves into your path or you make an attempt and fail, are you going to feel defeated and give up or will you choose to pick yourself back up and keep going?
The growing moon is all about pushing through the first waves of inner and outer resistance.
On the one hand, the growing moon encourages you to start moving toward those big dreams you set at the New Moon. On the other hand, you might notice tension and obstacles popping up. This is completely normal and usually shows up when you’re aligning with your spirit.
What It Means to Align with Your Spirit
When I talk about aligning with your spirit, I mean listening to that gentle, persistent voice inside you—the one that whispers your biggest, wildest dreams rooted in love. It’s the part of you that wants to create, to heal, to connect, to serve and to shine in ways that feel deeply authentic. Society rarely teaches us to move from this inner compass; instead, we’re taught to follow external rules, take care of everyone else or blend into the crowd.
That’s why when you’re a highly sensitive person—especially if you have a history of trauma or emotional neglect—listening to your soul’s calling can be confusing and feel overwhelming. You might be used to attuning to everyone else’s inner world and feel a little lost when you try tuning into your own inner world. I know I was for most of my life (not anymore thank goddess!).
How can you hear the call of your soul and trust what you heart wants if you can’t even hear what they’re saying?
You also might doubt your worth because you learned early on that your needs and desires weren’t all that important. Or you might worry about being rejected or punished or fear that you won’t be supported if you listen to that wise, quiet voice inside you because that’s what you’ve been conditioned to expect – rejection and punishment. Still, aligning with your spirit is one of the bravest and most beautiful decisions you can make, because choosing to follow your spirit is ultimately choosing to honor the truth of who you are.
When you take the time to align with your spirit, you benefit not only yourself but everyone around you. It allows you to show up with more compassion, more creativity, and more love—qualities our struggling world desperately needs. Plus, your unique gifts can then flow freely into the lives of those you serve, inspiring them to trust and follow their own inner guidance as well.
You’ll know you’re aligning with your spirit when you feel a sense of deep resonance in your body, a spark of excitement in your heart, or a quiet conviction that this is right for you—even if you can’t explain why. You also might feel scared and instantly want to push what you know to be true far away. But when you listen, there’s a soft sense of relief and empowerment that comes from knowing you’re acting in harmony with your true self. It’s not always easy, but that’s what makes it so powerful. You’re giving yourself the freedom to want what you want and be who you really are—and that’s a gift both to you and the world.
Inner Parts That are Afraid of the Call of Your Spirit
When you align with your spirit and step outside your comfort zone—especially if you’ve lived through trauma or emotional neglect—you may notice different parts of yourself reacting in unhelpful ways.
Some parts might want you to follow your dreams wholeheartedly, while other parts of you feel scared and try to protect you by shutting things down or want to convince you to stay small.
These protective parts aren’t bad or broken; they developed to keep you safe in situations where you had to guard yourself against criticism, harm, abandonment or rejection. So when you sense resistance or fear holding you back, it’s often these protective parts stepping in to prevent anything that feels risky or like it’s threatening your safety. The challenge is, what felt necessary in the past can become a barrier now when you’re trying to grow, step into your power and follow the call of your spirit.
The good news is that you can begin to befriend these parts with gentle compassion. When you pause to acknowledge their concerns—maybe it’s fear of being judged, or worry that you won’t be good enough—you open the door for real healing. Instead of pushing those inner voices away, you can listen to them with kindness and reassure them that you’re taking safe, purposeful steps toward a life that honors your deepest desires.
Each time you do this, you build more trust inside yourself, and those protective parts learn it’s okay to relax their grip and allow your spirit to lead the way. This process can be slow and tender, but it’s how true inner harmony and resilience develop. And when your parts work together in support of your true self, you’re more free to take the inspired action your spirit is calling you toward.
