
Reach Your Goals with the Moon and Your Art Journal
Do you have a goal that’s really important to you?
If you have a goal you’re trying to reach, I want to invite you to join me on a creative and spiritual adventure.
I want to art journal with the new and full moon on the same one goal until I reach it and I’d love for you to join me.
It might take a year to reach my goal. It might take several. I don’t care. I’m in it until I reach it.
Why I’m Doing This
I had two really important goals I couldn’t seem to reach.
One was a money goal. I wanted to earn more money than I needed but I didn’t want to earn it just any old way. I wanted to earn it by building my own creative and intuitive business and run it at a pace my highly sensitive body could handle.
I also had a health goal. I wanted to feel better in my body. I have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and thirteen years ago my health took a drastic turn for the worse after I endured a tremendous amount of stress. I wanted my body to feel strong, react less intensely and I wanted to have enough energy to get through the day.
While going through the hardest time in my life, I accomplished my goals!
And I did it by art journaling with the moon (well…and rewiring my brain with the MAP Method among other things because it’s never just one thing but you get the idea).
I’m still a little in awe of it. I manifested everything I was working to manifest for the last eight years and then I landed in this place where I thought, “Okay, now what?” It was time to start dreaming again.
I was a little lost for a while in the “now what….” phase. Isn’t that the way it is with transitions. Just like the moon moving through different zodiac signs, it takes a while to move from where you were to where you are now.
Where I am now is in this exciting new place where I want to do it AGAIN!
But this time I want to do it with YOU!
I want to choose another goal to work on in my art journal with the moon and I want to share my journey with you and inspire YOU to reach one of your sacred goals with the moon alongside me.
If you’re going to join me, there’s a few things you need to do.
First, choose ONE GOAL.
I know it’s tempting to work on more than one goal. If you’re like me, there’s a lot you want to accomplish in this life but if you’re going to jump on this journey with me, CHOOSE ONE GOAL.
It’s such an important step because it focuses your energy and your magic on one thing. Once you’ve accomplished that one goal, you can move on and do it all again with another goal. But for now CHOOSE ONE GOAL!
Did I repeat it enough for you yet?
Honestly, I’m repeating it because most of the clients I’ve worked with struggle with this foundational step. They lose focus. They get distracted. They change their mind. They see a new shiny object and want to go in that direction instead. They try to achieve five things that are really important to them at once. It doesn’t work!
You need to choose one goal and stay the course.
I struggled with this step so much in my life and I paid the price over and over again. Finally, I bought myself a ring and I married my decision. I had a ceremony by the river. I slipped my ring on and I vowed to stay committed to my goal. I stopped cheating on my goal with all the other things I wanted to do in my life. I told all those other goals they would have to wait. I was marrying this one goal for now.
So if you need to hear it again, CHOOSE ONE GOAL!
If you’re in the ART JOURNAL WITH THE MOON Facebook Community, come and share your goal with us. You don’t have to be specific publicly. You’ll want to have a clear and specific goal to work on but you don’t have to share the specifics with us. Just share the general topic. If you’re not in the Facebook Community yet, just scroll up and click on the maroon bar at the top of the page to join the group.
For instance, I’m choosing a money goal. I don’t want to share what that money goal is publicly because I want to keep it private and sacred for now. I believe my magic works best when my goal is kept private but I will share that it is a money goal. Maybe you have a parenting goal you want to focus on or a writing goal or a spiritual goal or a health goal or maybe you have a money goal like me. It doesn’t matter what your goal is. Simply choose a goal that feels deeply important and sacred to you at this time in your life.
Get Your Art Journal Ready
Next, make sure your art journal is ready to go.
You don’t have to get fancy here and I’m not going to share a lot of information about what to use because there are hundreds of artists who have already written hundred of pages and shot hundreds of hours of video on art journaling advice to support you.
My suggestion is go about it in a way that feels sacred to you.
Are you the kind of person who likes to make sure the supplies you use for your magic or your spiritual practices are of a certain quality and caliber? Great, then trust that and take the time to find the PERFECT journal for the goal you chose to work on.
Are you the kind of person who cares less about the details and more about the process? Great, then trust that and use whatever you have kicking around.
Personally, I’m a classic Gemini and I dance between those two polarities but this time I’ll be using my watercolor paper which I will later, after I’ve created all my pages and my goal is reached, bind into a book.
Let’s not get too complicated here. Just choose an art journal that feels good to you…or even just good enough.
Decide How You’re Going to Start
When you embark on this journey with me, there are 3 ways you can art journal with the moon to reach your goals. I’ll be talking more in depth about these three methods in coming months but here’s a short overview.
- Keep it Simple – Create a page in your art journal at the new moon that helps you visualize your goal and create a page in your art journal at the full moon that helps you stand in your power, visualize success, asks the spiritual realm for help or focuses on releasing the inner blocks you carry that work against your goals. Sweet and simple – one page at the new moon, one page at the full moon. <3
- Dive a Little Deeper – If you feel ready to dive a little deeper than that, every time you sit to art journal with the new or full moon, you focus your intentions around the topics of the zodiac sign the moon is in during that phase. For instance, during a new moon in Virgo, you visualize your goal in your art journal but you also consider what routines you can implement in your daily life to help you achieve your goal or you ‘sort the seeds’ in your life and consider what beliefs and/or behaviors you want to keep in your life because they will help you reach your goal and what beliefs and/or behaviors you want to release to be transformed by the earth because they will not help you reach your goal. Still one page at the new moon and one page at the full moon but the topics you explore are a little more specific to the moon energy we’re working with during that specific new or full moon.
- Make it Personal – This is the most specific method. When you choose this method, every time you sit to art journal with the new or full moon, you consider the zodiac sign the moon is in AND the area of your life that zodiac sign resides in according to your astrological birth chart. For instance, because my rising sign is Gemini, the new moon in Virgo was in the fourth house of my astrological birth chart. The area of life or life topics the fourth house is concerned with is childhood, ancestors, parents and foundations or in other words, ‘what grew you’ and your home and/or living situation. So during the Virgo new moon, I asked myself what I wanted to keep from my childhood, parents and ancestors and what I wanted to release or let go from my childhood, parents and ancestors to help me reach my money goal.
I will be sharing the details for each of these methods every new moon in my FREE Creative Moon Cycle Guide. If you haven’t signed up for it yet, click here to get on my mailing list. You’ll regularly receive all the details you need to art journal with the moon to reach your goal.
OPTIONAL – Start a Daily Art Journal with the Moon to Reach Your Goal Practice
This step isn’t necessary and you can even come and go with it as you like but in the ART JOURNAL WITH THE MOON Facebook community and in my weekly moon update emails and blog posts, I will share art journal with the moon prompts for Monday – Friday. Each day I will focus on a topic to help you reach your goal that is in alignment with the energy the moon is reflecting down to us that day.
Are you in?
I’m really excited to be starting this journey and I hope you like this idea too so we can swap stories and show each other our moon pages and talk about how best to use the magic the cosmos is sending our way.
with love,
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hi i'm dana...

This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.

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