
how to art journal with your birth moon

How to Art Journal with Your Birth Moon

 There are certain days in the year that align well with your birth moon. On these dates, creating a page in your art journal with the appropriate intentions can be helpful to your healing and magic. Here is a list of my preferred moon dates to consider throughout the year and the kind of healing or magic that works well on those days.

When I started creating art in my journal with the moon, I was only concerned with the new moon and full moon. Inevitably, my desire to align with the moon had me creating a page in my journal during the other moon phases as well but the journey didn’t stop there. I also became familiar with my birth moon. The times in the year where the moon is in similar conditions to the way the moon was on the day I was born now feel like significant moments to work in my art journal for magic and healing. If you’re on a similar journey of learning to art journal with the moon, you might also enjoy knowing what your birth moon is and how to art journal with the moon on those days.

Your Personal Moon Phase

Finding your personal moon dates in the year begins by knowing your personal moon phase then combining that with your personal moon sign.

When you were born, the moon was in one of its phases; New MoonWaxing Crescent MoonFirst Quarter MoonGibbous MoonFull MoonDisseminating MoonLast Quarter Moon and Balsamic Moon. Each phase carries its own influence. It will pull you toward certain ways of thinking or being and when you look at your personal moon phase, you’ll know which predispositions are working with you and which ones are working against your goals.


Your Personal Moon Sign

You are probably familiar with your sun sign. It refers to what zodiac sign the sun was in at the time of your birth but you have a moon sign as well. Your sun sign determines your personality and how others might perceive you but your moon sign reveals your inner world of emotions and provides insight into characteristics you inherited from your parents and ancestors. Your moon sign refers to what zodiac sign the moon was in at the time of your birth.


Calculate Your Birth Moon

To figure out what phase and sign the moon was in on the day you were born, you can click on the link below and enter your birth information.

Alternatively, you can enter a question in a search engine and find multiple resources and/or calculators to help you discover what phase the moon was in on the day you were born and what sign the moon was in at the time of your birth.

In order to have accurate information, you’ll need to include the time and location of your birth as well as the day. The moon moves through the zodiac signs relatively quickly (about every 2.5 days) so the time of your birth can affect your moon sign.

Three Important Dates to Consider

I use my birth moon to consider three important personal moon dates throughout the year:

  1. When the new moon is in my birth moon sign
  2. When the full moon is in my birth moon sign
  3. When the moon is in the same phase and sign it was in on the day of my birth

I was born during the new moon phase and the new moon was in the sign of Gemini at the time of my birth so my personal birth moon is the new moon in Gemini. The three dates I’m going to make note of in the year ahead are:

  1. When the new moon is in the sign of Gemini which is happening on May 30, 2022
  2. When the full moon is in the sign of Gemini which is happening on Dec 8, 2022
  3. When the new moon is in the sign of Gemini which is happening on May 30, 2022

I simply used a search engine and entered the question, “When is the new moon in Gemini in 2022?” or “When is the full moon in Gemini in 2022?” to find these dates.

The New Moon

During the New Moon, I like to create art journal pages around setting intentions, manifesting, getting clear on what it is I really want, looking forward, planning and thinking about what I want the next moon cycle to look like.

Every moon cycle, the new and full moon are in a particular zodiac sign. For instance, in the month of April 2022, the new moon is in the sign of Aries and the full moon is in the sign of Libra.

Regardless of what phase the moon was in at the time of my birth, when the new moon is in my birth sign (which should happen at least once in the year), I use that time to create a page in my journal that represents my seeds of intention for the next twelve months. The new moon will be happening in the sign of Gemini on May 30, 2022 and the new moon won’t be in the sign of Gemini again until June 18, 2023.

On every new moon, I create a page in my journal that represents my seeds of intention but I tend to keep it centered on my seeds of intention for that one specific lunar cycle NOT for my intentions for a whole year. When the new moon is in my birth moon sign, I extend those intentions to include what I want to create in my life before the next time the new moon happens in my birth moon sign again. So for that particular new moon journal page I’m thinking in terms of a year cycle versus a month cycle.

The Full Moon

The full moon is a time of letting go and release. You might want to let go and release your goals to a higher power or you might want to work on releasing things in your life that are no longer helpful. The full moon can be like a nice big energetic cleansing where you forgive yourself and others, let go of grievances or surrender and trust. It’s also a great time to connect to Spirit and ask if there are any messages you need to receive regarding your goals or the direction you want your life to move in.

Regardless of what phase the moon was in at the time of my birth, when the full moon is in my birth sign (which, like the new moon, should happen at least once a year), I use that time to create a page in my journal that represents what I want to release until the next time the full moon is in my birth sign. For me, the full moon will be happening in the sign of Gemini on December 8, 2022 and it won’t be in the sign of Gemini again until November 27, 2023. The journal page I create on December 8 will represent the things I want to release/surrender/forgive until November 27, 2023. On that full moon, I might also pull a tarot or oracle card for each month from December to November and create a page in my journal that shows the messages I receive for those months.

Again, on most full moons I create a journal page that represents what I want to release/surrender/forgive but when the full moon is in my birth sign, I extend those intentions of release and clearing to include a full year instead of just looking on the month ahead.

When the Moon is in the Same Sign AND Phase as it Was on the Day of Your Birth

For people born on new or full moons this is easy to find but for those born in the other moon phases, this can be a little trickier. The simplest way is to do a search online. For instance, if I was born on a waxing crescent moon in Gemini, I would simply type, “waxing crescent moon in Gemini 2022” and see what information comes up.

In my art journal, I treat this day as I would my birth day and create a page that celebrates me or my accomplishments in some way or infuses the year ahead with good luck and energy.

In Summary

To recap, these are the three moon dates you can use when you art journal with the moon and the kind of page you want to create on those dates.

  1. When the new moon is in your birth sign create a page in your art journal to set intentions for the year ahead
  2. When the full moon is in your birth sign create a page in your art journal that represents what you want to release or clear for the year ahead. You can also do some divination for the year ahead.
  3. When the moon is in the same phase AND sign as the day you were born create a page in your art journal that celebrates you in some way or infuses the year ahead with good luck.

Join Me

If you want to learn more about how to art journal with the moon, you might love my upcoming class; How to Art Journal with the Moon 101. In this class, we’ll dive deep into moon magic and you’ll learn how to work with all eight phases of the moon in your art journal.

with love,

Dana da Ponte



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This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.


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