Common Patterns of Resistance
You may have noticed some common ways your inner parts show up in your life as you try to expand your business or follow your creative dreams. For instance, patterns like the fear of visibility, where you find yourself wanting to hide rather than risk judgment or failure. This can feel especially strong if you grew up believing it wasn’t safe to stand out or if your achievements were ignored or criticized. This can also happen when you’ve experienced emotional neglect—where your feelings and needs weren’t acknowledged or met— because you learn early on that it’s “safer” to stay quiet and avoid drawing attention. Deep down, you might worry that if you put yourself out there, you’ll be ignored or dismissed, just like you were before. That fear can make you hold back from sharing your gifts with the world, even when you long to be recognized for who you are. It’s not that you don’t have something beautiful to offer; it’s that you’ve been taught—often without words—that who you are or what you need doesn’t matter. Overcoming this fear means gently reminding yourself that being visible isn’t dangerous now, and that your voice truly does deserve space to shine.
Another common pattern is perfectionism or harsh self-criticism, where you stall or avoid completing projects until they’re “perfect.” Deep down, this often comes from a fear of making mistakes or facing rejection. Harsh self-criticism and perfectionism often show up as two sides of the same coin. If you grew up experiencing emotional neglect—where your needs or achievements went unnoticed—you might have learned to be incredibly hard on yourself to “earn” any sense of approval or validation. You might constantly strive for perfection to prove your worth, fearing that any mistake could confirm deep-seated feelings of not being enough.
In the case of trauma, perfectionism can also become a way to feel in control when everything else felt unsafe or unpredictable. You might pick yourself apart and aim for impossibly high standards because you believe that’s the only way to protect yourself from further pain or rejection. Whether the root cause is emotional neglect or trauma, harsh self-criticism and perfectionism are often protective strategies gone into overdrive—strategies that were once meant to help you survive but now keep you from fully aligning with your soul.
Self-Doubt also shows up when you constantly question your abilities and the value of your work, especially if you didn’t receive the consistent emotional validation you needed as a child. Self-doubt, low self-esteem, and low self-worth can feel like a deep down belief that you’re not good enough or that you don’t deserve success or that you’ll never get it or that’s it’s for other people but not you.
When your environment felt unsafe, your mind might have latched onto the idea that something was wrong with you rather than placing the blame on the situation. It’s important to remember that self-doubt, low self-esteem, and low self-worth aren’t signs of weakness or failure—they’re responses to experiences that made you feel unseen, unheard, or unsafe. Recognizing these patterns is the first step in learning to treat yourself with more understanding, kindness, and confidence so you can finally align with your soul.
Or maybe you’re more familiar with overwhelm. Overwhelm can strike when you have so many ideas or powerful emotions flowing through you that your nervous system can’t handle it and you shut down. Overwhelm can feel like you’re drowning in too many thoughts and emotions all at once, leaving you unsure where to start or how to move forward. Sometimes it’s brought on by having too many ideas bubbling up at the same time, other times it’s triggered by intense feelings—like fear, excitement, or anxiety—flooding your mind and body.
If you’ve experienced emotional neglect or trauma, this sense of overwhelm can be magnified, because there’s a part of you that never got the consistent support or safety you needed to learn how to process strong emotions. You might find yourself shutting down, avoiding tasks, or feeling paralyzed by the sheer number of possibilities or emotional triggers in front of you. It’s important to remember that overwhelm isn’t a weakness; it’s a sign you’re carrying more than you’re meant to handle all at once. Learning to meet your own needs with compassion—whether that means taking small steps, reaching out for help, or learning how to soothe and calm your nervous system—can help you move through overwhelm in a way that honors your sensitivity and helps you stay aligned with your soul.
These blocks don’t mean there’s anything wrong with you; they’re your mind and body’s way of trying to protect you, often based on old experiences. If you grew up without the emotional safety or encouragement you needed, parts of you might still believe you’re unsafe, unworthy, or alone. Every time you step toward your goals, share your gifts and move in the direction your soul wants to go, it can stir up these protective parts that remember how painful it was to be dismissed or hurt in the past. When you understand that these inner obstacles come from a place of self-protection, you can begin working with them more gently, building trust in yourself and in the belief that it’s finally safe to be seen, heard, and celebrated.
