
Hi. I'm Dana. I help empaths and highly sensitive people manage their sensitivities and discover their superpowers.

Your sensitivity is a tremendous gift. It is why you are as caring, intuitive, and creative as you are, but it can also be a burden.

When you don't manage your sensitive nature, you experience overwhelm, anxiety, overthinking, procrastination, self-doubt, and other frustrating challenges.

It's not your fault. You're NOT weak or too sensitive! The truth is, you were never meant to handle as much as you do and your body knows it.

I teach you to work with the natural cycles of the moon in your art journal to manage your sensitive nature and develop the creative and intuitive superpowers that come with it.

I also work with your subconscious mind and teach it to manage your highly sensitive nature for you. You don't have to do the hard inner work on your own. Your subconscious mind will do the job of sorting through your emotional history better than you or I could... and it's much faster.

Curious how it all works together? Start with learning how to practice moon magic in your art journal—for free!


Held by the Moon is a creative gathering for highly sensitive entrepreneurs who want to align with the moon, practice magic and overcome limiting beliefs that are standing between them and their business goals.

One-on-one sessions where I work with the angels and MAP to neutralize memories in your subconscious mind that are sabotaging you from creating a life that aligns with your purpose and passions.
Try an Introductory session.

Join me at my next virtual art retreat to get unstuck and create the life you want. Every retreat is a soulful mix of moon magic, Spirit and the revolutionary power of the MAP Method. It's creativity with power.


Every Monday, I show you how to work with the moon’s energy in your art journal to practice magic, do your deep emotional healing work or grow your business. Subscribe right away — or learn more here...

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I would recommend her counsel to anyone who feels they are in need of UNCONDITIONAL support- regardless of whether it's related to relationships, emotional challenges, deep-seeded fears, etc.


She helped me understand where my deepest wounds were coming from and why I felt the way I did about them. Her practical tools taught me how to find that love for myself and know that it's okay to put myself first and actually, it's necessary.


New Moon Wishing Tree

By Dana | November 3, 2016

The New Year may be in January but personally, I feel like the spirit of it lives in the fall. Bare trees, crunchy leaves, harvest and the mystical time when spirit feels near all signal to me a time to retreat and contemplate my next steps forward. During the last New Moon, I decided to…

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New Moon Vision Board

By Dana | October 21, 2016

I made a vision board that smells a lot better than it looks – but it feels more magical than any other vision board I’ve created before. I painted the background with sugar and spice and with each layer I prayed, spoke my desires aloud, talked through the internal garbage that was standing in the…

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Broken, Messy and Lovable

By Dana | July 10, 2016

SISTERHOODS TEACH US WE’RE ALL BROKEN AND MESSY…AND LOVABLE ANYWAY “You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don’t have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection or social and economic success – none of that matters. No one can take this love…

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A Pretty Way to Ask Your Angels for Help

By Dana | November 9, 2015

Story Art Project #2 – Angel Wing Wishes A step-by-step guide to creating a jar of paper angel wing wishes This morning I awoke with an anxious knot in my belly. I wasn’t aware of what was bothering me but my tummy was showing me there was indeed something I was upset about. I spent my…

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