
Releasing Old Ideas About Yourself with the South Node – Art Journal with the Moon for September 23-29, 2024
In this post, I share a summary of the moon for the week of September 23-29, 2024 as it moves through the zodiac and interacts with the planets. I also share a step-by-step process for releasing old versions of yourself with the south node in your art journal so you can better align with your spirit.
The Moon This Week
We’re in the waning moon phases as we move towards a new moon solar eclipse in Libra happening on Wednesday, October 2, 2024. This solar eclipse is happening on the south node which is associated with what you need to release or move beyond to grow spiritually and personally. This is a great time to cleanse your energy and clear out any negative self-perceptions or limiting beliefs that no longer serve you.
In this post, I share a step-by-step process to do that in your art journal. I also share a summary of the moon’s energy this week, giving you an overview of what to expect as the moon moves through different signs and phases. However, if you’re looking for more specific ways to work with the moon’s energy each day, be sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok. There, in my videos and reels, I share daily art journal with the moon prompts that guide you in doing deep inner work or practicing manifestation magic in a creative way with the moon. You can also sign up here, to get reminders in your inbox of the moon’s energy for the upcoming week and how you can work with it in your art journal to practice folk magic, tend to your soul or do your deep inner work.
The week kicks off with the disseminating moon in the sign of Gemini on Monday which is the perfect energy to explore and express your thoughts and feelings and communicate your truth. It’s a good time for deep emotional healing through self-expression, so let your art journal be a space where you explore and share your inner world, practicing magic by aligning your thoughts and words with your intentions.
On Tuesday, the disseminating moon moves into the sign of Cancer. Cancer is deeply connected to the emotional comfort that comes from knowing you have a place where you belong, where you are loved and accepted. In your art journal, you can explore what makes you feel secure. This could be a physical place, like your home, or it could be relationships that offer you emotional support. You might also think about internal sources of security—like your own self-care practices or the way you nurture and protect yourself emotionally.
The last quarter moon in the sign of Cancer on Wednesday is having a happy relationship with Saturn. This is a good time to reflect on your journey toward emotional security. Emotional security is about feeling safe, stable, and supported in your inner world, knowing that no matter what happens externally, you have a solid foundation within yourself. In your art journal, you can explore this by creating a page that symbolizes what makes you feel safe and secure.
With a last quarter moon having a happy relationship with Mercury and moving into the sign of Leo, Thursday brings an opportunity to reflect on your unique voice. Are you expressing yourself in a way that feels authentic, or are there areas where you hold back? The Leo energy invites you to be bold and proud of who you are, while Mercury’s influence encourages you to think critically about how you share that with others. In terms of magic or emotional healing work, this is a great time to focus on self-acceptance and confidence.
On Friday, the last quarter moon is in the sign of Leo and having a tense relationship with the planet Venus. This highlights a tension between your need for self-expression and your desire for harmony in relationships. You might feel pulled between asserting your individuality and keeping the peace with others. This energy encourages you to find a balance between being true to yourself and nurturing your connections. Write, draw or paint about where you feel conflicted between pleasing others and staying true to yourself. This is a powerful time for healing work that focuses on self-love and balancing your own needs with those of others.
Saturday’s balsamic moon invites you to release and let go as you prepare for a new lunar cycle. Explore the following questions in your art journal; What is no longer serving you that you are ready to let go of? What wisdom does the Dark Goddess offer you at this time in your life? How can you honor the process of release and prepare myself for the new beginnings to come?
The week wraps up on Sunday with the balsamic moon moving into the sign of Virgo and having a happy relationship with Venus. It brings an opportunity to gently release what no longer serves you, creating space for healing and renewal. In your art journal, this might look like a process of softly washing away old emotional patterns, anxieties, or negative thoughts.
Remember, the moon’s energy is here to support you in embracing who you truly are. By art journaling with the lunar energy this week, you’re not only connecting with the rhythms of nature but also nurturing your soul and manifesting the changes you really want to see in your life so you can more fully align with your true self.
Now let’s talk more about how to work with the eclipse in your art journal to release old beliefs about yourself that do not align with the dreams you want to realize.
About the South Node
The upcoming solar eclipse is happening on the south node which is associated with what you need to release or move beyond to grow spiritually and personally. It contrasts with the North Node, which represents your future path and the qualities you need to develop.
