Art Journal with the Moon for December 19-25, 2022
This is a summary of the moon’s energy for the upcoming week and the inner work and magic you can do in your art journal to make the most of the opportunities the cosmos is gifting us with.
Every week the emotional and magical opportunities the moon is sending you are different because the energy she is drawing down from the planets and stars changes moment to moment. Planets and stars and moon phases and moon signs each carry their own unique energy .This is my weekly update (Mon-Fri) of the moon’s comings and goings to support you in aligning with her energy.
Get your art journal or a scrap of paper you see lying around, your art supplies or those pencil crayons you have hidden away somewhere and have fun. Spend 10 – 20 minutes focusing on the themes the moon is supporting you to explore that day while you play with colors and shapes and watch what happens over time.
It’s amazing what a little consistent creative time can do.
A Few Thoughts Before We Get Started
This week we greet the winter solstice and a new moon in Capricorn.
The winter solstice marks the time of year in the northern hemisphere when the day is shortest and the night is the longest it will be all year long. It is a time of darkness that also celebrates the return of light. From the winter solstice on, the sun will day by day start to take up more time in our sky. From the dark womb of winter, the sun will be born and a cycle of new life will begin again.
Celebrating the dark points in the life cycle has me reminiscing about the darkest points in my life. Interestingly enough, the cliché rings true and the darkest points really were my turning points. Just as the longest night of the year tips the scale toward the light again, the darkest moments in my life tipped me toward transformation and change. It’s hard to look back and wish those dark moments didn’t happen when I realize it led me here in this place where in many ways my body is stronger and healthier than it was my entire life, my marriage is deeper and stronger than it’s ever been, my business is stable and a true reflection of who I really am and my art is magic. I remember a time in my early thirties when the way I live now is what I wanted. I wished for myself to grow into this woman and lo and behold, I became who I most wanted to be! But not without the long dark nights of the soul and not without a lot of pain and heartbreak and definitely not without doing the work!
This is the gift of the darkness. It forced me to see who I really was and where I needed to mature and grow. I’m sure more moments of darkness await me. That is the way with the circle of life and unlike the moments of darkness I had to contend with in my youth when I felt confused and lost and shocked that it was happening at all, as if my young heart believed darkness shouldn’t exist, I hope next time, I wail and howl and greet it with fingers clawing the dirt before I collapse in grief as I face myself. Let me be with my darkness fully and completely instead of fighting it because I know what follows, what always follows, and that is the light.
Just as the sun will be reborn and start to take up more time in the sky, the lighter times in my life inevitably return as well.
This dance of light and dark presents us with a great opportunity to peer into the year ahead and consider where the points of darkness might be that you will have to face next year and where the light will come pouring into your life. I’m leading a new course that begins on January 7th. It’s called “Art Journal with the Moon to Plan and Vision the Year Ahead”. One of the modules will discuss peering into the year ahead with my favorite divination techniques but I thought I’d share my favorite moon date this week to practice some divination and peer into 2023 before the course begins.
A Good Moon Date to Peer Into the Year Ahead
Take out your oracle and tarot cards, light a candle, clear the energy, ask your spirit guides and angels to speak to your through the cards and pull a card for each month of the coming year. Where do you see some darker points in the year ahead? Where do you see some lighter points peeking through in the year ahead?
Tuesday, December 20th
I like this date for peering into 2023 because the moon is in the balsamic phase. The balsamic moon has depth and wisdom. This is a time to move inward; to grow still and quiet and change the direction of your looking and to look within and trust your own wisdom and truth. Communing with Spirit and your deepest self is helpful during this phase.
I use this phase to make time to communicate with the angels and my Highest Self. I try to tune into the wisdom and support I carry within me. The veil between Spirit and my conscious mind is thinner at this time of the moon cycle so it eases communication and intuition.
On Tuesday, the moon is also in the sign of Scorpio. When the moon is in Scorpio it is in a water sign which is helpful for working with your intuition. You might feel sensitive or touchy when the moon is in this sign but Scorpio energy helps you to dive deep into your emotional and spiritual realms which makes it great energy to practice divination.
I also like that the moon is in a happy relationship with Neptune on this day. Neptune wants to help us connect to source energy and experience what its like to reach our divine potential, feel unconditionally loved and feel our interconnectedness. It also wants to open our psychic gifts, help us receive divine inspiration and dissolve barriers so we experience wholeness and unity. It also wants to help us expand and use our imagination and see the unseen or know the unknown.
It’s a planet of intuition, psychic abilities, imagination, spirituality and dreams. Because it’s in a happy relationship with the moon, the moon gets to reflect back to us all this goodness. It’s a good day for tuning into your emotions, tapping into your creativity, trusting your intuition and using the power of your imagination to create the changes you want to see in your life.
As you can see, Tuesday is a great day to pull out your oracle and tarot cards and peer into the new year.