Working with the First Quarter Moon in Your Art Journal to Move Through Resistance
The First Quarter Moon holds a special kind of energy that can help you face and move through the resistance we’ve been talking about. During this phase, you’re encouraged to shift from simply dreaming to actively doing, even if your mind is racing with doubts. It’s a time of courage and momentum, but also a time when your inner parts might speak up the loudest. The tension you feel isn’t a sign to stop—it’s a sign to lean in and trust that the moon’s growing light can guide you toward clarity and healing.
To work with this energy in a creative, nurturing way, try asking yourself questions like:
Which inner parts are speaking to me the loudest right now?
What is my next indicated step?
What do I need to feel safe taking the next step?
Don’t worry about making your art “good” or “pretty.” This is about giving your soul a voice in a way that feels gentle and true. As you create, you may notice insights or emotions coming to the surface—let them be heard and expressed without judgment.
You can also support yourself by taking mindful action steps. Choose one to three tasks that feel aligned with your spirit’s call—maybe it’s reaching out to a new client, sharing your art or ideas publicly, or finally finishing a project that lights you up. Commit to these tasks in your art journal during the first quarter moon, and remind yourself that each step you take is an act of honoring who you really are and what you really want.
If your inner parts get loud and resistance pops up, pause and return to your art journal, meditation, or any other grounding practice you trust. The moon isn’t just a light in the sky; she’s a partner you can lean on. And remember, you’re never alone in this process—support from therapy, MAP sessions, or other healing modalities can help you work through the deeper layers of resistance that often surface when you’re stepping into your power.
Don’t forget…
When you align with your spirit, you’re honoring that deeper wisdom within you that already knows your true path. This goes beyond logic or external expectations—it’s about listening to the quiet pull of your soul and letting it guide your choices so you can follow your creative dreams or expand your business in the way your spirit wants to.
Not all your inner parts will be on board right away, and that’s normal. Some parts will feel scared, some might resist, and others might question whether you’re “worthy” of such bold dreams. But aligning with your spirit is an act of self-love that gently reassures these parts you’re safe to pursue a life led by spirit.
If you want support to align with your spirit and grow and expand…
If you’re ready to experience the kind of clarity, healing, and forward momentum I’ve been talking about, I invite you to book a Business Alignment Session with me. For a limited time, I’m offering these sessions at 50% off to encourage you to take action while your spirit is calling.
During your session, we’ll identify the NEXT THREE most impactful steps you can take to follow your creative dreams or grow your business. You’ll receive clear, spirit-led guidance from your birth chart and intuitive channeling, so you know exactly where to focus your energy (no more second-guessing or overwhelm). You will also pinpoint hidden emotional blocks that you can later clear using the MAP Method. Most importantly, you will identify the three specific action steps you can take right now to move your business forward or follow your creative dreams, knowing these steps are guided by both higher wisdom and astrological insights.
You’ll walk away with both clarity on your next most aligned steps and the emotional support to actually follow through. Think of this as a loving container where your inner parts can feel safe to open up, explore, and shift toward the future your spirit longs for.
My Business Alignment Sessions are currently 50% off until February 14th, so it’s the perfect opportunity to invest in yourself and your dreams. Just enter the coupon code 50OFF at checkout.
I hope this journey with the first quarter moon, the inner parts of you, and the power of alignment has reminded you that you’re not alone, and you’re not broken for feeling fear or resistance if it comes up this week. All of us carry layers of experience, and it’s a brave act to heal and grow.
Remember, the first quarter moon and the energy of alignment invite you to take those courageous steps toward your soul’s calling—even when it feels challenging.
