Pisces New Moon Magic for Highly Sensitive Mothers
A Pisces new moon activity to help highly sensitive mothers discover a memory or belief standing between them and their dreams or goals Mermaids and Dark Waters There’s something tantalizing about mermaid myths. I especially enjoy stories that describe mermaids singing a spell over fishermen and luring them into deep waters. In these myths the…
Celebrating My Queer Nature on Valentines Day
Love deserves to be celebrated in all its glorious manifestations. My aunt, who came out as a lesbian in her forties, was over this weekend and she shared with me the story of my grandfather’s sister who lived with a woman but whom no one ever openly admitted was a lesbian. My great aunt’s sexuality…
Samhain Mandala
Mark the end of summer and the beginning of winter by seeing what messages Spirit wants to share about the months ahead. Capture the images you receive in a beautiful mandala you can refer back to all year long. Scroll down for a version of this art activity you can print and use. I love…
Climate Change and Highly Sensitive People
Climate change is causing Mother Earth and many of her plants and animals to suffer and highly sensitive people often carry the emotional and psychological burden of these times. This spiritual art activity was created to help highly sensitive people express and release some of the grief and loss they feel. It is also created…
Planting Roots of Intention with the New Moon
This is an art ritual to perform during the new moon. It will help you set clear and specific intentions and learn how to use your energy to best reach your goals. Scroll down for printable step-by-step instructions. This month I started my training to become a certified M.A.P (Manifesting All Possibilities) instructor. As my…
hi i'm dana...

This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.

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