Join Me.
Dive deeper into the year ahead, clear the energy from 2022, create magical pages in your art journal for your new year intentions, learn about the best moon days in 2023 PLUS do some deep inner work with the MAP Method. When you join, you also receive access for the lifetime of the course. I will be updating it every year so you’ll be able to hear my intuitive thoughts on the coming year every January. It’s the course that keeps on giving. <3
Sign up before Friday if you want the early bird rate:
Today the moon is in the balsamic phase. This phase is when the moon is once again a silver sliver in the sky. She is retreating and preparing to hide away in the darkness of the New Moon. This is a time to move inward; to grow still and quiet and change the direction of your looking and to look within and trust your own wisdom and truth. Communing with Spirit and your deepest self is helpful during this phase.
I use this phase to make time to communicate with the angels and my Highest Self. I try to tune into the wisdom and support I carry within me. The veil between Spirit and my conscious mind is thinner at this time of the moon cycle so it eases communication and intuition. It’s also when I’m focusing on my intuition, paying attention to Spirit Signs, making notes of my sleeping dreams and communicating with Spirit.
It is a good time to address the shadow aspects of your personality and to get curious about what I have buried in my subconscious. Sometimes, when life is busy, we don’t have time to process the emotions and triggers that arise in our everyday life and in our relationships. This phase of the Moon is a good time to deal with whatever you didn’t have time to deal with earlier on in the moon cycle. Taking this time to make friends with your shadow before a new moon cycle begins will help you to be clearer and less influenced by my wounded parts as I make my New Moon intentions.
You can’t always see what needs to be tended to.
Ask your subconscious mind to show you what you most need to treat today.
Is it something from your past?
Is there a belief or a memory that has been holding you back?
Trust whatever surfaces.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that represents something that has been holding you back but that you are now ready to let go.
As I wrote above, today is a good day to pull out your tarot and oracle cards and peer into 2023. As you can see by the image at the top of the page, the moon is having a lot of relationships with other planets today. Another relationship that helps make it a good day to do some divination work is the happy relationship it is having with Jupiter today.
Jupiter wants to bring harmony, well-being, kindness, justice, abundance, growth, expansion, good luck and balance to your life. The moon is supporting Jupiter’s desire to do this in your life today.
Together, the moon and Jupiter are shining more peace into our lives today. They’re helping us feel open-hearted and generous. They’re supporting us in focusing on what connects us to each other and what brings us together. It’s energy that helps us feel calm and safe and willing to see and receive the goodness other people want to share with us. It’s energy that reminds us what’s good in our life.
One of the best ways to work with this energy is to drop into your heart and choose something in your life to feel grateful about 2022 for.
Choose that one thing now and focus on it for a moment until you notice a calming, an opening or a small shift in your heart center. This would also be a great thing to do before you pull your cards and peer into 2023.
In your art journal, create a page that represents something you feel grateful about 2022 for.
Today is the winter solstice, the sun moves into the sign of Capricorn and the moon moves into the sign of Sagittarius today. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter so it’s carrying a little of that planet’s good energy as well.
Sagittarius is a fire sign. It is expressive and positive and humorous, optimistic, adventurous, experimental, adaptive, passionate and fun but it can be focused on too many things. Sagittarius energy likes to help us grow and enjoy ourselves through experiencing all life has to offer. It focuses on personal growth, freedom, expansion, lived experience, learning through trying and doing and embodiment. It’s a curious energy that asks questions and looks for answers.
Let’s use this Sagittarius energy to think about the possibilities of 2023.
If 2023 could go better than you expected, what would that look and feel like? When you look back on 2023, what would you want to celebrate and be grateful for?
In your art journal, create an image that represents the possibilities of 2023.
The moon is void of course for a big part of the day today.
This sometimes happens when the moon is moving from one zodiac sign to another or when it’s not making any aspects with other planets – I think of it as though the moon is just hanging around alone and in the in-between space – no longer where it was but not yet where it will be. The moon likes reflecting energy down to us but when it’s void of course there’s nothing substantial for it to reflect so its reflecting that emptiness back to us.
When the moon is void of course it is a good time to rest and relax and look inward. If you can prevent it, don’t start anything new or sign anything important when the moon is void of course since the energy it carries speaks of not having the momentum to carry it through to the end or in other words, whatever you start when the moon is void of course won’t go anywhere or won’t go where you thought it would.
It is a good time, however, to connect with your subconscious mind and your intuition.
Let yourself be curious for a moment and consider if you have any younger parts of yourself who are uncomfortable with emptiness or the unknown.
Do you have parts that like to take control and feel worried when it’s time to surrender and trust?
Think about a situation in your life right now where it would be great to surrender to the Divine and trust you will be taken care of.
In your art journal, create an image that represents something in your life you’d like to surrender to the Divine.
It’s a new moon in Capricorn.