If you feel the nudge to dive deeper and receive one-on-one support, don’t hesitate to grab one of my Business Alignment Sessions while they’re still on special. Most importantly, know that every small action you take in the direction of your spirit matters—both for your own well-being and for the world that needs your unique gifts. You are worthy, you are powerful, and you are so ready to step into the life you truly deserve.
Now let’s look at a more detailed summary of the moon’s energy this week, giving you an overview of what to expect as the moon moves through different signs and phases. If you want to watch my videos and reels where I talk about how to work with the moon in your art journal every day and share with you the journal pages I create in my own art journal, be sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or TikTok. You can also sign up here, to get reminders in your inbox of the moon’s energy for the upcoming week and how you can work with it in your art journal to practice folk magic, do your deep inner work or, if you’re a highly sensitive entrepreneur like me, grow and expand your business.
The week kicks off with the moon being void of course for most of the day on Monday.
A void of course moon sometimes happens when the moon is moving from one zodiac sign to another or when it’s not making any aspects with other planets – I think of it as though the moon is just hanging around alone and in the in-between space – no longer where it was but not yet where it will be. The moon likes reflecting energy down to us but when it’s void of course there’s nothing substantial for it to reflect so its reflecting that emptiness back to us.
It’s as if it takes a brief pause, suspending its influence and opening a window of stillness and introspection.
Embrace this pause, take a step back, and reflect. This period is not about making significant decisions or initiating new projects; rather, it’s a time for taking stock, for going inward, and for focusing on self-care and inner peace.
When the moon is void of course, it is a good time to engage in activities that nurture your emotional well-being. This is also an opportune time for self-reflection and introspection, allowing you to connect more deeply with your inner self.
On the flip side, it’s best to avoid initiating new projects, making important decisions, or embarking on significant endeavors during this period. The energy of the void of course moon is not conducive to starting new things; rather, it supports wrapping up loose ends and investing in self-care.
Consider reflecting on these questions during a Void of Course Moon:
What areas of my life require my attention, but I’ve been neglecting?
How can I better care for my emotional well-being?
What loose ends do I need to tie up before moving forward?
The void of course moon invites you to embrace the pause, to indulge in introspection, and to nurture your emotional health. It’s a gentle reminder from the cosmos that in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, taking time for yourself, for stillness and self-care, is not only beneficial—it’s essential.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents an area of your life you’ve been neglecting.
On Tuesday, the waxing crescent moon is having a tense relationship with Mercury. In your relationship with others this can look like moody conversations, disagreements, not considering the other person’s perspective and being overly opinionated or focusing on where you disagree instead of finding common ground.
Internally, this can look like tension between your thoughts and feelings. On days like today, I like to remember that I can’t always believe what I think especially when what I’m thinking is putting me down or coming from a place of fear, hopelessness, anxiety, rage, depletion or defeat.
It’s the kind of day where taking out your art journal and letting your feelings pour out onto the page is more productive than trying to express them in your relationships.
The moodiness can be uncomfortable in your everyday life but it’s helpful for tending to emotions you haven’t had time to process or move through so take this moment with the moon to allow your feelings to move through your art.
Which challenging emotion have you been dealing with most lately, fear, anger, hopelessness, depletion or anxiety?
What would you like to feel instead?
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that helps you move through your emotions.
On Wednesday, the moon is in the sign of Taurus for most of the day.
After the fiery, action-packed energy of the full moon in Aries, the moon in Taurus brings a much-needed sense of grounding. Taurus, an earth sign, offers stability, calm, and a slower pace, which can help you integrate and ground the pivotal changes that the full moon in Aries may have stirred up in your life. While Aries pushes us to take bold action and initiate change, Taurus reminds us to settle into those changes and let them take root.
The energy of the moon in Taurus can feel like a breath of fresh air for your nervous system, offering you the chance to slow down, rest, and process the shifts you’ve experienced. This is especially important after the intensity of Aries, which can leave us feeling a bit overstimulated or even anxious. Taurus’ earthy energy helps you reconnect to your body, your senses, and the physical world around you, allowing you to feel more grounded and secure.
