
Art Journal with the Moon: Themes and Prompts for November 18-24, 2024
In this post, I share a summary of the moon for the week of November 18-24, 2024 as it moves through the zodiac and interacts with the planets.
The Moon This Week
This week, we’re working with the waning moon. The waning moon phases are all about letting go, releasing, and creating space for new possibilities. As the moon’s light diminishes, it invites you to turn inward and reflect on what you no longer need to carry. It’s also a time for forgiveness, closure, and rest. It’s about asking yourself what feels heavy, what isn’t serving you anymore, and what you can release to feel lighter and more aligned.
If you’re a highly sensitive entrepreneur with a history of childhood trauma or emotional neglect, the waning moon phases can be especially nurturing. These phases remind you that it’s okay to rest, pause, and process. As someone who may carry deep emotional patterns tied to over-giving, perfectionism, or self-doubt, this is your time to honor your need for gentleness. Use this week to reflect on the emotional weight you’ve been carrying and ask yourself if any of it is truly yours to hold.
The waning moon also encourages you to build trust in the natural cycles of rest and renewal, which is crucial if you’ve experienced a past where your needs were overlooked. By embracing this phase, you can give yourself the permission you need to pause, recharge, and clear space for the new ideas and opportunities that will emerge with the next lunar cycle. In doing so, you’re not only nurturing your business but also healing the parts of yourself that long for care and attention.
Now let’s look at a more detailed summary of the moon’s energy this week, giving you an overview of what to expect as the moon moves through different signs and phases. However, if you’re looking for more specific ways to work with the moon’s energy each day, be sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok. There, in my videos and reels, I share daily art journal with the moon prompts that guide you in doing deep inner work or practicing manifestation magic in a creative way with the moon. You can also sign up here, to get reminders in your inbox of the moon’s energy for the upcoming week and how you can work with it in your art journal to practice folk magic, tend to your soul or do your deep inner work.
The week kicks off with the moon in the sign of Cancer on Monday which is good energy for nurturing yourself. Cancer is ruled by the moon so the moon is in a sign it feels most at home in. Cancer energy is nocturnal in nature. It is sensitive, sentimental and carries the wisdom of cycles. It is connected to your ancestors, your roots and your feelings of home. It walks alongside your subconscious realm. It is the archetype of the wise and whole mother within who knows how to wrap and protect and care for all your inner parts. It is calm, compassionate and nurturing but it is also emotions that move up and down and all around. It wants to help you meet your emotional needs and teach you how to feel emotionally safe. It can help you change and transform your inner landscape but it can also amplify your defensiveness or resistance. Think about where in your life you could use some nurturing and tender loving care. How can you take care of your body today? How can you take care of your emotional self today? How can you take care of your spirit today?
On Tuesday, the disseminating moon is in the sign of Cancer. The focus is on care, comfort, and connection—both with others and with your inner self. This energy encourages you to nurture your heart and soul, to find safety within, and to release any emotional patterns or burdens that no longer serve you.
It’s a time to honor your feelings, allow space for vulnerability, and reflect on the ways you can create a sense of emotional security in your life.
In your art journal, you can work with this energy by creating a page that symbolizes emotional healing or self-nurturing. Start by reflecting on where in your life you could use a little more care and compassion. Where in your life do you feel tender or in need of extra love? Are there areas where you’ve been giving too much and not receiving enough? Maybe you’re carrying emotional wounds that need acknowledgment, or perhaps there’s a part of your inner self—your inner child, perhaps—that’s yearning for comfort and safety. As you work in your art journal, remember that this is a time to honor your emotional needs and give yourself permission to care for your inner world. Let this page be a sacred space where your feelings are honored, your needs are met, and your heart is nurtured.
On Wednesday, the disseminating moon is in the sign of Leo which encourages you to shine your light and share your unique gifts with the world. Leo is ruled by the Sun, which means this moon phase invites you to connect with your inner radiance, creativity, and sense of purpose. This moon inspires you to take pride in who you are and what you’ve accomplished. The disseminating moon in Leo asks you to consider how you’re sharing your energy, wisdom and gifts with others. Are you expressing your authentic self in a way that feels true to you? Are you inspiring others by simply being yourself? In your art journal, you can work with this energy by creating a page that celebrates what you want to teach and share with the people you love, your community or the world whether that’s through your art, your words, or simply being fully yourself. . Start by asking yourself: What makes me feel alive and inspired? What gifts or talents do I have to share with the world? If you’re feeling shy about sharing your your wisdom, energy or gifts with others, use this time to explore where those blocks might be coming from and gently release them. The Leo moon is here to remind you that your presence matters, and your gifts deserve to be seen and celebrated.