Capricorn energy is pragmatic, deliberate, persistent, disciplined, and conservative. Capricorn energy can help you be practical and focus on actions that move you forward in your life. It can also help you consider the importance of the future and what you need to do now in order to create future experiences you want. This is GREAT energy to set intentions in.
What kind of energy do you want to carry into the new year?
What does dreaming in a realistic way mean to you?
What kind of practical actions can you take in the new year to make sure you accomplish your goals?
The moon and sun are also square Jupiter which is in the sign of Aries today. This brings some of that same expansive dream BIG energy that the new moon in Sagittarius was bringing us so during this new moon we’re going to keep that dream BIG vibe alive.
This new moon happens to also have a lot of planets in Capricorn sitting alongside it. The sun, moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto are all hanging out in Capricorn today. This means the area of your life that the sign of Capricorn is in in your birth chart is getting a lot of energy, support and focus. As you read in the descriptions below about the topics in your life that Capricorn manages according to your rising sign, consider what kind of new beginnings you want to vision for those areas of your life.
If you are on my mailing list, you’ll receive the new Creative Moon Cycle Guide for the Capricorn/Cancer Lunar Cycle in your inbox today. Watch out for it. Open it up and savor all the goodness I included for you.
To personalize this new moon, let’s get specific and see the area of YOUR life that this new moon energy is focused on.
To figure out what area of your life the new moon wants you to focus on, you simply need to know your rising sign. Once you know the area of your life the Capricorn new moon is affecting, you can consider what you what new moon intentions you want to set to move that area of your life forward.
To figure out what area of your life the new moon wants you to focus on, you simply need to know your rising sign. If you don’t know your rising sign (it’s different than your sun or moon sign), then you can read more about it here and you can calculate what it is here.
If your rising sign is Aries, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your career, reputation or ideas of success. During this new moon, visualize your biggest and brightest dreams for your career, the kind of success you want to achieve or the kind of reputation you want to build.
If your rising sign is in the sign of Taurus, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your faith, spiritual practices, travel or future success. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to follow your most meaningful and soulful dreams around your spirituality or travel or your goals for the future.
For Gemini people like me, then the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG in the area of death, taxes, your psyche or any debt you have accumulated. What dreams do you have that will help you clear any energetic, emotional or physical debt you may be carrying (your own or your ancestors’)? What BIG dreams can you imagine for your emotional or mental well-being? What bright new dreams can you imagine around these topics? Write your new moon intention below.
If your rising sign is in the sign of Cancer, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your close, intimate relationships or partnerships. Think about your marriage or partnership or best friend and consider what the most meaningful and soulful dreams you can imagine for the closest relationships in your life.
For Leo people, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your routines, work, pets or wellness. If you were living your dream life, what would these areas of your life look and feel like? Consider what intentions you can make during this new moon in order to welcome your biggest and brightest dreams for these areas of your life.
Virgo people, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your children, hobbies, pleasure or your creativity. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to welcome your wildest and most meaningful dreams to your parenting life, a creative hobby that’s dear to your heart or those activities in your life that bring you joy.
If your rising sign is in the sign of Libra, the new moon is inviting you to tap into your wild imagination and visualize your biggest and brightest dreams when it comes to your parents, your ancestors, your childhood or your home and living situation. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you can make during this new moon in order to welcome your biggest and brightest dreams for these areas of your life.
For Scorpio people, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to learning, communication, your siblings, the goddess or earth-based rituals. Which one of these topics feels most important for you to focus on during this new moon? Choose one of them and consider what intentions you want to make in order to welcome your biggest and brightest dream for that area of your life.
For Sagittarius people, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to money, assets, income and your livelihood. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to welcome your biggest and brightest dreams for your finances, possessions or livelihood.
If your rising sign is in the sign of Capricorn, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your identity, body, appearance or your spirit. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to welcome your biggest and brightest dreams for your health, personal expression, identity or your relationship with your body.
For Aquarius people, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to your subconscious mind and those things you hide from others and most importantly those things you hide from yourself. During this new moon set intentions around the kind of shadow work or brain rewiring you’d like to do and the biggest and brightest results you’d like to experience from that deep inner work.
Finally, for Pisces people, the new moon is inviting you to dream BIG when it comes to friendships, community and your hopes and wishes. Think about these areas of your life and consider what intentions you want to make during the new moon in order to welcome your biggest and brightest dreams for your friendships, community or your hopes and wishes.
In your art journal, draw, paint or collage an image that captures the seeds of intention you want to plant during this new moon.
Join Me
Don’t forget to sign up for ART JOURNAL WITH THE MOON TO PLAN AND VISION THE YEAR AHEAD before the early bird pricing goes away on Friday.
with love,
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hi i'm dana...
This is a space where art and spirit come together. On the blog, I share art rituals for working with the magic of the moon. I also work with the subconscious mind to lighten your emotional load and follow your creative dreams.
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