The South Node itself doesn’t have a physical form in the sky—it’s more like an invisible point in space that marks the intersection of the moon and the sun. The South Node is a specific point in the sky where the Moon’s orbit around Earth intersects with the Sun’s path. Imagine the Moon traveling in a big circle around Earth. At two spots in this circle, the Moon crosses the Sun’s path. The downward crossing point is called the South Node. It’s important because when the Sun and Moon align near this point, we can have a solar or lunar eclipse which is what we will have next week.
Before we even arrive at the eclipse next week , the south node is getting activated this week by the Sun and Mercury so there is a lot of energy pushing us to release and let go old versions of ourselves.
The South Node represents your past, both from your past lives and the experiences you’ve had in this life. It holds the energy of where you’ve been before—familiar habits, traits, and patterns that you’re comfortable with but don’t necessarily help you grow. The South Node is like your comfort zone, where you tend to fall back on old thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that feel safe but might hold you back from evolving into your true potential.
When a solar eclipse occurs near the South Node, it intensifies the need to release these old patterns. Eclipses are powerful moments of transformation, and when they align with the South Node, they act as a reset button, urging you to let go of the past. This isn’t just about letting go of old habits; it’s also about releasing outdated beliefs about yourself, fears, and worries that have been weighing you down.
Align with Who You Are Becoming
This is a time to cleanse your energy and clear out any negative self-perceptions or limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. The South Node asks you to confront the parts of yourself that are rooted in fear or worry—those aspects that cause you to feel scared, anxious, or stuck. By acknowledging and releasing these aspects, you create space for new growth and transformation, allowing you to move forward with greater clarity and purpose.
It’s a call to release the baggage of the past, cleanse your energy, and embrace a future that aligns more closely with who you are becoming, rather than who you’ve been. It’s a powerful time for inner work, healing, and stepping into a new chapter of your life with a lighter, more liberated spirit.
If you know me, you know I’m always trying help you take advantage of these astrological and lunar moments in time because I’m passionate about aligning with nature and I want you to make the most amount of progress in the least amount of time, supported by the most powerful energy available. I want to see you grow, heal, and transform with the currents of energy that flow through nature.
This week is a particularly potent time for inner work and releasing old patterns. With the South Node being activated by the Sun, then Mercury, combined with the waning moon phases and the upcoming solar eclipse on the South Node, there is an incredible amount of energy available to help you let go of old ways of seeing yourself. I want you to take full advantage of this.
Aligning with this energy allows you to flow with the powerful forces around you, helping you do the hard inner work, the growing, and the stretching that becoming your true self requires — but doing it all while being supported by this helpful energy. This is a time to let go, to release, and to embrace the changes you’ve been wanting to make, with the natural world backing you up every step of the way.
Working with this Energy Together
I’m hosting a 30-Day Wild Witch Activation and it is perfectly timed and perfectly aligned with the powerful energy we’re experiencing right now. While we are in the season of autumn and as we approach the solar eclipse on the South Node, there’s a natural momentum to release, transform, and let go of old identities that no longer serve you. My 30-Day activation is designed to help you harness this energy, guiding you through the process of shedding outdated ways of seeing yourself and stepping into a more authentic, empowered version of who you truly are. By aligning with all this helpful energy in nature, you’re not just doing the inner work — you’re doing it at the most energetically supportive time, allowing for deeper, more lasting transformation. This is the perfect moment to commit to your growth, supported by the natural rhythms and cycles of the universe so if you want to align with this energy and use it to your advantage, definitely come join us. You can register here:
Register for the Wild Witch Activation Here
Working with this Energy in Your Art Journal
To work with this energy in your art journal this week, I suggest following these steps.
Figure out the areas of your life the south node lunar eclipse will be in according to your astrological birth chart (using the whole sign system)
From the life areas that house represents, choose one that is most important to you right now.
Explore the dreams and goals you have for that area of your life. What are you wanting to create in that specific area of your life? Who do you want to become in that particular area of your life?
Identify the limiting beliefs you have around achieving that goal or realizing that dream. What specific beliefs about yourself make you think you can’t achieve that goal or realize that dream?
Explore the origins of those beliefs. When did you first start feeling this way? Can you trace this belief back to a specific event or series of events?
Consider the impact of that belief. How has this belief affected your decisions and actions in the past year? past month? Give specific examples of choices you made because of this belief.
Allow your emotions to surface. When you think about pushing past your usual boundaries or breaking a specific belief, what emotions arise? Describe these feelings in detail.
