How Spirit Soothes My Sensitive Soul
A Discussion about Anxiety and the Way Spirit Helps Me Care for My Sensitive Nature Most people who join my Moon Sister Art and Ceremony Circles are what I suspect to be sensitive souls. Sensitive people are proven to be neurologically wired differently than everyone else. They are wired in ways that make them more…
Blue Moon Watercolor Scrying
This is an art ritual to perform during the full moon, particularly a blue moon, to receive messages from Spirit. I created it to offer a simple method of using common watercolors in a sacred way and to help visual thinkers communicate with their angels and/or spirit guides. Scroll down for printable step-by-step instructions. As…
Shed Your Conditioning and Trust Your Intuition
This art ritual was created to help you explore where your past conditioning stands in the way of listening to and trusting your own intuition and/or your parenting instincts. When done in it’s entirety, it requires a full moon cycle to complete but it can also be effective completed in one sitting with the intentions…
The Love Quilt
This art ritual is perfect for the family to do together. I created it as a way to celebrate family love and make wishes for family harmony and happiness but it can also easily be adapted for a couple. Scroll down for the printable step-by-step instructions. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner but this…
A Bundle of Love
This ritual is for the lover and the romantic. It was created as a way to celebrate and express love and to make a wish for your love life but it could also be used to call a relationship into your life. Scroll down for the printable step-by-step instructions. My husband and I are facing…
hi i'm dana...

This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.

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