In your art journal, you can work with this Taurus energy by focusing on themes of stability, security, and nurturing. Think about how you can bring more calm and balance into your life after all the fiery momentum from Aries. You might want to create a page filled with images or symbols that represent grounding—like trees, mountains, or earthy colors. You could also reflect on how you can cultivate more stability in the areas of your life where you’ve been feeling unsettled.
Here are some prompts to guide you:
How can I ground the changes I’ve made during the full moon?
What helps me feel safe and secure as I move forward?
How can I bring more stability and calm into my daily life?
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents how you can bring more stability and calm into your daily life.
With the moon in the sign of Gemini and having happy relationships with the planets Jupiter, Pluto and Venus, Thursday brings an optimistic and expansive energy.
The first quarter moon in Gemini is all about movement, curiosity, and momentum. This is a moon that encourages you to take action on your ideas, explore new perspectives, and lean into the power of communication and learning. As I explained above, the first quarter phase of the moon is a time of decision and action—it’s the moment in the lunar cycle when the energy starts to build, pushing you to commit to the intentions you set at the new moon and take real, tangible steps toward what you want to create. With the moon in Gemini, this energy is quick, adaptable, and full of possibility.
What makes this first quarter moon especially supportive today is that it’s having happy relationships with Jupiter, Pluto, and Venus. Jupiter expands everything it touches, so this moon is amplifying your ideas, your vision, and your sense of possibility. If you’ve been feeling stuck or unsure, Jupiter’s influence brings a sense of faith and optimism, helping you believe in yourself and your ability to make things happen. Pluto, the planet of transformation and deep power, adds an extra layer of depth to this moon’s energy. It invites you to look beneath the surface of your thoughts and words, to tap into your inner truth, and to express yourself in a way that feels real and aligned with who you are becoming. And with Venus in the mix, there’s a focus on creativity, connection, and finding beauty in the process. This is a great time for heart-centered communication, strengthening relationships, and allowing your creativity to be infused with love and pleasure. I really like the feel and energy of this moon.
This moon is beneficial for clarifying your vision, making empowered decisions, and finding the confidence to take action on your ideas. It’s a time to embrace new ways of thinking, allow yourself to be inspired, and explore what’s possible when you open yourself up to new perspectives. Since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, this is also a great moon for working with words—journaling, scripting, writing, or even speaking your intentions out loud.
In your art journal, you can work with this energy by exploring how you want to think, speak, and communicate in ways that empower and support you and move you closer to your dreams. Create a page that represents your voice—use words, phrases, or affirmations that reflect the energy you want to step into. Let Pluto’s energy guide you into deeper truths, and let Jupiter’s expansive nature remind you that your words and ideas hold power. Maybe you want to include symbols of transformation, like butterflies or spirals, to honor the shift that’s happening in your mindset. Or maybe you want to use bright, airy colors to capture Gemini’s lightness and curiosity. Whatever you do, let this be a page that reflects your growing confidence, your evolving perspective, and your readiness to take action on the dreams and ideas that are calling to you.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents your voice.
On Friday, the moon is still in the sign of Gemini but it’s also having a happy relationship with Mercury.
When the Moon and Mercury are in a happy relationship, your heart and mind are able to find harmony. This is enhanced when the moon is in a sign, like Gemini, that Mercury rules. This invites better communication, allowing you to articulate your feelings and thoughts with clarity and grace. It’s a good time to ask yourself how your words can mirror your truest feelings and how you can speak your truth with love and clarity.
We’re also more likely to feel empathy and compassion and treating yourself with a little more compassion is always a good thing.
Because the moon also represents our intuition and Mercury is the messenger that can go between our world and the world of spirit, it’s also a great day to connect with your spirit allies or ancestors.
How might your intuitive insights help you navigate the problems you face today?