With the disseminating moon in the sign of Leo having a happy relationship with the planets Jupiter, Thursday offers the opportunity to share your light and truth in a way that inspires others. The disseminating moon is the phase of the lunar cycle where you reflect on what you’ve gained and begin to offer your insights to others. When combined with Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, teaching, and expansive growth, this energy invites you to step into the role of a generous teacher or guide, sharing your light and truth in a way that inspires others. Leo encourages you to take center stage and let your wisdom shine in a way that feels vibrant and alive. This energy isn’t about shrinking back; it’s about standing tall, recognizing the value of your experiences, and allowing your voice to make an impact. In your art journal, you can work with this energy by creating a page that honors the lessons you’ve learned and the knowledge you’re ready to share with others. Write down or draw your key takeaways from recent experiences—what are the truths or insights that feel most meaningful to you? Then, consider how you can express or share those lessons with others. Let this page be a celebration of the teacher within you and a reminder that sharing your unique perspective is a gift that has the power to uplift and inspire.
On Friday, the moon is void of course for most of the day. A void of course moon sometimes happens when the moon is moving from one zodiac sign to another or when it’s not making any aspects with other planets – I think of it as though the moon is just hanging around alone and in the in-between space – no longer where it was but not yet where it will be. The moon likes reflecting energy down to us but when it’s void of course there’s nothing substantial for it to reflect so its reflecting that emptiness back to us. Embrace this pause, take a step back, and reflect. This period is not about making significant decisions or initiating new projects; rather, it’s a time for taking stock, for going inward, and for focusing on self-care and inner peace. On the flip side, it’s best to avoid initiating new projects, making important decisions, or embarking on significant endeavors during this period. The energy of the void of course moon is not conducive to starting new things; rather, it supports wrapping up loose ends and investing in self-care. Consider reflecting on these questions during a Void of Course Moon: What areas of my life require my attention, but I’ve been neglecting? How can I better care for my emotional well-being? What loose ends do I need to tie up before moving forward? It’s a gentle reminder from the cosmos that in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, taking time for yourself, for stillness and self-care, is not only beneficial—it’s essential.
Saturday’s moon is in the sign of Virgo. The moon in Virgo invites you to tap into your inner healer. It’s a good time to nurture not just your body, but also your spirit. Virgo, often associated with health and meticulous care, offers a deeper connection to your own innate healing abilities. Everyone has an inner healer—a part of themselves that instinctively knows what they need to thrive, whether it’s physical health, emotional balance, or spiritual growth. What do you imagine your inner healer to look or feel like? What wisdom does your inner healer have for you today? Listen closely to your body and mind. Pay attention to what makes you feel energized or drained, what causes discomfort, and what brings relief. This attentiveness is how you tune in to your inner healer. The insights you gain can guide you to make changes that align more closely with your overall well-being. Acknowledge that healing is not always linear and that being patient with yourself is part of the process. Remember, your inner healer is wise and knows the path. Trust in this inner guidance and allow it to lead you towards self-care that is both deep and sustaining. This connection to your inner healer can empower you to make healthier choices and live a life more aligned with what makes you feel strong and vibrant.
The week wraps up on Sunday with the last quarter moon in the sign of Virgo. The last quarter moon is the second to last phase in the moon’s monthly cycle. The moon’s light is waning, drawing inward once more. The last quarter moon stands as a symbolic crossroads, a time of reflection, release, and inner transformation. The last quarter moon is viewed as a time of introspection and surrender. As the moonlight diminishes, we too are invited to draw inwards and assess our inner landscapes. It’s a period of letting go, symbolizing the release of old beliefs, habits, or emotional baggage that no longer serve us. Emotionally, this phase is about acceptance and forgiveness. We are encouraged to make peace with our past, cultivate forgiveness towards ourselves and others, and create space for new possibilities and growth. To enhance your experience of the last quarter moon, consider these questions:
What lessons have I learned in this past moon cycle?
What am I ready to let go of?
How have I grown and changed over this moon cycle?
Who or what do I need to forgive to move forward?
What seeds of intention do I want to plant for the next cycle?
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents what you need to let go of before you consider what seeds of intention you want to plant during the next cycle.
Art Journal with the Moon Together
Witchy Wednesday Art Circle is a weekly online gathering where we align with the moon and nature’s cycles, practice folk magic in our art journals, and use the MAP Method to clear subconscious blocks that stand between you and your dreams. These gatherings are designed to help you tend to your soul, practice magic, or process any emotions you haven’t had time for earlier in the week.
We finish with a Moon Mapping session, where we use the MAP Method (Make Anything Possible) to release old memories and overcome limiting beliefs that hold you back.
Don’t worry if you don’t have an art journal or art experience—this is all about the process, not the final result. You can use pencil crayons or markers on any paper you have! You’ll leave feeling lighter, clearer, and ready to take confident steps forward, with a deeper understanding of your own unique magic.
Our Next Gathering
When: Wednesday, November 20, 2024
This Week’s Theme: Working with the Waning Moon to Clear Your Energy
Register Here
with love,
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This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.

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