Question the truth of these beliefs. Is there evidence that contradicts this belief? Have there been times when this belief has not held true?
Imagine your life without this limit. If this belief were not true, what would you do differently? Imagine a day in your life without this belief. What changes?
Connect to your future self. Write a letter from your future self, five years from now, telling you about how they overcame this belief. What steps did they take? How do they feel now that this belief no longer holds them back?
Visualize success. Visualize yourself achieving your goal or realizing your dream despite your current beliefs. What does success look like? How does it feel? Describe the scene in as much vivid detail in your art journal as you can.
Commit to action. What is one small step you can take this week to challenge or disprove this limiting belief? How will you hold yourself accountable?
Looking at How the Eclipse is Affecting My Birth Chart as an Example
The dream I’m trying to make a reality is finally completing my book and sharing it with the world.
The South Node and the upcoming eclipse are located in my fifth house which governs creativity, self-expression, joy, and romance. It’s the house that deals with how I manifest my unique self into the world, including artistic projects like my book.
Libra’s influence during this eclipse emphasizes balance and harmony. It challenges me to find equilibrium between my personal needs and the demands I feel from others, particularly in the areas governed by the fifth house. Since the eclipse is on the South Node, it invites me to let go of any imbalances, dependencies, or self-criticisms that disrupt my creative well-being.
I have beliefs about money, success and self-worth that are not aligned with my dream of completing and sharing my book. I want to use the energy we’re in this week and next week to shed old versions of myself so I can express my creativity the way I want to and finally realize my dream.
Some of the old beliefs and ways of seeing myself I want to release include:
- If I take time for creative projects, I am being irresponsible. Seeing myself as irresponsible makes me feel guilty for prioritizing drawing the pages of my book. It doesn’t consider how working on and finishing my book nourishes my spirit even if it doesn’t have immediate financial outcomes. Instead, I want to see myself as someone who is wise and knows following my dreams is a responsible way of managing my career because my happiness and fulfillment is important.
- My creative work isn’t a legitimate part of my career. This belief undermines the professional value of my creativity, which leads me to stop prioritizing my book and the pages I need to finish. Instead, I want to see myself as someone whose art is a part of their professional identity and success.
- It’s selfish to invest time and resources in my creative projects. Seeing myself as selfish makes me feel guilty for focusing on what makes me happy and makes me feel fulfilled. Instead, I want to see myself as someone who invests in my art because doing what makes me feel alive enhances my well-being and leads to long-term success.
- I don’t have the skills or talent to succeed in my creative goals. This one can stop me in my tracks which makes me lose momentum which then leads me to feel discouraged. Instead, I want see myself as someone who is constantly developing new skills and who has a unique perspective that is valuable and worthy of expression.
Need Help Aligning with the Eclipse?
Every day this week – Monday – Sunday, at 7 pm MT, except for Wednesday when I’ll be leading the Witchy Wednesday Art Circle, you can find me live in the Facebook group Art Journal with the Moon for Intuitive Healing. I’ll be there to help anyone interested in going over their birth charts and offer my perspective on how to align with the powerful eclipse energy we’re experiencing. This is a unique opportunity to release and shed old versions of yourself so you can better align with the dreams and goals you have for the areas of your life that the eclipse energy is highlighting according to your birth chart.
If you’re not already in the Facebook group, all you have to do is join, then show up at 7 pm MT with your birth information — your birthdate, location of birth, and time of birth. I’ll show you how to draw up your chart using the whole sign system and help you explore how the eclipse energy is influencing your life. Together, we’ll dive into how you’re currently seeing yourself, how that might be blocking your dreams, and how to use the eclipse energy to release those blocks. I’ll offer my insights and ask you questions to help you dig deeper and align with the powerful energy of this time. This is all about helping you step into your true self and align with the life you want to create.
I’m calling it the Eclipse Alignment Hour.
During this hour, we’ll use your birth chart to explore how the upcoming eclipse energy is affecting different areas of your life. I’ll help you see how certain patterns or ways of seeing yourself might be getting in the way of your dreams. If you’re curious about astrology, interested in self-discovery, or just looking for some guidance on how to align with the current eclipse energy, this hour is for you.
Whether you’re new to this kind of work or have been on this path for a while, this hour is a chance to gain clarity, release what’s no longer serving you, and take a step closer to becoming the person you want to be.
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This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.

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