What spiritual knowledge would help you today?
Mercury wants to bring information from unseen realms to you and this can also mean helping you see and communicate what is in your hidden realms of your subconscious including the memories you’ve buried, exiled or forgotten that are causing you to feel stuck or blocked.
What do you need to see?
How can you invite inner parts that live within you to communicate their beliefs, fears, memories or needs with you today?
Inviting your past to speak to you brings wisdom and insight into your actions and choices now.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents tending to and caring for the parts of you that you buried or suppressed in the past.
On Saturday, the moon is in the sign of Cancer. The sign of Cancer is like the thoughtful friend who always remembers your birthday and shows up with tissues and your favorite treat when you’re feeling down.
Emotionally, Cancer is all about the people you consider family, the spaces that feel like home, and those cozy comfort zones. It’s like a warm blanket that wraps around you, offering a sense of security in an uncertain world. Cancer’s energy can also be a bit moody and prone to emotional waves but overall it’s a time to honor your feelings, even the messy ones, and to nurture your inner landscape.
Spiritually, Cancer invites you to dive into your own psyche, to explore the depths of your emotions, and to connect with your intuition. It also encourages you to seek solace within yourself and to create a safe inner haven.
Today, in your art journal, create a visual representation of your emotional sanctuary.
This sanctuary can take any form that resonates with your soul. Imagine a place that embodies what calm and safety mean to you. It could be a lush garden with the soft rustling of leaves, a cozy room filled with your favorite books, a serene beach where the waves gently lap at the shore, or even a mystical forest with a protective light surrounding it. The key is in the details that make this space uniquely comforting to you. Visualize the colors, sounds, textures, and scents that fill this place and make it inviting.
In this space, add elements that hold personal significance. It might be a comfortable seat in a corner, a symbol of protection like a shield or a light, or items that evoke happy memories or feelings of peace. Personal touches make your sanctuary more real and emotionally resonant.
Your sanctuary should be a place of absolute security. If it helps, imagine protective barriers, like a fence around your garden or an aura of light, that keep this space safe and private. This is your haven, away from the chaos of the outside world.
When life becomes overwhelming, retreat to this sanctuary in your mind. Here, you can process your emotions freely, find a sense of calm, and gather your inner strength. It’s a place for you to heal and restore yourself without any external interference.
Your sanctuary can also be a place for seeking clarity and guidance. Ask yourself questions and listen for the answers that come from within. Often, the insights you gain here are reflective of your deepest subconscious wisdom.
Your inner emotional sanctuary is a space where you can cultivate inner peace and resilience, making the challenges of the real world more manageable. In this sanctuary, you’re not just finding an escape; you’re actively engaging in your emotional well-being and healing. In your art journal today, explore what your perfect emotional sanctuary looks like. What colors, textures, and images resonate with the idea of emotional security for you? Allow your art to be a reminder that you carry your safe haven within, no matter the storm outside.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents an inner sanctuary you can escape to in your heart or imagination when you seek clarity, guidance, comfort or safety.
On Sunday, the moon is in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the moon so the moon is in a sign it feels most at home in.
Cancer energy is nocturnal in nature. It is sensitive, sentimental and carries the wisdom of cycles. It is connected to your ancestors, your roots and your feelings of home. It walks alongside your subconscious realm. It is the archetype of the wise and whole mother within who knows how to wrap and protect and care for all your inner parts. It is calm, compassionate and nurturing but it is also emotions that move up and down and all around. It wants to help you meet your emotional needs and teach you how to feel emotionally safe. It can help you change and transform your inner landscape but it can also amplify your defensiveness or resistance.
Think about where in your life you could use some nurturing and tender loving care.
How can you start taking better care of your body?
How can you start taking better care of your emotional self?
How can you start taking better care of your spirit?
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents something you commit to doing to take better care of your body, your heart or your spirit.
with love,
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This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.

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